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  1. #1
    KeithStone, it's about keeping people.

    If you invite people to play and few people are playing, they will not stay long. If you invite people to play and they are not drawn in, they will not stay long.

    If both of those needs are not met you will not keep people. So yes you can get a good amount of people by dropping price AKA sale and advertising the game. But without something to draw them into the game they will not stay long.
    The key should be fix should start with keeping people drawn into the game so when you do a sale it doesn't go to waste. I believe until that happens you should not waste the sale prices and cut your profits of the people that are able to try it at full price. Cutting the price to the level you are talking about you would need to add 6 people for every 1 that would have normally bought it at full price. On top of that you are unlikely to see those people come back to the game once they checked it out, only a small % do this. So you are also leaving a bad taste for people that might be a long term player if the game were improved the FIRST time they tried it.

    I'm down with doing sales (really I would rather just do events that get people to see the game as an option, changing the price IMO has little to no effect, but doing a sale is an event which gets people to look at the game). But until the game is able to keep people playing more than 10 hours, you are likely not going to see much benefit from that sale price.

  2. #2
    Another thing is these threads, Players that dont see activity in both the steam and xsyon forums are going to think no one is playing.

    I know people are reading these and "*nod nod* eh maybe ill post later"

  3. #3
    my two cents: im a fan of this genre and i just bought xsyon a few days ago, and i love it. i wouldve loved to join much earlier, but i havent heard a peep of the game - i found it after googling for two days. it was mentioned in a thread in wurm forums.

    so i think what xsyon really needs is more exposure. the current price is more than worth this game.

  4. #4
    Needs a build up, its not gettin new players its keeping them, i see many new players start and either dissapear into the trees never to log on again or join a tribe an few days/weeks later *smoke* gone.

    Some kind of relaunch with a build up an a few extra features (the pet one for example) to build up a pop explosion upon re release, a pvp server wipe at same time would be nice/helpful to (all map all characters).

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Hero View Post
    Needs a build up......Some kind of relaunch with a build up an a few extra features (the pet one for example) to build up a pop explosion upon re release, a pvp server wipe at same time would be nice/helpful to (all map all characters).

    The only way were going to get a build up is if the game has an expansion of features and a partial name change.

    Like how wow and eve add features on that bring a new sub title.

  6. #6
    I'll throw my 2 cents in and make it a nickel....

    First off Xsyon has replied...he has limited ways he cam atm work with Steam. So...NO Mega sale here...

    Second, I agree with DDT's point if a mega sale were put up that most of the current players would buy the game multiple times just to be able to have a large Tribe area as a solo player.

    and Third... I tried at least 7 different searches within Steam using key words that the game was about...Not once did Xsyon come up in the search...This is where he needs to be looking at working with steam. If only 1% of people even see it as a game on steam then that's all he will get is 1%

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Ooloo View Post
    and Third... I tried at least 7 different searches within Steam using key words that the game was about...Not once did Xsyon come up in the search...This is where he needs to be looking at working with steam. If only 1% of people even see it as a game on steam then that's all he will get is 1%
    Because people dont tag Xsyon with "Open world" or "Sandbox" or "PvP" or "MMORPG"

    Popular user-defined tags for this product:
    "Early Access" "Massively Multiplayer" "RPG" "Indie"

  8. #8
    I tried pretty hard to get warm with this game a few years back. What made me not stay for too long was a pretty bad combat system. This might have changed and I probably should check it out again after so many years.

    However, the reason why I logged in is to point out that having lines like this one on the site doesn't help your cause:
    Notice: Undefined index: JPG Support in /home/notorio1/public_html/gallery/libraries/general.init.php on line 100
    I'm checking the page every now and then to see whats new and this error has been there for a real long time. Honestly, I first thought this project is dead since the site doesn't even seem to be maintained anymore.

    Just my 3 cents.

  9. #9
    Here is my take, from an old player who recently came back to try it out again with a few friends.

    PvP is non-existent on the PVP server. And even then the fighting is often rough and clunky compared to other PVP sandbox games.

    The graphics are pretty bad, which will drive away other players, but most will overlook this.

    The last thing is the grind. While not as bad as Wurm Online but it is worse than most others. The lack of options in character weapon and armor choices is also kind of a boon.

    There are other things that hurt, like the fact that the development has been pretty stagnant looking. The last update was what 3 or 4 months ago on the forums.

    There are also features that have been promised since day one, and they still are not in game or even close. Spears, archery, or anything ranged for that matter.

  10. #10
    I don't think the grind is an issue IF the rest of the game were working.

    Contested things?
    Ranged combat?
    Buildings for a reason?
    Fixing issues of lag / desync etc etc.

    The problem comes with lacking in many ways. The grind is not a major issue as most sandbox games are like this grind (only not allowing every skill being maxxed out)

    I agree fully that the game is stale and nothing new being put in. The last major change was to building which pretty much fixed an issue and didn't really add anything new. Yes we have a few extra building parts but still lacking reasons to play. When are there going to be something to defend vs? or a reason to fight? give us a good reason to train up the skills.

    When these game was released you had 1000s of players fighting and play even with the lag and roll backs. They left not because of just the poor coding of release but also there was no sieges, there were no contested areas, combat is lacking with skills, no healing etc etc. I can go on and on.
    He has moved the game to a building game with a grind. If he is making it this way, he should make actions a lot faster and remove the grind.

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