Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
I like this idea, and I dont think it would be bad at all. I do however, think basic resources (rocks, sand, etc) would work better, as they ARE used in other things and will help drive a market.

Using items that have no in game value other than upkeep for a totem will help create an economy, however, its will also force people to do scavenaging (only way other than trade to get those items). You could still trade to get them, but better will be to use items that have dual uses.

This will also help tribes that have been around a while not have a huge advantage because these resources were used before and still used, adding them to upkeep costs will mean they dont have huge stock piles of these resources.

I'm not shooting down your idea, I'm simply saying I believe it would be better to use basic resources that are used in many things.
2 pts.

First point - hauling sand, rocks etc is a mighty heavy currency, not to mention what a grind (grrrrr). One of the reasons that light transportable paper IOUs came into existance in real life, and why Xsyon, which purports to be sorta "reality based" should adopt a currency for the game. And, I like it that you can give something silly like beer tabs & bottle caps a value.

Plus - I can just see this conversation taking place:

Tribe Leader: Hey Joe, it's time for Totem upkeep - pay up your 100 sand buddy."
Joe: Sure Leader
(thougt bubble over Joe's head----------> Heh...I'd rather go hunting, what's he going to do if I don't grind out that 100 sand, kick me out and loose tribe area ...naaa, he'll just get the sand himself.

Second point - Sand, rocks etc are a non-ending renewable resource and cannot be manipulated and therefore is susceptible to inflation, which could make sand/rock 1/2 as valuable as the previous month or players so sick of a grind they begin leaving the game. With an established currency Xsyon will be able to manipulate the amount of dollars/beer tabs & caps in game, they will be able to keep the economy from over-heating or becoming sluggish. More players - circulate more dollars/beer tabs & caps. Fewer players - slow down circulation.

New Tribe Leader - member conversation:

Tribe Leader: Hey Joe, it's time for Totem upkeep, I need $100.
Joe: No problem, here you go...I sold 16 raccoon skins last night to Tribe Money Pot.
