Quote Originally Posted by Yuyito View Post
No smart developer would allow such harsh death penalties as "perma-death". The VAST majority of the gaming public does not like such harsh penalties and would vote with their wallets. At the end of the day, MMOs are there to make $$$. No paying clients = no money. Simple as that.
Which is why in the end we will never see a true sandbox.

But on that note, What a about a semi-full death system. The name needs work but bare with me. What if, when you died due to a player's hand. The penalty would be so strict it would almost feel as though it was perma? Unprecedented stat loss and skill loss but its temporary. Not by 5 minutes but like 5 hours, what kind of impact would that have on the decision to PvP? Would PvPers ragequit or risk it for the glory? Would this impact war-pacts? Would it add fear to the world? Would this create peace treaties and foreign policy?