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  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by Jadzia View Post
    Lol ok and where is this info coming from ? virtus, Jordi, IRC or what ?
    jordi got mail from him

  2. #62
    300? so my tiny clan takes up 1/20th of the entire game population? the guys near us has 20 count that as 35 people. in one zone.
    so us and the other people in our zone are more than a 1/10 of everyone? doesnt sound right.

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by Yuriohs View Post
    I'm a new player, been only playing for a few days, but I've ran into atleast 5 different people. But to be honest, I don't know how Xsyon is advertising. I found this game out because to me it seems like a decent enough sand box game that I can build mess in.

    I mean you show this to anyone who's played minecraft, and they will flip squares over.
    i think a post on the minecraft forums would get deleted pretty quick, also most mine craft players are solo players and dont like playing on the SMP servers

  4. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by STAR_GOD View Post
    jordi got mail from him
    And what did he exactly say in that mail ?

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by xyberviri View Post
    i think a post on the minecraft forums would get deleted pretty quick, also most mine craft players are solo players and dont like playing on the SMP servers
    eh, we had 100+ people on my MC server, and tons of people trying joining everyday , we had to go whitelist because of it. everyone I know that got MC (my friends online and in real life) prefers SMP to single.

    judging by the MC forums, and the highest post count of all sections being "Beta - Survival Servers-495586" id say its more popular than you think

  6. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirius View Post
    Eh, simply chanting the word "sandbox" like a mantra doesn't excuse bugs, unplayable server conditions, and general lack of anything to do.

    The poster didn't ask for an "endgame"... he just asked for something to do, circling back to his question, which you didn't answer: How do you motivate people to play when there's nothing to do?
    The problem with your question is that it assumes there is nothing to do, which is obviously subjective considering we're finding plenty to do. You reason that because you don't have anything to do, that means the rest of us must be in the same boat.

    As for me not answering his question, it's not my responsibility to give him something to do. If he was in Hopi, he'd have plenty to do, but otherwise it's not my place to give other tribes and their members ideas on how to keep themselves happy and entertained. I just merely point out that it can be done and is being done by those of us who realized and continue to realize that this is Prelude.

    Quote Originally Posted by dxwarlock View Post
    300? so my tiny clan takes up 1/20th of the entire game population? the guys near us has 20 count that as 35 people. in one zone.
    so us and the other people in our zone are more than a 1/10 of everyone? doesnt sound right.
    Yeah, that seems off to me. We have 106 members in-game right now and I doubt Hopi makes up 1/3 of the game's population.

  7. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by AlexTaldren View Post
    Not in an open-world, sandbox game, at least, it isn't entirely up to game developers. They shouldn't be releasing more quests, raids, dungeons or instanced battlegrounds, for example. Instead, they can help keep us interested by optimizing the game and adding new features for us, but these are just tools for us to further play with.
    Yeah i totally agree, problem is that we have no "tools" beside teraforming and building do we? Crafting is poorly implemented, too many easly accesable resources = no trading, no economy at all, you need few man tribe to cover everything and have more than you could ever possibly need. There is no chellenge in anything, everything comes too easy. Even those players quests you can set on totems are pointless at this moment. What can you do for example? "Create 1000 limestone bricks. Reward: 50 leather armor sets"? lol Nobody will cba about player quests as everything is so easly accesable and in such quantity. Escpecially if you are in tribe. Only hermits can find some thing challenging as they will have to try to get some tools from others.

    Its like they give us a Lego box and said "go and build stuff for months". Thats all. Its fun for a while but as we see its just noth enough.

    Quote Originally Posted by AlexTaldren View Post
    And, at the end of the day, the conflict, in-game events, politics, and economies have to be driven by the players.
    There wont be anybody to drive the world left when all of this will be possible im afraid
    Hope im wrong!

  8. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirius View Post
    The forums are dead. General chat is dead. My tribe chat is dead. People everywhere are saying their whole tribe is dead.

    You got a better estimate?
    It's just us.

    We are obviously in the minority, in that our active tribe population has shrunk by abou 80%.
    I am pretty positive this is due entirely to my lack of effective leadership. I should have developed a more ambitious city building plan...more ditches to dig, walls to build, area to raise.

    I am sure, also, that i somehow managed to turn off general zone chat, which is why it's mostly quiet. Can someone please tell me how to turn it back on? Same with tribe chat. Altho, they may just not be talking back to me. It gets lonely.

    Also, our choice of zone settlement (another indication of my shitty leadership) was/is obviously wrong, since I was unable to predict that everyone has obviously packed up and moved elsewhere (i mean we know they didn't just stop playing, right? so they most have moved someplace...i should have seen that coming).

    I'm sorry. I've failed you all. *walks into the green mist*

  9. #69
    I think that everyone who plays the game has posted in this thread...

    IRC even only had 17 people on earlier... lol

  10. #70
    I still have loads to do...probably got at least another 4 weeks worth of work to get my homestead plan finished and then I can actually start with all the stuff surrounding that. I am not bored and look forward to the next 3-6 months of development.

    I remember hearing often "players make the content in a Sandbox FFA PvP game" but it seems those same people are actually expecting the game to do it for them. Ironic really...

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