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  1. #51


    Quote Originally Posted by maelwydd View Post
    every single PvP game I have played where the mechanics have been changed due to the few people who act like pricks, abuse they annoimity to do so and in turn force the developers to deal with their antisocial abuse of their system
    There are player solutions to player problems, but you're either too damn lazy or unwilling to think of them.

    Rather than crying to the dev team to change the entire game mechanics to suit your fears and inadequacies, and consequently making the game less fun for everyone else; try sitting down and thinking "What can I do, as an individual player, to solve this problem?". If you can't think of a solution, then ask someone smarter than you, or just deal with it.

    Quote Originally Posted by maelwydd View Post
    You can try (and keep trying) to throw out the assumption that I don't like PvP or am a 'carebear' or any other name, it wont change the fact that it isn't me forcing developers to change a system, it is those few who act like pricks
    No, it is people like you, whining and crying and ranting on the forums to change the entire system, who (unfortunately) ultimately change the system. You'd be surprised, or not, that MMO developers actually care what their playerbase says, and if a ton of whiney carebears keep complaining about pvp, then developers tend to 'do something', and rest of us suffer because of it.

    So, how dare you claim that the moral stature of pk'ers is at the mercy of your actions and the actions of people like yourself, who whine and moan to devs to get the game changed.

  2. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by Redemp View Post
    I think you folks are letting VD troll you a bit to obviously, note the immediate spin to make it an argument that you just hate pvp and because you hate pvp you think they are nasty griefers. ( Yeah I'm paraphrasing, but you get the gist )

    Classic PvP troll : 1. I want this in PvP 2. Refute rebuttals with some form of " You're a carebear " insult. 3. Claim that any arguements for the latter, or justifications for said arguments are spurned by a deep seeded prejudice against all who pvp.

    4. Thread locked by a Moderator
    I don't think you could have made a more inaccurate or debased post. You practically set up an army of straw men and lit them on fire. Do you want a cookie or something? Go engage in debate with a sign post if you're just going to try and derail discussions.

  3. #53
    I wonder if Rougie is attempting to be ironic .... or if that was an unintentional affect.

    + or - 1 Good Sir.

    I don't think you could have made a more inaccurate or debased post. You practically set up an army of straw men and lit them on fire. Do you want a cookie or something? Go engage in debate with a sign post if you're just going to try and derail discussions.
    Hi there Mr. Debate team coach ... hows the wiki link for "strawman" these days?

  4. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by Rougie View Post
    There are player solutions to player problems, but you're either too damn lazy or unwilling to think of them.

    Rather than crying to the dev team to change the entire game mechanics to suit your fears and inadequacies, and consequently making the game less fun for everyone else; try sitting down and thinking "What can I do, as an individual player, to solve this problem?". If you can't think of a solution, then ask someone smarter than you, or just deal with it.

    No, it is people like you, whining and crying and ranting on the forums to change the entire system, who (unfortunately) ultimately change the system. You'd be surprised, or not, that MMO developers actually care what their playerbase says, and if a ton of whiney carebears keep complaining about pvp, then developers tend to 'do something', and rest of us suffer because of it.

    So, how dare you claim that the moral stature of pk'ers is at the mercy of your actions and the actions of people like yourself, who whine and moan to devs to get the game changed.
    I haven't asked for anything to be changed. The only changes I have seen since joining have been requested by the PvP'ers (or at least changes that are not simple improvements of existing mechanics).

    And it is obvious that you didn't read my last post otherwise you would have commented on my point about why game changes are made by developers and designers.

  5. #55
    Xsyon Citizen
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    Quote Originally Posted by ifireallymust View Post
    You could get away with that much better if I'd ever had a word of complaint against open pvp everywhere except in safe zones....
    Your previous post in this thread consisted of little more than mindless name-calling. At no point did your rambling, incoherent comments resemble an argument, much less a sensible one. All of us in the audience are dumber for having heard it.

