Is there a way to purchase the game without a credit card linked to the account? Because I really, really want to buy it, yet, it doesn't seem to let me purchase it unless I do have a card.
Is there a way to purchase the game without a credit card linked to the account? Because I really, really want to buy it, yet, it doesn't seem to let me purchase it unless I do have a card.
You need a bank account for you to be able to make any purchase.
May PP account is verified with my bank account and i have charged my PP account with enough money but i still need a Creditcard linked to my account. So is there no way to buy Xsyon without a Credit Card?
i have the same problem, because laws in Belgium arent the same as in USA, i cant pay at but i can at
I tried to redirect mannually, changing the url without luck
for those with out a credit card and in the US you can buy money cards at some stores to charge your pay pal account. for those outside the us you have to send money to a account from another money transfer service that you can access in your country.
you dont need to have a bank account linked to the account. nor do you need a credit card, once you send your self money it sits in pay pal until you withdraw it.
I'm confused at what your confused about...
For the paypal option it forwards you to paypal where you proceed to login using your paypal account.
At this time if you did not buy with paypal you cannot switch over to paypal of vise versa. We are working on a new account system.
i'm saying that certain countries need an international credit card to get money, but certain countries dont. You just go to the bank and make a transfer on your paypal account.
same problem here, cant get acces... paypal need a credit card too ... well done