It takes 810 ingame days for a tribe until totem goes away ( no matter how many members ) , thats how it should be.
Now , we have really big tribes , the owner take a look every 800 ingame days , and the tribe is clear for another 810 Days , thats how it should be too
But , all tribemembers not online for a year or even longer still counts as members , and thats NOT how it should be !
There should be a 810 day limit for that too
Yes , i know it hurts , but it's just not fair to take up space for long gone ( and prolly never ever logg in ) people to calculate how big a tribe should be
Stay with the 810 days rule even for members , and not just the owner
members don't logg in , tribe shrinks , it grows when the member comes back , simple as that
Think about it , and don't just flame now