
  1. Developer Update 05.27.2015

    Hello Xsyon Citizens!

    I've had to remove all Trading Posts that were placed by Homesteads.

    Allowing Homesteads to place Trading Posts was patched out by mistake as only Bands, Clans and full Tribes should have this ability.

    I'm sorry for any inconvenience or confusion this has caused and I thank the players that reported this issue so I could correct it quickly.

    Developer Updates
  2. Developer Update 05.26.2015

    Hello Xsyon Citizens!

    There will be a small patch tonight at (May 26th) at 11:00 PM PST.

    This patch will remove any Trading Posts set by homesteads. Allowing homesteads to place a Trading Post was patched out by mistake.

    In addition a few server optimizations to track and hopefully deal with the occasional server freezes will be patched out.

    Patch Notes for 05.25.2015 have been amended with this patch's changes.


    Updated 05-26-2015 at 11:01 PM by XsyonMaster

    Developer Updates
  3. Patch Notes 05.25.2015

    Minor Post Trade Patch Update

    (edited 05.26.2015)

    - Trading Post current items are kept when moving a Trading Post to another building or switching between uses.
    - Cart blueprints added to the Trading Post selection.
    - Items for sale on in transit Trade Totems (that have been removed but not placed again) do not show up in the Global Sales tab.
    - Trading Posts without a selected tribe display a message to select a tribe in the title ...

    Updated 05-26-2015 at 11:00 PM by XsyonMaster

    Patch Notes
  4. Xsyon's Trade Update Released!

    The apocalyptic fantasy sandbox, Xsyon, keeps rolling out updates!

    Earlier this month, we continued to enhance the architecture system with more new parts. The updated featured a new beam system that increases the flexibility of the truss support system and allows for longer spans.

    Today a big Trade update was patched out!

    This patch features the first of many upcoming building functions, the Trading Post. Players designated Trading Posts to trade with ‘tribes ...
  5. Patch Notes 05.22.2015

    Trade Systems Update

    Building Use: Trading Post
    - Allows for ‘trade with tribes from beyond the mist’
    - Tribes can set a building to be used as a Trading Post.
    - Players can select a specific Mist Tribe to trade with.
    - Trading Posts are populated with schemes from Mist Traders each game day.
    - The selected tribe determines what types of schemes are sold.
    - Unsold items are removed after 1 real week.
    - Trading Posts hold a maximum of 20 schemes ...
    Patch Notes
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