Quote Originally Posted by river111 View Post
Well you have to understand, the original plan was to let tribes place for the first 2 days and then homesteads after. This got argued and changed ot allow everyone to place at the exact same time. The problem came in with the change in the mechanics behind the tribes. It wasn't a requirement originally to have 5+ in your tirbe in order to place a tribe totem. So when we all discussed it the first time around it wasn't a consideration or a concern. However, now that you look at it, is it really fair to the tribes if the homesteaders can place instantly and they can't? Now its the shoe on the other foot type deal. I'm a homesteader myself, but I'm willing to see it from the other side of the ailse here. What I argued the first time around, to be able to place at the same time, is now an unfair advantage for me and my kind. The same thing we faught to stop ourselves the first time around. In my opinion there needs to be some system that gives everyone equal footing on placing. A small window up front seems the most 'equitable' option for both sides. Both get to place the same day, but no headsteader can place before the tribes can get thier tribe memebers invited first (a requirement for them to place which the homesteaders do not have).
Oh I didn't take that into consideration. You're right about the homestead being able to place instantly. Ok what about a 1hour delay for homesteads? Just for homesteads? Or if it delays 1 hr for all make homesteads a 2hr delay. Jeez I'm waffleing so much...well what can I say when faced with an argument that makes more logical since than mine, I cave lol.