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  1. #121
    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    Why not all the players that paid for the game?

    I think active will still agree though, but I dont really see why only active and not email all the people like Xsyon said he would.
    That's an interesting question. The problem is, that inactive players have an opposite interest about totem decay. Since they don't play, they obviously want looong decay so their stuffs will stay as long as possible. They will regret this on the second day of their returning, and from that time they will demand a short decay time...but I really don't expect people to see through of their current interests.

  2. #122
    Quote Originally Posted by Jadzia View Post
    That's an interesting question. The problem is, that inactive players have an opposite interest about totem decay. Since they don't play, they obviously want looong decay so their stuffs will stay as long as possible. They will regret this on the second day of their returning, and from that time they will demand a short decay time...but I really don't expect people to see through of their current interests.

    Yes, but you can say that for the OP too. You can clearly see the bias there.

    I expect most people to vote for their interests and what their opinions are. Which is why its a vote. I also believe that all paying players (not just ones playing) should have the right to vote.

  3. #123
    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    Yes, but you can say that for the OP too. You can clearly see the bias there.

    I expect most people to vote for their interests and what their opinions are. Which is why its a vote. I also believe that all paying players (not just ones playing) should have the right to vote.
    Yes, but the game lives from the players who actually play and pay the subscription. Forming a game accordingly to the inactive players' interest and opinion is a very dangerous path imo.
    Mac may be bias, but its because he has a valid problem...and all of us who play do. The one who don't play don't face with that, but they will when they start to play again.

  4. #124
    Quote Originally Posted by Jadzia View Post
    Yes, but the game lives from the players who actually play and pay the subscription. Forming a game accordingly to the inactive players' interest and opinion is a very dangerous path imo.
    Mac may be bias, but its because he has a valid problem...and all of us who play do. The one who don't play don't face with that, but they will when they start to play again.
    The game lives from everyone that paid. Xsyon told the others long ago that he would email them with polls too.

    Heck many people that play now only log in once in a while. Plus many people PLAYING now dont pay monthly. Dont blame others for not logging and paying because the systems are broken.

  5. #125
    I'm not blaming anyone. What I'm trying to explain is that the inactive players may ask for long decay, but they will regret it when they return. So the actual playerbase (not only the current, the one in the future too) will always be very unhappy with the long decay, and it will only cater to the ones who don't play. So planning a feature which upsets the all-time active playerbase just to cater the ones who don't play is kinda silly imo.

    Edit: its not like asking both the active and inactive players about other features, like if they want mounts or whatever. I'd love the whole playerbase (everyone who bought the game) to be asked about such things. Someone who doesn't play now can tell if he would enjoy such a feature in the future. The problem with long totem decay is that you only enjoy it when you are inactive, and at the moment you come back to the game it starts to irritate you.

  6. #126
    Good point. I do agree with it.

  7. #127
    the New zones will be 4x the size of the current game map, So curren game map entire size then times it by 4, DDT youll need a good 2500-3k players to fill that with max totems, and If u think that will happend, then u got issues bud. personally if u make totems a chore, people quit, If people loose their tries radius due to the game not holding their interests but punishing their tribe leaders or those in the tribe still active, they will quit also because all of their hard work is pissed on. The only true solution to this is tribes and homesteads 100% inactive decay after 90 days. Thats fair in my book. They hell with this totem upkeep crap, we got work to do on everything else, This whole thread gives me a headache reading as it sounds like a 2nd n 3rd job. If 1 member of a 80 member tribe is active, then he gets leader ship, Then he can keep trying to recruit member to make his tribe active again. DDT you are new to the tribe leader world, I am not, been a leader since launch. No tribe and i dont give a rat ass wat stats ya got can hold 20 active for more then 2 months.

    Always and i mean always ends with 1-10 actives. Its a never friggin ending task. So let us keep wat we spent since launch working up. I have been recruiting since launch, seen 50 join n 40 leave, it bounces up and down. Nothing no one can do about it. but punish us or create a new job of it, and we quit, then u get ur land and empty world. We earned wat we got. New zones will make even if are current pop got 100x bigger still seem barren and not see a soul in it. Yes itll be that big. So get off this whole upkeep crap, Jordi keep these pvpers their wars , then their is there upkeep . For me i earned my city, i built it, and i try to recruit and keep people around, cant help if they dont stay playing.

  8. #128
    That size is a long ways off. Just so you know 3k people isnt a lot IMO if you have expanded the world that much.
    There was easy 1/2 that many accounts at release.

    Not sure where you getting 4x the size of the current game, because really its unlimited. They do plan on doubling the current size of the map soon.

    With a resource system, current tribe leaders shouldnt lose any radius they would just need to feed it with resources. If they dont, then they should lose that area in my opinion. They have already kept a huge area with very very few active players. (Normally 1 to 5)

    100x current pop would be over 5000 people. So not sure where you going with that.

  9. #129
    go read the fourms closely dude, He said the expanded zones will be x4 the current game map. Friggin huge. Now go spend 3 hours lookin through the fourm posts. If not, you have him on Skype go Ask. and so ur rite 5000, yes launch had 1k players, with in 1 month it was down to 200, we both know this game wont hold 5k mb 1500 at 1 point but Even you know jordi did not intend for a huge pop here. Again go ask him if ya dont beleave me. Also, too upkeep are large areas even with a active tribe is insane, u forget most people dont want a another job, so they will leave it on others too do. which then still ends up being 1-2 people doing it. Upkeep doesnt help any1 out cept add more jobs to peoples lives, atm that game has gotten alot more fun, people come home for work and now have fun things to do and enjoy them selves, we have a pop that stuck around since launc( not many, but still) loyal n still here. Add a job in here and people run off all over again. Leave the upkeep for waring totems. U want hardcore then put it on ur pvp totems and have at it. Sum of us are here for fun and to enjoy the game, we already work hard for wat we get, No since in killing are fun with a new job.

  10. #130

    Sorry, its only about 50% larger than what we have not 100% larger. Not sure where you getting 400 zones from. He says in that link 50 new zones.

    I can see this game holding thousands of people once they got the stuff going like archery, zombies, carts, contested totems, contested rare resources etc.

    Well, I understand you are here for fun and not work. But a working economy is fun for many people. Having tribes with 200m radius with 1 person isnt something that will help the game at all, only hurt it. Leaving dead totems everywhere. If you are player that doesnt play a lot, you shouldnt hold a huge 200m radius totem. I dont see a problem with that. Have a small homestead that the resources are easy to gather and upkeep only a few mins.

    I'm not sure what PVP and upkeeping your totem has to do with each other, but so far from what I understand warring totems will have no bonuses to being a warring totem. I dont really see that being a bonus to get anyone to play, let alone trying to say they have an upkeep to be a warring totem. Maybe the other way around, if you DONT want upkeep you become a warring totem.

    Ive already explained how economy will be helped with adding totem upkeep. So you saying "Upkeep doesnt help any1 out more jobs to peoples lives" type of comment doesnt really mesh. Do you think it wont help the economy in game?

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