TBH I'm not liking some of the changes, preferred what we had on test previously. I used the frames to build with but left them as ghosts, got the BPs from Uriel before you ask, then I'd place the building parts (floors, walls etc) and construct them, this allowed me to build quite elaborate structures, once everything was built I'd then remove the ghost frames, leaving me with buildings that defy gravity.

The current system means I have to construct the frames before I can construct the stuff on top of them, not a real problem as I can dismantle the frames after I've finished, so I can still have gravity defying structures, but this -
Proper blocking of dismantling so that invalid situations (floating building parts) are not possible.
- scares me, if it means the end of gravity defying structures, then I think most of your builders are going to tell you where to stick your update, and possibly even your game.