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  1. #1
    From my experience after a couple days of scavenging, it seems that the former residents of Tahoe have changed from a bunch of jocks that liked to swing weighted bats and toss their old bones out, to a bunch of intellectuals who collected leather bound books and had lots of clothes.

    I have found one bone crafting recipe, so they are rare but there.

    I haven't scavenged any weapons parts, feathers, decorations, etc. I think that non-rare item tables are messed up. The cloth, leather, screws/nails/rivets/bolts, spikes/small sheets/rods and cash/buttons/beer tabs are showing up too frequently and preventing feathers, weapons parts, bones, and buckles/decorations/rubber scrap from appearing.

    The new rare items that I have found or heard of fall under metal/plastic boards/sheets/pipes/poles. People wanted distributed rare items to encourage trade, but there are two big problems with this:

    1. These items are too heavy to trade. One or two of these items will put you over your max encumbrance.
    2. There are no known recipes that use these items.


  2. #2
    Clearly scavenging was made too difficult. Scavenging should turn up a lot of items that can't be found through sorting. We are adjusting the percentages to find uncommon and rare items.

    Thanks for the feedback on this. Remember, I see this as 'our' game, so I am listening.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    You are correct. Maybe they are just super super super rare.
    I thought you meant you couldn't scavenge recipes on a junk pile. I didn't know you were talking about sorting possibly, cloth metal leather or plastic to get a recipe...of course that doesn't work.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xsyon View Post
    Clearly scavenging was made too difficult. Scavenging should turn up a lot of items that can't be found through sorting. We are adjusting the percentages to find uncommon and rare items.

    Thanks for the feedback on this. Remember, I see this as 'our' game, so I am listening.
    I just think you need to make the items you get from sorting harvested scrap the only way you can get those items, not from scavenging too. IMO scavenging should be one of those things where we might find something 1 in every 10 or 20 scavenges, but it will be a nice something 1000+ scavenges for the rarest (depending on your luck of course, which is affected by charm?)

    Semi rares, rares, and ultra rares ONLY from scavenging and rare spawns from basic resources. Also, you could add ultra rares to an evil apocalyptic monster that can eat 5 MrDDTs at once (meaning more than five nearly maxed out characters to kill the monster).

    By rare spawns I mean when you are harvesting granite, you will get Obsidian or flint. Maybe you could also add "rare scrap" to harvesting scrap piles. Rarely, more than just the basic scraps will appear in the resource tab.

    Also, on an unrelated to resource distribution note, nerf MrDDT. He shouldn't be able to 3 hit someone who is level 40 and has 200 total combat skill points while wearing full bone armor (moderate/high quality mix...I'm guessing full supreme bone MIGHT absorb ONE more hit). Perhaps you may have to lower the HP and damage modifiers at higher combat and overall level. Meaning a softcap so to speak, where you have to work progressively harder (already in place) to gain a progressively smaller benefit, the higher you go up (I think now you earn a greater benefit for each level in combat, meaning more damage modifier). It will still be worth it to those who specialize in pure combat, maybe not so worth it to others.

    Even if he is at 90+ axes and armed, that's still too much. I don't mind him 1 shotting a noob who is level 1 and naked, but even a noob shouldn't get 1 hit while wearing full bone armor (say a tribe mate made it for him).

  4. #4
    Something definitely doesn't seem right.

    I've been scavenging on the absolutely opposite side of the map from where I live. Can't get much further from my own totem. Been trying to get away from other totems as well, but obviously that's rather challenging in the prelude areas.
    My scav skill is at 84, which granted isn't 100, but still shouldn't be TOO shabby.

    So far, mostly found various forms of currency. A few cloth scraps once in a while. Random leather. I did find 3 feathers and 1 pitbull bone but that wasn't even from today.

    I'm scavenging both on junk piles and off junk piles. Best things I've found so far are nails, bolts and screws. That's about it.

    Edit: just checked, scav is at 86 now actually, so this is after scavenging enough to go from 84 to 86...

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Xsyon View Post
    Clearly scavenging was made too difficult. Scavenging should turn up a lot of items that can't be found through sorting. We are adjusting the percentages to find uncommon and rare items.

    Thanks for the feedback on this. Remember, I see this as 'our' game, so I am listening.

