Maybe the banking items in totems is related to the new quest functionality and setting up rewards for quests... idk. I'll have to check that out next time I log in.

The crafting recipe windows definitely need a slider bar in addition to those little arrow buttons. There is a space for it already and everything. One of the guides in game mentioned that the ui was getting a facelift soon so hopefully that's on the list to be added.

I can see your point about RSI problems making the crafting system a pain. I am all for making it easier on people's hands. I guess with the encumbrance system a person couldn't possibly craft too long without at least doing a bit of inventory management. I wonder how long a person can fish before their pole wears out...

I just hate playing games where people macro/bot all week so that can have an advantage in pvp on the weekends. According to the manual players gain additional health, faith and skill points every time they level, so you can see how some players will want to exploit this and level as much as possible by macroing. I would like to see the system made as user friendly and easy on one's hands as possible without giving people a reason to set up a fishing/crafting macro in a safe zone to grind levels for them 24 hours a day until they feel like coming around to leverage their skill and hp advantage and wipe the floor with anyone who was actually trying to play the game manually in their free time.