I agree with Thurgond on ONLY one point: I think a max of one trading post should exist in any tribe. That or regardless of how many you place they all show the same list anywhere in tribe (which would be nice).

I also really like this purposed feature! I think it will help to relieve players who get frustrated with not being able to find things they want to build and leave the game.

I do agree with the sentiment that homesteads should be able to have both commissaries and a trading post. As there are many more people playing in single/ small groups than there are people playing in large tribes. But, at the same time you want to give incentives for people to grow their tribes. In this particular instance I'd say find another way to give that incentive and open both these structures to everyone.

1) I'll try to check it out tonight.

2) Schemes & patterns: $200-$400, Blueprints: floors/post/fences/tents- $1500, walls/ramps/platforms- $3000, roofs/gates/canopies- $6000, New BP's- $10,000 (after 6-8 months real time the New category would remain for future new BP's but all current new BP's would drop into the $6k category).

3) Once every 24 hrs. (real time) seems ok.

4) For simplicity sake this could happen at the same time the trading post is revisited, once every 24hrs. (Or whatever interval is decided)

-Or assuming 20 items is the max that can ever be for sale at one time. Have empty slots repopulated once every game day. Have all 20 slots refreshed when the trade post is revisited once every 24 hrs.