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Thread: Tiny People

  1. #41
    Visitor BigCountry's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    Way down deep in a bottle of ale...
    Quote Originally Posted by Armand View Post
    Agreed. Allow for no stat loss rerolls if you're going to flip the mechanic on us after the fact.

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by jumpshot View Post
    or alternatively just roll a toon you like to look at and stop trying to min/max every thing you can
    Heil mein Fuhrer, whatever you say.

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by fud007 View Post
    So basically you want all the benefits of being small now, but don't want any disadvantage when they implement balance? Xsyon made it clear that the mechanic will be more balanced in the future. If you still decide to be small because its beneficial right now, then you should have to live with that decision in the future.
    So basically you want me to speculate and make a character on what I think the developers will end up doing with regards to my character? Since they already change their minds so much (just look at the whole 1 server -> 2 server -> 1 server debacle) this is not a reasonable requirement. I will base my character of the system currently implemented.

    Let me ask you this? If you want to be a creature tamer, do you put 90 points in charisma and spirit when they currently do nothing? You would be severely gimping yourself by adding points to stats which do nothing in the hopes that down the road the developers implement creature taming. You also have to hope that creature taming is what you thought you wanted it to be, you have to hope it still uses the same stats, and you have to hope that the people who didn't spec into charisma and spirit can't respec.

    Huge changes, regardless of whether or not they are planned, require that players be allowed to reroll stats without penalty or many will simply quit.

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Armand View Post
    Constant rebalancing kills games.
    That is in my top 5 of stupid things said about MMO's.

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Vandali View Post
    That is in my top 5 of stupid things said about MMO's.

    That is in my top 5 of most pretentious statements.
    I should have specified though, improper rebalancing.

    Say what you will, it's put more than one MMO under.

  6. #46
    You quoted warhammer, a class based game, a sandbox is a competely different kettle of fish. A sandbox needs constant change to retain players, especially one that allows only one character per person. So expect certain skills, character setups etc to be flavour of the month, only to find they are aren't the following month.

  7. #47
    taller toon = faster run speed. truth

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by Vandali View Post
    That is in my top 5 of stupid things said about MMO's.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vandali View Post
    You quoted warhammer, a class based game, a sandbox is a competely different kettle of fish. A sandbox needs constant change to retain players, especially one that allows only one character per person. So expect certain skills, character setups etc to be flavour of the month, only to find they are aren't the following month.
    disagree 100%

    if new content requires, or of balance implications require, 'balancing' all means it HAS to get done.

    If the game is made correctly there shouldnt be a 'fotm'...since fotm usually revolves around new/and or overpowered abilities that are generally imbalancing. ie. a game should not try to make a treadmill of fotms.

    if the sandbox is designed correctly the content is player created and driven and while 'new' content infusion is necessary to some degree; its introduction shouldn't be a regular occurrence.

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by Vandali View Post
    You quoted warhammer, a class based game, a sandbox is a competely different kettle of fish. A sandbox needs constant change to retain players, especially one that allows only one character per person. So expect certain skills, character setups etc to be flavour of the month, only to find they are aren't the following month.
    That makes no sense on too many levels.

    - Yes, I quoted Warhammer, and you replied with a smartass, blanket statement regarding MMOs.
    - Flavor of the month characters are very much associated with class based games as opposed to sandboxes. Proper sandboxes should evolve smoothly, and not brutishly hack balances with every addition of content.
    - The premise of disagreement comes from rendering a certain character build completely inviable with regards to its original function, not tweaking of stats.

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by Vandali View Post
    You quoted warhammer, a class based game, a sandbox is a competely different kettle of fish. A sandbox needs constant change to retain players, especially one that allows only one character per person. So expect certain skills, character setups etc to be flavour of the month, only to find they are aren't the following month.
    Skills/Attributes that cannot be changed once the character is made are effectively "classes" just like a mage or rogue is a class in a class based MMO. If advantages are given to stats/attributes that cannot be changed after character creation, then those stats need to be able to be changed by the player, especially if the advantages and disadvantages are significant (like carry weight, weapon reach, and run speed). In a sandbox, you are much more invested in your character than a class based game and therefore cannot simply reroll if your character becomes severely gimped due to game mechanic changes.

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