Quote Originally Posted by MrKrueak View Post
yes you are right if armor has 0 affects, i'm sure things like that will get taken care of maybe not as fast as some would like but i'm willing to give the dev's the benefit of the doubt whether the games turns out to my taste or not i appreciate the kind of world that xyson is trying to make.
Making the equipment work as designed has got to be a priority for the dev team.

I think even the Militant Crafter Society would agree with me on this end...since the whole point of striving to achieve that next level of uber trinket is to see what it does...for it to be 'better' than the one before it.

Currently armor appears to have only negative affect on a toon.
- it increases encumbrance
- it slows you down

There is very little reason, besides vanity, to get all hussied up and go for a stroll...the most effectivet oon for fighting or scavenging is the naked one.

i'm not going to beat on the m1 + m2 click spam that is pvp right now...I just really really hope getting these mechanics adjusted...and communicating what those changes will be, is very high on the dev to-do list. High as in, numero uno priority after they get the server performance stabilized.