On the videos you saw people terraforming, and building walls and kind of houses from dirt and logs. And yes, its fun, and its a pain to loose your work when they wipe the server

About the possibility of another delay of the launch:

1) The official release is now planned for August 15th. We will reassess our progress every month and if we need to push this date further into the future we will. We do not want to force an unfinished release. Instead we are going to continue working as hard as possible until we can fully stabilize the server and finish implementing the planned game features. We're going to stick to our plan, it's just going to take longer than we hoped.
15th of August is not set in stone, if the game won't be ready by then then it will be pushed back. There is chance for the game to be ready for launch by then, but there is chance for another delay too, very hard to tell in the current state of the game.

My personal guess is that it will be delayed with 2 more months, but its good, better to release a stable and finished game.