I think we need to keep it simple. I don't think we need mounts at this point. There are too many decisions with mounts and for me the issue is carrying heavy loads, not faster travel. I would like to see some form of cart or pack animal for carrying heavy loads. I would like to be able to get 200 bricks, five long logs, or 20 short logs back to my place in a reasonable amount of time. I have no problem with the cart or animal being fully lootable if I die, and I am not looking for faster than running travel, in fact I wouldn't mind if speed was reduced, say to 60% of running speed. A cart, a harness, a travois, a wheel barrow; any of these items would work. I do think whatever we come up with needs to be able to handle rough terrain, because there is so much of it, at least in my area. Limiting the method to roads or grass would do me no good.