
  1. Patch Notes 01.22.2016

    Optimization Patch

    - Grass regeneration increased.
    - Fixed problem with stacking logs and bundles across a zone boundary.
    - Adjusted Welcome Stations to require only active quests and trades on one totem per tribe instead of all existing totems.
    - Cleaned up inventory transaction code to prevent minor issues with carts, bundles and packs occasionally being unable to be removed.
    - Blocked rare situation where players could try to place a container inside itself ...
    Patch Notes
  2. Patch Notes 01.11.2016

    Optimization Patch

    - Fixed issues causing the game to sometimes crash when using Alt-Tab in full screen mode.
    - Client side memory leaks cleared.
    - DirectX code minor issues corrected.
    - Measure (tool) naming revised to be consistent.
    Patch Notes
  3. Developer Update 01.07.2016

    Hello Xsyon Citizens and welcome to all the new and returning players this busy week!

    Some of you have already noticed the addition of Totem Time that can be purchased through your account page. Totem Time is entirely optional and simply keeps your player and tribe on both servers active without having to log in. It's also a way to lend a bit of extra support to Xsyon's development.

    You can add Totem Time from your account page

    I've had a flu this week so I'm ...
    Developer Updates
  4. Developer Update 01.01.2016

    Happy New Year!

    It's great to see so many returning players this past week. Welcome back!

    As many of you know we've been sending out emails to all past players over the past week. This has taken time because of intentional outgoing email limits on our server but all emails have finally gone out.

    I've prepared the optional subscriptions to keep your tribe active without logging in for those that asked for this feature. This will require another server restart ...
    Developer Updates