    Ya guys he is not like other company's where they ignore you so chill a bit. I have faith this game will be what we all want it to be, just have some faith and stop freaking out, I have seen recipes, also some other stuff away from my totem near the mist. It seems to be very rare , I think some of this stuff should of been more rare from day 1, but thats the past, I would turn some stuff up a tad as he said he was doing and test it again and see what happens.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by jefferysauto View Post
    Ya guys he is not like other company's where they ignore you so chill a bit. I have faith this game will be what we all want it to be, just have some faith and stop freaking out, I have seen recipes, also some other stuff away from my totem near the mist. It seems to be very rare , I think some of this stuff should of been more rare from day 1, but thats the past, I would turn some stuff up a tad as he said he was doing and test it again and see what happens.
    Yup, agreed and chillin'

    Just figured I'd pipe in but I have no doubt it'll all be fixed up right.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Xsyon View Post
    Clearly scavenging was made too difficult. Scavenging should turn up a lot of items that can't be found through sorting. We are adjusting the percentages to find uncommon and rare items.

    Thanks for the feedback on this. Remember, I see this as 'our' game, so I am listening.

    There's another thing with respect to resource distribution that I'm wondering about: the new player experience. We're testing all this stuff now with relative developed characters and don't really know how a brand new character would do. Anyone looking at this from a new player point of view?

    I'd be willing to start a new character to give it a try but I'm not willing to delete Vito for that, hehe.

  8. #8
    I went 2 zones to the north of my tribe land and scavenged a bit 2 days ago. I have 100 scavenging and 62 perception. I found a boatload of different kinds of rivets (all with bonuses attached) a lot of cloth, a couple of the small metal blocks and probably destroyed at least 5 feathers and a bunch of other stuff. This is from less then an hour of scavenging.

    I'm thinking that when they say that you find more rare things when further away from safe zones they're talking about further away from YOUR safe zone. (I was actually scavenging next to 2 different tribes). I'm generally not that lucky of a person so I don't think that's the reason, try travelling a bit and see what you find.

    Edited after a couple minutes:

    Yeah, just confirmed what I was thinking. After a quick once around of my "home junk pile" I managed to get nothing other then some plastic, bottle caps, leather scraps, yada yada yada. So you gotta move to get the good stuff, which is what a lot of people were asking for, will encourage trade (people wanting to dump off the insanely heavy plastic boards or whatever those things were were 2 almost fully encumbered me) and make people move around so that they're there for "raiders" to kill them. Risk and reward, I kinda like the system, though it probably needs tweaking a little. As far as it not being tested, well we're testing it now. Maybe some day there will be a large enough player base to actually test things on the test server, but I can't blame the devs for that. *shrug*

  9. #9
    Xsyon Citizen VeryWiiTee's Avatar
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    Oct 2010
    Somewhere in nowhere
    Quote Originally Posted by thurgond View Post
    From my experience after a couple days of scavenging, it seems that the former residents of Tahoe have changed from a bunch of jocks that liked to swing weighted bats and toss their old bones out, to a bunch of intellectuals who collected leather bound books and had lots of clothes.

    I have found one bone crafting recipe, so they are rare but there.

    I haven't scavenged any weapons parts, feathers, decorations, etc. I think that non-rare item tables are messed up. The cloth, leather, screws/nails/rivets/bolts, spikes/small sheets/rods and cash/buttons/beer tabs are showing up too frequently and preventing feathers, weapons parts, bones, and buckles/decorations/rubber scrap from appearing.

    The new rare items that I have found or heard of fall under metal/plastic boards/sheets/pipes/poles. People wanted distributed rare items to encourage trade, but there are two big problems with this:

    1. These items are too heavy to trade. One or two of these items will put you over your max encumbrance.
    2. There are no known recipes that use these items.

    Ravelli.. Rare items fall under the same category as their normal counter part and can be used in any kind of crafting taht use their normal counter part. You don't -need- new recipes.

    I got
    Strength 79/79
    Fortitude 75/75
    Agility 80/80
    Dexterity 30/30
    Intelligence 80/80
    Perception 75/75
    Charm 10/10
    Spirit 70/70
    46 Scavenge.

    I'm not finding a lot of rares (but I haven't ventured that much away from my safe area) I can say that I'm still getting the same amount of scavenged stuff per interval as usual. It's just different items I scavenge now.

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