Funny because the new people I talk to in my tribe doing scav dont seem to have this problem.

Tell tell me all the time. OMG DDT I just got this xyz. Im like cool. Even know I know it wasnt rare before now, its rare now. You see things like say raccoon bones and you are like "oh man I got 3 raccoon bones?" and you dont even see it as having much worth. But to new people that dont know about prepatch. They see it as a great find.

Yes, some of the loot tables need to be tweaked he said that and I agree. But the idea behind it is what i dont want changed. I dont want like you want. I dont want easy mode.

Also, you say you have done 50 hours of test, and I know you were in my zone last night, and the 2 next to me. So tell me what is the item they drop more common than your area? Oh you dont know? Well its because you havnt really checked. I know these things, and I love the system. After 1000s of savc's and SAVING the items you can easy see which items are common and which ones are not to the area.
Now I know where I want to go for a few of the zones around me for those items.
Again tables need to be tweaked and balanced, but its coming along great.