Quote Originally Posted by znaiika View Post
It says nothing about Zombies, as far as I can remember, it is stated about mutated creatures though.
Unless people become Zombies who live too close to the green mist.
Shadow bears are evil, I encourage you to go hunt them, if you want to feel danger.
They usually wonder close to green mist.
Dont worry, they are not adding zombies to the game, they are adding revenants.

You really need to read man, can you stop posting please? Its on the first page. Type www.Xsyon.com

"Creatures of mutation and mythology now populate the land. The ways of swords and sorcery have replaced the path of science and progress."

Just stop posting please, you know nothing about this game, and you keep posting and posting and posting. You will not stop no matter how many times you are proven wrong over and over.

If you dont like the game QUIT! This game isnt for you if you cant handle what the game is about. It will have evil in the game, there will be combat, there is FFA PVP, there is full loot. You dont like it go back to ATITD no one is stopping you. Stay out of Xsyon if you dont like what its about.

But please stop posting your jibber jabber when you are wrong in every way.

Haha, animals dont attack in water. I love it.