
Right on.

Here's my private interpretation.

1. It's difficult to answer this as these aren't all statements that I've made about the game, but I'll try.
2. Xsyon should be an open world, but not with attacking or destroying anything at all times.
3. Structures should have a level of safety, depending on defenses and choices made by players (alliances, choice to war or not etc.).
4. Siege mechanics have not been planned out yet. This was not part of the original design, and as I've stated before, it's something I'd like to add as many players have requested this. I want to first examine other games that successfully deal with siege systems.
5. Yes, you should be able to make peace.
6. Achievements should server different purposes, whether they provide something useful or are just for bragging rights.
7. Enemies should be formidable (and we will make creatures stronger soon, they are increasing in power, but not fast enough).
8. Xsyon should be a zone free seamless world.
9. The world should change dynamically, as determined by players.
10. Attaining 'victory' and maintaining safe zones through hard work (I think that's what you're getting at) is on the table.
1. Of course, the questions were sort of 'loaded' from Xsyons perspective. Also, my statements as to what I want had nothing to do with what or what hasn't been said. It was simply to establish what I am looking for in a game, regardless of previous statements. It was the same as asking 'Am I going to get some all or none of what I personally want out of this game?'.

2. This statement is highly likely to conflict with the answer to 8. How will this be achieved?

3. If this means 'walls are as safe as it gets', but with the caveat that if you choose to be a warring tribe your walls will be easier to breach, I might be able to live with that.

4. The mere fact that walls are designed into the game to begin with lends itself to the idea of sieges. This idea is reenforced by the fact that everywhere outside the walls is FFA PVP. I'm saying that because I want the devs to know that this is sort of confusing to me, not that I want to argue a point. If walls were never meant to be besieged, and were simply a mechanism to establish safe zones, then this can make more sense to me.

5. I expected this one. It was a loaded question to see how confident the devs are about their planned solution to the issues of waging war. Giving them the benefit of the doubt, I'll take this to mean 'We're just getting our sea legs on this issue'.

6. Worse case this means 'Conflict will serve no other purpose than conflict.'. Best case this statement can make sense as long as 'something useful' doesn't mean 'something useful to have an advantage in gaining more bragging rights'. Something useful for what?

7. I think he misunderstood this one. Though I like that they're making creatures tougher. I meant my human opponents. ie. If I play evil I want good to be a 'real' threat not gimped so we can just run the server. Likewise if I play good, I don't want a gimped brady bunch sort of evil that I can toy with at my leisure.

8. I love this statement, but it doesn't make sense to me in light of answer 2. and 3.

9. Great! Now if we can make this jive with 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. and 7. I'll have more confidence in this statement.

10. Yes that was part of what I was getting at. I asked this mainly to address the death problem. I can't enter into a victory by killing my enemies, because they just respawn. So something has to be in place where I can achieve a level of definitive victory over them. ie. pull their I teeth and claws so they are no longer a threat until they go off somewhere and grow them back.