
Of course it has little impact on the game, it's not correctly put into the game. I already said that deathporting makes the whole Xsyon world 1 region effectively.

About the weight, I already said it was an issue, which is why I said carts and weight needs to be looked at. I said carts need to carry 2x more weight effectively.

Of course most people do not want to live in extreme areas. Those areas are made harsh, and there should be bonuses to live there to help with the hardship of living there. The "being close" to a resource in this case the resource is epic scav table, and mutant animals means very little when you have deathporting making anything you harvest or get in the extreme areas easy access for everyone.

I understand you are under the impression that making things easy to do means more people will stay or play, and making things harder means more people leave. This is not supported with real data, because looking at other MMO's and other games, its the other way around. There is a goldilocks zone of not too hard, and not too easy. It's about finding that spot. It's also not like a set spot it can change over time, it can be a big sweet spot or can be very small. But I do know that giving everything people need easy does not do well for games. People get bored and quit. I've recruited 100s of people in my tribe before and when you give everything to people they get bored and quit, you have to allow them to feel like they are working for something. At the sametime you don't want it to seem too hard or unachievable.

You talk about items being very rare or beyond rare and ask where the people are that sell them? Well that also is part of the system. People wont sell the best items, because the economy doesnt work. When people do not require much $ why sell it? When people are not driven to get the best items how are the few people that want them going to trade away those items?
Xsyon needs more top end content before you see people trading top end items. That doesnt mean I think Xsyon needs top end content to be the #1 thing to do. I'm just stating how it works and why it's not working in Xsyon.
Also do not forget that Xsyon has a very small player base currently, thus limited trade already. Out of say 200 people playing, if you are looking for the top 2% items, you have to remember that only 2% of 200 people would be able to really get that. Thus you are talking about 4 people on the server. One of them likely being you. So now you are stuck trying to trade with 3 other people. I know 1 of them willing to trade but likely not at a rate you like.
Economy is a massive system and a few broken parts and break the whole thing. Currently I believe the cash system is not working well enough so few people care about cash, and cash doesn't leave the game fast. On top of that how you acquire the cash is troublesome also. There is only 1 way to get cash, which is scavenging. Which means scavengers have a ton of it, and should need other things, but because scavenging is such a strong resource gathering skill it dominates everything else. So pretty much everyone is a scavenger and has tons of cash or they are not and need cash and tons of other items that scavengers get.

I'm saying if you want a regional system to work, you need to support it correctly. Which starts with removing deathporting, and then changing a few things. Like weight on items, and bonuses for living in the harder to reach areas.
When you think of regional resource system, think of UO and EVE online. I hope that helps.