Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
If we are just talking about money and # of players. Why not remove PVP from the game. Also add in instances and loot you never lose? Also how about adding in magic.

Really, the key is the point of what the devs vision is, and you have to understand that point of view.

Xsyon wants people to have a hard time, living in a world that is harsh. Bears attacking, harsh weather, mountains you have to climb.

Problem is people like fatboy, want everything. They want to be able to do everything. I dont agree with allowing easy mode, and having people know all the recipes (even if they are a master in that craft, and if they do know them all its because they worked really really really really really hard to do it. Like making painful trades, and taking extra time to scav for weeks to get a recipe).

With this new system, Book you have no problem still living as a loner or role player, or homesteader. You have everything you need, and its not all that uncommon. Sure you might not be able to make pink gates of strength. But you can make a branch gate or something that works.

The basics are pretty easy in this game. Even if I were to use a 1 day old toon, I could do just about everything. I could make my town, tools, feed myself, weapons, armor etc.

IMO answer isnt to make it easier, its to add in reasons why to do it. Why should I wear clothes? Why not have it effect us poorly so we will want to wear clothes. Sure you could have supreme clothes that are very very hard to make, or a homesteader like you could wear normal high level, or mod QL clothes that do most of the job.
No pink gates of strength? wtf! RAAAGGGGEEE!

I think we're on the same page pretty much, and I don't really think fatboy wants to make it easy. Just increase the variety of things found. He also mentioned limiting to one master craft.

Those things would increase trade because if I do find a knife blade... sure, I can maybe make a low level knife myself if for whatever reason I don't have access to other people (self-imposed antisocial, or geography, or low pop in my time slot). However, chances are I'd rather find a weaponsmith and trade it. If that weapsmith can only have that one master craft, there'll be fewer of them.

Again, I think we all do agree that no single player should be master of all crafts which is pretty much what the devs have said as well I think.

I'm not even saying the basics should be easy... but they should remain accessible, and have maybe one or two tiers above absolute basic available so everyone has a chance to play around with every aspect of the game. Supreme stuff limited to masters makes perfect sense to me.

Survivability and accessability are different things, I think we differ on the access part. I agree with harsh survival conditions.

*edit* and yes, the reasons thing is absolutely true and will become more evident in time I believe. Higher level recipes should have better benefits than low level. I think that's the kind of tweaking that happens later in development though, lots to still get fleshed out and implemented before going back through and tweaking... not that it shouldn't be a priority, but you know what I'm saying.

argh, half hour's gone by! must... click... X...