Quote Originally Posted by Tybalt View Post
Umm... which isn't?

Minting is not making money?
Currency Treaty means something entirely different?
These do not pertain to a Currency system?
Or those are not very good ideas?
minting is not a global standard way of doing things
treaties on currency would do more than just agree on a value. it would set limits on inflation and what not.
all these forums about one thing is old. there isnt going to be a global standard because theres no way for the game to run it right now unless npcs are added or we're forced to spend certain amounts on things sold by players.

"being able to mint money would be a good way of doing things, that and a barter system. make coins out of different materials, then stamp a logo of whatever on it. when your tribe does this they make a "special design" or a plate of the coin that you'll need if you want to make that currency, along with the required materials of course. this way you could get many tribes to agree on a chosen currency, if they wanted to, get a couple copies of the plates and give them to the other tribes. make a limit on the amount of plates of a specific currency you store in your mint at a time, making the plates more valuable, and not allow the plates be stored in banks or whatever. but just in case let the originals,the first tribe made, be stored anywhere.

if a tribe gets carried away with making coins you could go and destroy their mint and they lose their plates and thus cant over produce the currency anymore."