View Full Version : Bear Baby arrived !

06-16-2018, 03:15 AM
Our bear family has had offspring after 2 months in the care! Is the baby bear cute! it has 81 health and is quite small.
Our bear breeding is becoming more and more successful! Hopefully the feature Pet and Mounts will come soon ..:)

06-16-2018, 03:19 AM
new info...after one day in life our Baby bear have now 86 live and is a Little bit growing …)

06-16-2018, 06:49 AM
Hehe congrats. I imagine it took quite a while for them to breed.

06-17-2018, 02:51 AM
Depends more on the size of the "enclosure" they are caged in, as they need "room" to breed, my full grown pair of coyotes only started after I increased the size of the animal "enclosure", it went from 8 meters by 16 meters to 16x16 meters, I also had a shadow bear in there so they really needed more room.

Smallest bear I've seen was 50 HP, thought it was a graphics glitched hamster at first it was that small, so your baby has been in game a couple of game weeks already. It should change it's size around 90 HP, and again at 180, it will stop growing naturally before it gets to 240 though as the game code will now treat it like every other caged animal.