
  1. Developer Update 01.30.2015

    Hello Xsyon Citizens!

    The Test Server is open to the public and ready for testing important changes to the construction system. A revised movement panel facilitates proper multi-story construction. Wall parts align to floor edges to allow for more flexible interior walls and style combinations. Newly added settings allow players fine tuned control over initial placement and movement of building parts.

    These are quite big changes and I look forward to a boom in construction ...
    Developer Updates
  2. Xsyon's 2015 Event Season Commences!

    Tomorrow evening we're kicking off Xsyon's event season with the ever popular treasure hunt!

    This season includes maze running, navigation challenges, timed battles, a Valentine's day event and a fortress building capture the flag tournament. We've spread out events during the week and weekend and at different times this season to accommodate players in various time zones. Events are planned through the end of February with more to come.

    Check out the full schedule here. ...
  3. Developer Update 01.14.2015

    Hello Xsyon Citizens!

    You may notice some files being updated when patching through the launcher over the next few days. These are files for the Test Server build only.

    We are testing some changes to construction and creatures internally right now but aren't ready for public testing and feedback. Once these changes are more complete I will solicit feedback in the Developer Zone.

    While creature revisions are in progress, I'm also improving the construction system ...
    Developer Updates
  4. Developer Update 01.07.2015

    Hello Xsyon Citizens!

    It's good to see a lot of new faces this week with the Steam launch and a lot of returning players adding Xsyon to their Steam collection!

    This week has been a busy one dealing with minor issues that popped up. As these were quickly resolved with a minor patch, I'm back to working on the upcoming major creature update.

    The creature update is going to take a good effort over the next few weeks.

    As some of you know, the creature ...
    Developer Updates
  5. Patch Notes 01.07.2015

    Minor Bug Fix Patch

    - Server issue with Steam connections causing a temporary lock out for some players corrected.
    - Conflict with base windows timer causing Steam Version of Xsyon to crash for some players (dependent on windows version, drivers and settings) fixed.
    - Vertical position of viewed characters fixed. (Problem was introduced with recent collision changes).
    - Pioneer Log Wall and Corner recipe names checked and fixed.
    - Players should not be able to ...
    Patch Notes