More to come soon as I upload them. I have all recorded and rendered just need to upload them (uploading in a batch now), I should have them ready in a couple of hours.

Check out my channel for the videos as they get uploaded. Remember you should wait about 15mins for them to be upgraded to 1080p.

I'm off to bed. See you guys tomorrow.

Wizard's Homestead - "Electric Lady Land" - (
Severin's Homestead "Vasa" - (
Industrial Strength's Boot Camp - (
The Trading Post - (
Xyila - (
Xsyon Mercenaries - (
Nili's Homestead "Willow Falls" - (
Legion - (
Rambo's Homestead "Solitude" - (
Pawnee - (
Bridge Burners - (
Banden's Homestead - Golgafrincham - (
Animal Crackers - (

---Rendered--- (Currently Uploading)

---Recorded Not Rendered---

---Needs to be recorded---

Progresso - et - Indutria (I need to rerecord this, because the mist is really bad so Im going to wait til its light and rerecord it)