I am curious about the new map update. I read it is 7x larger. I think this is a welcomed addition. However, I have also read that resources are now regional. I would guess this change was made to spur trade? But is the population of the game sufficiently suited to trade actually being an option to get resources outside of your region? Or, does the increase in map size and regional resources just mean that players are going to have to travel longer distances to get the resources they need? Also, if dangers get greater the further away from the lake, doesn't that mean players must enter zones too dangerous to obtain their resources and thus may just get frustrated and quit because the reward is not worth the effort or danger?

And speaking of danger, I have always thought the creatures in the game (especially Revs) are much too strong for most players. The combat, being the way it is, is too difficult to master for most new players to overcome and there is a risk of losing interest due to overly-difficult creatures.

Finally, if a new player wanted to just go out into the wilderness (new areas) and live a hermit life, is it even possible with the dangers associated with living in those higher-danger zones?
