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  1. #1
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Intensity in ten cities

    Rethink twitch if it doesn't work performance-wise

    If the development process leads to a dead end in which sync/lag/fps can't be properly smoothed out, consider adopting non-twitch PVP mechanics.

    Non-twitch PVP system with depth and real consequences > twitch PVP that can't be given consequences because it's too random

  2. #2
    Hell no. Well, I'll agree to it as long as Jordi confirms I can get a refund if that's ever implemented.

    By the way... Non-twitch means dice roll. "Random".

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by JCatano View Post
    Hell no. Well, I'll agree to it as long as Jordi confirms I can get a refund if that's ever implemented.

    By the way... Non-twitch means dice roll. "Random".
    You will get no refund.

    MMO's change constantly, and a glimpse at the past history of some AAA games will show that radical changes do happen from time to time. Entire character classes have been removed (or added) in some games. Changes to the way systems work ingame are not unusual.

  4. #4
    Yes lets make this game have turned based pvp for the three carebears that want it. Im sure the other 50 or so non-carebear, twitch pvp loving guys still stay and continue the game.

  5. #5
    A complete graphical overhaul would help here as well. I propose Tibia style graphics so that we can branch out and cater to the 486/56kb crowd.

    A wise business move that would be.

  6. #6
    While were at it might as well, add raiding dungeons, masses of instances, put pvp into instances called battlegrounds, and make the loot system tier'd and static. And then call it World of Warcraft.

    Xsyon is Xsyon. It will be, what it is, And No more.

  7. #7
    Erm....what exactly is twitch and non-twitch pvp??

  8. #8
    Twitch, basically means you have to aim, and time skills, like in a 3rd person/first person shooter.
    The alternative being turn based, like FF series, or Traditional tab fix'd target mmo. Where you click and a person and hit and miss's are decided witha dice roll instead of actually aiming.
    People believe that the turnbased style, reduces the amount of skill ingame, this is because everything is controlled by dice rolls, which can usually either be increased by talent trees/gear/skills trained/weapons/other factors that are simply grinded for.
    This often ends up making the game balanced to "who ever grinds the most, WINS!".
    Twitch is the opposite, or rather, SHOULD be the opposite, requiring the player to manually aim, and critical dmg/hitbots dmg, dodging blows, is down the the players reaction time and his positioning. The problem with Twitch Pvp, its affected heavily, by things such as lag, and cheats. Such as aimbots/speedhacks. What people in this game are mainly complaining about is the Lag. As it makes it impossible to hit someone with good timing, dodging hits with timing etc. And often ends up as a button mash fest.

    The Solution? Clever, and Innovative Programming. Who has the Solution? Bill Gates. But he keeps it for personal use only.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by d3m0nd0 View Post

    Xsyon is Xsyon. It will be, what it is, And No more.
    Bugged , laggy , boring piece of broken promises? Way to go.

  10. #10
    In SWG the automatic targeting did less damage than a person who was clicking on you manually.

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