Chapter 2 : Vaganza Mk II

If Brenno thought he looked like a 70's porn star before, his appearance on Founders Island in nothing but undies, dodgy moustache and backpack confirmed it.

'Well, this is awkward ...' he muttered.

He looked around and saw that a large building spanned one side of the island, and a wall stretched right around it, providing some kind of protection from the evils that lay beyond. It was while Brenno looked around at his new surroundings that he saw another person, also wearing undies and a backpack. His name was PussBunny.

Brenno's mother had always said 'Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.' She also had a fondness for words like 'Obtuse' and 'Table', neither of which seemed relevant in this situation. Brenno was not to be fooled twice by this evil game, and after being killed by a Revenant, he was NOT going to be killed by a ‘PussBunny’. So he ran, across the grass, past buildings, and out through the main gates ... and straight into the loving arms of three more Revenants lurking outside.

TBC ...