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Thread: Stat Changes

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  1. #1

    I have nothing against specialization, but not so! You can ONE Skill on 100 per categorie. What can be done even if one is skill per catecory at 100? Leveling a other Skill... and destroyed the 100 Point Skill. No! What do you do ingame? Twiddle my thumbs? Or PvP? PvP is ingame death! Or Hunting? No, Hunting destroyed the one 100 Point Ressources Skill. Or Terrafroming for the Tribe Buildproject? No, Terraforming destroyed the one 100 Point Ressources Skill.

    So what can be doing Ingame?

  2. #2
    I like most of the changes so far, I tested them for a couple hours this morning. My only issue was same with drevar that when I used a skill that wasn't at 100 it would take from my highest skill instead of the lowest skills. So all my skills at 100 are now not at 100 which is really annoying.

    DDT had a really good idea and I also thought of it as well is there needs to be a locking system. It takes so long to raise a skill to 100 and it really sucks if that skill drops .1 because you fished for 10 minutes or something. I think they need to implement a locking system on skills. Or also be able to set which skills you want to decrease or increase as well. They have a similar system in UO and it works great. To put 600+ hours into something and then have it drop is just not cool at all.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by BuckRogers View Post

    I have nothing against specialization, but not so! You can ONE Skill on 100 per categorie. What can be done even if one is skill per catecory at 100? Leveling a other Skill... and destroyed the 100 Point Skill. No! What do you do ingame? Twiddle my thumbs? Or PvP? PvP is ingame death! Or Hunting? No, Hunting destroyed the one 100 Point Ressources Skill. Or Terrafroming for the Tribe Buildproject? No, Terraforming destroyed the one 100 Point Ressources Skill.

    So what can be doing Ingame?

    Why do you think you can only have 100 skill? Did I miss something in the patch?

    About you able to change your stats or not. You havnt even seen the stats for crafting yet. These are just the gathering stats. Also because you can have more than 1 stat at max, its impossible for you to say you will only be good at one thing.

    About you able to change or gain stats. Its much faster now. Plus they are adding in, each time you gain an exp level you will have a chance to move stats around.

    Fyrex, I believe that was Drevar or something as I'm not a fan of the locking skill system. However, after messing around with test server for about 4 hours last night. I believe it might be the best route to go. But doing this would also make it a hardcap and not a soft cap.

    I agree there is a balancing problem with how skills are dropping.

    IMO they need to be stack ranked. Meaning if I have a skill thats 100, dropping it to 99.9 should take another skill going from 15 to 35, because going from 15.0 to 15.1 and having your 100 skill drop is not funny.

  4. #4
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    This sounds like how they do it in Mortal Online, not sure if its the same till i see it live.
    But if it is limiting the homesteader its -1 subscriber, was hoping this game wouldnt limit the lone wanderer .

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Dzarren View Post
    This sounds like how they do it in Mortal Online, not sure if its the same till i see it live.
    But if it is limiting the homesteader its -1 subscriber, was hoping this game wouldnt limit the lone wanderer .
    This system isnt really a matter of a homesteader or not. Its more about is someone able to change into what they want? Is someone able to be the best at everything? and balancing the changes of effort of skills/stats vs other skills/stats.

    I'm of the opinion that if you want to be jack of all trades, you should be the master of none. Meaning if you want to use every skill in a skill pool often, then none of them will be 100, they will all be around 50. If you want to focus you skills in a skill pool, then you should have 20% at 100%, and 80% at 20%. Which would mean if there is 15 skills in skill pool like crafting you could max out 3 crafts to 100, and the other 12 skills would be at 20 skill.

  6. #6
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    i so disagree with you DDT, in real life i know poeple who are specialist at something but still are very good at related stuff.
    But now only introduce mounts and bows and we have an second Mortal Online, wel done another game destroyed

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Dzarren View Post
    i so disagree with you DDT, in real life i know poeple who are specialist at something but still are very good at related stuff.
    But now only introduce mounts and bows and we have an second Mortal Online, wel done another game destroyed
    This isnt real life. This is a game and it should be balanced as a game.

    If we were talking about real life many of the players couldnt live in this game and would die. Also in real life you do die and dont respawn at a totem.

    I'm not saying that the game shouldnt try to be sorta like real life, but when it inhibits fun play, and a working game. Yes it shouldnt apply.

    Its like scavenging in an area in real life, you wouldnt pull out all this stuff from a junk pile like you can. It would deplete the pile.
    If I run around the whole map killing every animal in game do you think then Xsyon shouldnt have any animals?
    There are limits to where real life in game isnt good for the game.

  8. #8
    Yepp they just need to find the right codes for that i guess.
    So for everyones understanding what im saying is;

    Example1 :
    2 Skills within a pool, one at 30 (Skill A), one at 100 (Skill B).

    Skill B needed 80 actions to get from 99.9 to 100
    Skill A needed 4 actions to get from 29.9 to 30

    You grind Skill A from 30 to 32 within 80 actions.
    Skill B then going down to 99.9


    10 skills within a pool.
    A = 100 (80 actions per 0.1 skill)
    B = 99 (60 actions)
    C = 98 (40 actions)
    D = 97 (30 actions)
    E = 96 (25 actions)
    F = 50 (5 actions)
    G= 50 ""
    H = 50 ""
    I = 50 ""
    J = 50 ""

    Grinding Skill F (50) for 880 actions.
    Skill F is now up to 67.6
    Highest Skill A (100) moved down to 98.9

    (I know needed actions change during Skill F in that part, but just keep it an example)

    Grinding Skill G (50) for 660 actions.
    Skill G is now up to 63.2
    Highest Skill B (99) moved down to 97.9.

    New pool:

    A = 98.9 (40 actions per 0.1 skill)
    B = 97.9 (30 actions)
    C = 98 (40 actions)
    D = 97 (30 actions)
    E = 96 (25 actions)
    F = 67.6 (7 actions)
    G= 63.2 (7 actions)
    H = 50 (5 actions)
    I = 50 ""
    J = 50 ""

    Set it by actions (i will call this anyones progress to keep it fair), not the actual skill level and the penalty wont be that hard.

    There might be issues and alot of rework with the allready created chars vs new chars..

    But i think this way would be the best one for specilazations.

  9. #9
    Yep something like this, also with people like me who have 100 in all the stills, I would loss some of the skills somehow, not sure how to work that into it.

  10. #10
    Might be works with the actual action limits.

    1 Skill at 100 took lets say 5000 actions.
    10 Skill at 100 took in that case 50000 actions.

    So you have however they want to change it a total action cap at every pool based on the number of skills available there

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