View Full Version : XSYON Feature VIEHZUCHT...PETS and MOUNTS!

07-12-2018, 12:27 PM
Here you can see the enclosure for our breeding cattle! Right now, we've captured some bears. A male and female have already had a baby, but it has already grown up! These BEARS can be trained as mounts for our army or excluded as slaughter cattle for our crafter! Or as a fight PETS against other cities! There are a lot of animals that can be tamed and LIVE in the enclosure are on the way!
I already explained that you have to train these animals and feed and PLAY and FIGHT! So each player has a different unique creature that only HE has!

Hier seht ihr das Gehege für unser Zuchtvieh! Im Moment haben wir ären gefangen. Ein Männchen und Weibchen haben schon ein Baby bekommen das aber schon herangewachsen ist! Diese BÄREN können als Mounts für unser Armee trainiert werden oder für unsere Crafter als Schlachtvieh ausgenommen werden! Oder als Kampf PETS gegen andere Städte! Es gibt eine Menge Tiere die gezähmt werden können und LIVE im Gehege unterwegs sind!
Hab ja schon erklärt das man diese Tiere tranieren muss und füttern und SPIELEN und KÄMPFEN lassen! So hat jeder Spieler ein anderes einmaliges Geschöpf das nur ER hat!

07-14-2018, 05:36 AM
It's amazing just how many players don't seem to realise that killing caged animals is against the rules, I believe that the first time you get caught doing it you get a warning, after that kiss your account goodbye.

07-14-2018, 09:56 AM
I don't really see a problem with it... especially when breeding is a thing, you can have a good supply of meat that way. As well as that, wouldn't disallowing the killing of caged animals take away from the "Trapper" theme of items and tools?

07-14-2018, 09:57 PM
And I know it is illegal to pen animals like that, but that's my opinion on the matter. It is your land after all.

07-15-2018, 05:08 AM
You are talking about food, Whorlok is talking about farming crafting materials, that's the part that's against the rules.

Animals gain HP in three ways that I know of, first is naturally, they gain HP at regular intervals, second is by killing players, third is from extented periods of agro, have an animal trying to kill you but your just staying far enough out of it's reach so it doesn't hit you.

Players realised this and started caging animals out in the wild, work on them until they hit max HP then kill them. The populations of male bears and male deer crashed almost over night, I believe it was this that got the rules changed. Even today those rule changes technically mean that those of us that keep animals in our tribes can be banned for it.

The rule changes didn't stop some of them, they just made sure no one was on to catch them when they did it.

New code was then added into the game, it stops animals from gaining HP when they are caged or on tribe land. This code is the only reason we are allowed to keep "pets" in our tribes, and you can bet that those of us that do are being watched, because not everyone is keeping them as "pets".

The code isn't 100% perfect either, most can't add HP to their pets no matter how hard they try, while others like myself can, I can even add HP to animals in other peoples tribes, isn't easy and can take a couple of hours just to add one HP.

With the new systems on test I can see animal farms and zoos being a thing of the past, I believe the new AI is struggling with the pathing of caged animals, and it's generating hellish amounts of LAG as a result, even cleaned up it's still going to cause problems for those with dozens of caged animals in their tribe.