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Thread: TAGS?

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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by caldrin View Post
    you still need to point your mouse at them but it can be done over a longer distance.
    I find it MASSIVELY inconvenient in terms of ambushes, but simultaneously, no thank you @ spotting people over a longer distance. Not least because target aquisition will get botted too easily (anyone remember when they put spotting into Battlefield? Spam Q -> map lights up with enemies... )... More importantly because it's not realistic.

    What we need is a proper local chat that is literally hearing range dependent, preferably that doesn't even use character names (shouting 'Who goes there' should not reveal WHO you are, only WHERE you are), and as said, a tribe name when the name is in range. We have to accept that the graphics in this game are NOT realistic, so you cannot rely on your ability to recognise faces.

    In reality we're programmed to know a person not just by their face but by the way they walk, even over half a mile. You can't use that in game, so we have to throw a tiny bit of realism out the window in the name of better gameplay, especially when people tend to never fare more than 10 seconds from their safe zone and declaring your presence in local chat or running over, waiting for the glitchy name tag to appear, then searching through a list of all friendly tribe members, BEFORE attacking, is kind of the best way of failing :/

  2. #2
    carebears going crazy in here

    maybe look at your allies before the fight and try to remember... its not that hrd

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by esudar View Post
    carebears going crazy in here

    maybe look at your allies before the fight and try to remember... its not that hrd
    You're obviously a bit of a carebear if you think this is for organised fights (and you think organised fights aren't one day going to be hundreds of people on each side). As everyone says, when you're at war/in battle, armor/clothing/positions should be fine. The problem is when you're out solo or in a raiding party and you chance upon a random person half way through cutting down a tree. This could be an ally, it could even be a tribe member, but you're not going to know unless you run to within 5 metres, completely giving away your position, then spend an hour browsing through allied tribe members lists, by which point it's no longer an ambush and they're already in their safe zone again. In reality you have memory for thousands of faces, stances and gaits; this is -not- possible to emulate in a game of this type, and thus allowances must be made.

    Quote Originally Posted by schlock View Post
    Go sneak to all your neighbors totems and collect the names. Make a comprehensive list and post it on your tribes forums. Your tribe does have it's own forum, right?

    Please don't dumb down the game with arena/fps style tags.
    We have lists of all friendly and enemy members. We don't have the time to compare. If we're already allowed to get their name without them giving it, and there's no way of them communicating without immediately revealing their name from ANY distance, we're already in acceptance that there are limitations within any game compared to reality. It's simply the smarter option to tag up, or perhaps actually MAKE it an option to show your tribe's tag.

  4. #4
    Xsyon Citizen
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phazaar View Post
    then spend an hour browsing through allied tribe members lists
    there's your problem -- right before your your very eyes, brosef

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirius View Post
    there's your problem -- right before your your very eyes, brosef
    Hahaha I couldn't agree more, but non-aggression pacts are non-aggression pacts, and tribal leadership is tribal leadership :/ ... Both are to be honoured until they're afk

  6. #6
    Xsyon Citizen
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    Intensity in ten cities
    Quote Originally Posted by Phazaar View Post
    Hahaha I couldn't agree more, but non-aggression pacts are non-aggression pacts, and tribal leadership is tribal leadership :/ ... Both are to be honoured until they're afk
    Sounds like your problem and your job, yet you're suggesting a change that will impact everyone and give significant advantages to zergs.

  7. #7
    I agree with adding the guild name to the mouse over. I don't particularly try to hide where I'm from, but if I kill you three times on the junk pile and you want to tear my guild's city down for it... unless you frequent the forums you're not going to know I'm with VD. Not having the guild listed removes accountability and therefore also removes player enforced consequences which I am definitely against. Reality be damned. I want a fun game.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by caldrin View Post
    it does need to made clear who is an enemy and who is not, afterall anyone could be wearing the same armor and colors as your mate so how are you suppose to know?

    Sure pointing your mouse at a person does bring up the name but you gotta be very close. I know in real life i can spot mates from quite far away and spot people i dont like at the saem disatance lol.. to emulate this in game they need to do somthing.. sure tags might be going too far but somthing similar to darkfall would be good you still need to point your mouse at them but it can be done over a longer distance.
    No No No, in real life you dont point to some one and there name pops up over there head.
    In real life you walk in to a store and see your friend john and go "John, John.... Hey John" and then walk up to them and tap them on the shoulder and then whey they turn around..... "hey wait your not john my bad"

    the care bears need to stop care bearing up in the game.

    You can spot them a mine away because you have good eye sight and know how they dress.

    We should just be given the ability to tribe members to add symbols to clothing they wear. Let the crafters add more color to it what we can wear so you can see a tribe not there name.

    There was some talk that if you wear your tribe colors you get bonuses.

    I dont want to see peoples clans i dont want to see some guy named Chuck with Chucks magically store of stuff under his name. some clans are not clans but setup as trader outposts and never intend to be clans. you all need to grow some and realize that this game is not intended to be some carebear theme park.

    NO Tags, NO NAMES unless they tell you. you can separete chat from the locallity.

  9. #9
    I can tell who my friends are because I know what outfits they're wearing. If I see someone wearing something unfamiliar, I ask my tribe to see whether it's a friendly or enemy.

    And that's the way it should be.

  10. #10
    Oh! If we need to choose colors to show tribe affiliation then VD chooses black. Anyone not in VD but wearing our color is now KOS!!!!

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