MrDDT, I was like you once, I clung to one game with a great deal of hope, but that game died. I still think it was one of the best sandbox games outside of SWG ever, and that was Roma Victor. It like Xsyon was built on horrible code, and was developed by a group of people with less money then a third world begger. They eventually gave up on the game, even though it would have probably florished under player development as an Emulator. But saddly that did not happen.

I had high hopes for Mortal Online and Xsyon, but they both turned out... well to be nice, poorly. I am no quite jaded on the gaming world and it is real rare I even put money into a game anymore. I just wait, watch youtube videos of it, read the forums and look for things I know I would dislike. Unfortunatly Xsyon has more flaws and problems then they will overcome anytime soon, and I doubt they will EVER overcome them. Fact is Jordi is underfunded, understaffed, and underskilled to complete this massive task of this game. And it will most likely end up like Roma Victor and a few others, and dieing quitely with a few die hards still hanging around the forums praying for a miracle to save the game or trying to come up with a plan to keep the game alive.

Not saying you should jump ship now, no far from it if you enjoy it hang on to it for as long as you can. But don't be shocked when Jordi makes a post about how he can't sustain this project anymore and will be shutting down the servers on X date. Or he vanishes for months on end with no response, no updates, no bug fixes or even so much as a login on the forums.

I have seen it before, and it will happen again.