I am going to start playing today. I just wanted to see how active the forums are.
I am going to start playing today. I just wanted to see how active the forums are.
Hello and Welcome to Xsyon.
The forum is more active before and after patches, reporting bugs and suggestions. Many of us view the forum on a regular basis but do not post unless we need information.
Well, I cannot get this game to run without being very very laggy. I mean unplayable. I live in USA, have a 10 meg connection. No other PC's or devices connected. No other programs running or unneeded services either. I can run Combat Arms, Soldier Front 2, WoW (but who wants to play that?), Wurm, etc etc with no lag issues. I lowered all the settings and draw distances too! It sucks , because I really want to play this!
What are your computer specs because the games you listed are like 10+ years old.
No offense but your computer is very old and slow. That is why you are having issues. I'm not sure which shaders it has but that should be good likely, but the video card is slow, the CPU is very old and doesn't even meet the min requirements listed here.
Which is a core2 duo 3.0ghz CPU.
I'm sure you can play these other games and not have some of the issues but the games you list. Fallen Earth min required CPU is a 1.8GHZ and Duo core to put it in perspective and it's an old game with worse graphics.