    I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

    And: to whoever accused VD of "trolling".. it's pretty clear that we're the ones contributing to sensible, on-topic discussion. Most of the rest of you are getting lost in fanatical raving about "pricks", "obnoxious little e-thugs", and how pvpers get "nutty with rage" and have "spittle bubbling at the corners of your mouths" when they can't "grief" all those "happy players". You know, people with "no social skills" who deserve to be "punched in the face"?

    Seriously, take a step back from the invective and try to be reasonable.

  6. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirius View Post
    Your previous post in this thread consisted of little more than mindless name-calling. At no point did your rambling, incoherent comments resemble an argument, much less a sensible one. All of us in the audience are dumber for having heard it.

    I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

    And: to whoever accused VD of "trolling".. it's pretty clear that we're the ones contributing to sensible, on-topic discussion. Most of the rest of you are getting lost in fanatical raving about "pricks", "obnoxious little e-thugs", and how pvpers get "nutty with rage" and have "spittle bubbling at the corners of your mouths" when they can't "grief" all those "happy players". You know, people with "no social skills" who deserve to be "punched in the face"?

    Seriously, take a step back from the invective and try to be reasonable.
    I'd like you to point to the specific person I called a mean awful name. Or any name.

    Can't, can you?

    Case closed. It was a rant, but it was a deliberately general rant. And it wasn't intended to change the minds of those who may think they fit that foam at the mouth pvp griefer description, either. Really, a true griefer is a useless creature to debate with. Griefers grief because they like making others miserable. Do you like make other people miserable, in a game or anywhere else? If so, that wasn't directed at you. I wouldn't waste my time. If not, then we can discuss it, now that I'm over my rant, and you're over your *cough*RushLimbaughStockInsults*cough* rant.

    Edit: BTW, I'm an atheist.

    Oh, and why is it that I typed a c and got an o in 'Can't, can you?'

  7. #57
    Xsyon Citizen
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    Lol. So now I'm a Rush Limbaugh ditto-head. Does this train of thought you've got going on ever get anywhere, or does it just go around in circles?

    Serious question: these evil, hellspawn griefers you keep talking about. Do they exist? Do any of them play Xsyon? If so, who are they, and why are you making general complaints instead of specific, direct complaints? And if they don't exist, what are you complaining about in the first place?

    Because once again, this whole big-bad-griefer thing sounds like a ridiculous, hyperbolic boogeyman for you to point and scream at.

    P.S. Your self-righteous sig is, itself, a troll attempt. But I don't suppose you've noticed that.

  8. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by ifireallymust View Post
    *cough*RushLimbaughStockInsults*cough* rant.

    Edit: BTW, I'm an atheist.
    What the fuck? I think I'm presently wearing the most perplexed expression I've ever had.

    Do you actually think? I don't mean that rhetorically. Are you capable of thought?

  9. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirius View Post
    Lol. So now I'm a Rush Limbaugh ditto-head. Does this train of thought you've got going on ever get anywhere, or does it just go around in circles?

    Serious question: these evil, hellspawn griefers you keep talking about. Do they exist? Do any of them play Xsyon? If so, who are they, and why are you making general complaints instead of specific, direct complaints? And if they don't exist, what are you complaining about in the first place?

    Because once again, this whole big-bad-griefer thing sounds like a ridiculous, hyperbolic boogeyman for you to point and scream at.

    P.S. Your self-righteous sig is, itself, a troll attempt. But I don't suppose you've noticed that.
    No seriously, that was vintage Rush Limbaugh right there. namby pamby this and nanny state parallel that. It was classic. It's just, that doesn't work on me. And to be honest, it was a bit over the top to work on anyone. You gotta dial it back a bit.

    *Breaks down and sobs on your shoulder*

    I can't pick up a damn piece of scrap plastic and here I am back in the forums arguing the same pvp argument over and over and over again because I can't pick up a damn piece of plastic, or drink, or fish, or eat, or do anything and I'm getting really frustrated!

    Ahem. Okay. Anyway, Zergs. They kill games. They really do.

  10. #60
    Xsyon Citizen
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    Nothing you post makes sense.

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