Quote Originally Posted by Chidar View Post
The proposed model definitely needs expanding, if player skill is an objective.

My first thought when writing was the pursuit of a more palatable and instantly engaging fight.
When myself and friends started fighting - it was some unpredictable & chance was a major factor.

PS im not trying to upset people, I am just trying to help.
Responding to your edit.

Currently there is no "chance" in combat at all.
If you are in range, the target is in your swing arc, you hit 100% of the time. Parry can happen based on if the player correctly does a parry the direction you are attacking. So if you are attacking as an overhead attack, the parry person would have to parry overhead to parry 100%. More they are off from there (like parrying low) they take more damage.

The only way I could see the possibly of chance coming into play is due to desync/lag where you might not be in range, or the target is not really in front of you due to this desync/lag.
Then again, it's not really chance because either they are there or not, it's really not a random to hit roll or anything like that.

Having played Darkfall myself I can't see how a player from that game and playing it as long as you have would even suggest removing all player skill to make the game better. There is not a lot going for the Xsyon combat system, and removing that would make it so there pretty much is no combat system at all.