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View Full Version : 07/05/2021 - Feedback Request - Craft Panel - Test Server

07-05-2021, 04:19 PM
The Test Server is up and running with an updated version of the new Craft Panel.

Here are some things to check out:

- Carts: The Craft Panel pulls tools and materials from all containers of your attached cart.

- Workshop: You can now assign buildings (the same buildings that can be used as Welcome Stations etc.) as Workshops. When a building is assigned as a Workshop and you enter it, you should see a Workshop buff appear. When you are standing inside the Workshop and Craft, the Craft Panel will pull tools and materials from every containers inside the building. You currently can only use a Workshop if you are the owner of the building.

Note: Right now several assignable buildings, like the smaller tents, are difficult to enter. I am thinking of the best way to make these buildings useful as Workshops that you can enter. There are several options I am considering:

1) Expand the bounds for these buildings so that you would get the Workshop buff while standing outside of the building's entrance. The only awkward side effect of this is that you would also receive the Indoors buff while still outside the building.

2) Increase the actual height of these tents so that they are easier to enter or possibly increase the size of these smaller tents. This could be problematic depending on how existing tents are currently placed.

3) Require the player to select the Workshop to use its tools and materials while crafting.

I welcome all opinions on these options or if anyone can think of another option to this minor complication.

- Mouse scroll: The mouse scroll should scroll your crafting list and a list in any other open panel. This should work for any open panel while your mouse cursor is hovered over that panel.

- Skill: Your current skill level should appear in the Title Bar of the Crafting Panel.

- Reset fix: The Crafting Panel should not reset when you gain a new scheme through inspiration. The new scheme should be added to your list.

- Crash fixes: There have been several crashes with the current Crafting Panel. I believe I've fixed the potential causes but I'll see if any crashes happen with this current build.

- Panel transparency: The panel is now semi-transparent. For players that were saying the panel is too big, is this transparency good enough and does it resolve your issues? If not, what is the main problem with having the large Crafting Panel? Do you want to be able to see if a creature or another player is nearby or is there another reason?


While I'm finishing up the improved Crafting Panel...

- Are there any issues with the above changes?

- Are there any other outstanding problems with the Crafting Panel?

- Would you like to see any other additions to this panel?

I have a few things on my list, including adding tooltips and adding text to make it clear that the top icons are Tools and Materials Required and the columns below are Tools and Materials Available.


07-05-2021, 05:58 PM
I tried out the Workstation on my rock working tent (Lumberjack Tent). I added the hammer, chisel, and rock to make bricks. If I set quantity of 1 the chisel deselects after the first use. When set for 20 the chisel deselects on the second use like the tool was destroyed. I tried different hammers and chisels and problem persisted.
Also, I can also move quite a bit away from the tent after loading tools and mats and still craft until tool issue from above deselects tool.

07-05-2021, 11:39 PM
I've patched a fix for the tools being removed. Also, when you exit or enter a Workshop with the Crafting Panel open, the available tools and materials should change accordingly.


07-06-2021, 07:28 AM
This patch when it comes online with the workshops takes Xsyon to new dimensions. Good work! I built a house on the test server and put all the baskets for leathercrafting in the baskets. Now you can easily craft every armour with your desired stats without having to search for the individual ingredients. I have not found any errors! Even the individual parts you need for the armour can be crafted with the desired stats right away. If you want an armour with a high intelligence increase, you can simply craft all parts with resources that contain intelligence. no master armour of any kind is the same! This is how you want crafting to be

Dieser Patch wenn er online kommt mit den Workshops hebt Xsyon in neue Dimensionen. Gute Arbeit! Habe mir auf dem Testserver ein Haus gebaut und alle Körbe für Ledercrafting rein in die Körbe. Jetzt kann man jede Rüstung zusätzlich kinderleicht mit seinen gewünschten Stats craften ohne mühsam nach den einzelnen Zutaten zu suchen. Fehler habe Ich keine gefunden! Selbst die einzelnen Teile die man für die Rüstung brauch kann man so gleich mit den gewünschten Stats craften. Wenn du eine Rüstung mit hohen Inteligence Erhöhung willst kannst du einfach alle Teile mit Resourcen craften die Intelligence beinhalten. keine Meisterrüstung egal von wem ist gleich! So wünscht man sich crafting

Build a house from the building menu...set it as WORKSHOP and you can throw all the resources you collect into the baskets! Afterwards you open the CRAFTING-PANEL, choose your profession and see immediately which resource no matter what your needed stats should be for each piece of armour! If you have SUPREME resources, which can have values up to 100, and the tools are SUPREME, you can craft any armour that no one else has, like in no other MMO! Ingenious when it comes soon!

Bau dir ein Haus aus dem Baumenü...setze es als WORKSHOP fest und Du kannst alle Resourcen die du sammelst in die Körbe schmeissen! Anschließend öffnest Du das CRAFTING-PANEL suchst deinen Beruf heraus und siehst sofort welche Resource egal was deine benötigten Stats sein sollen bei jedem Rüstungsteil! Hast du dann noch SUPREME Resourcen die ja auch werte bis 100 haben können und die Werkzeuge sind SUPREME kannst du wie in keinem anderen MMO jede Rüstung nach deinen Vorstellungen craften die kein anderer hat! Genial wenn er demnächst kommt!

07-06-2021, 01:08 PM
I cannot be much help here, as my main server is pvp, and you copy over the pve char, which mine is a new guy, so no architect at all, but as far as smaller tents go an area buff sounds best, i always craft outside near the tents, as one holds all the mats, the other holds the food and i am right next to a fire to rest

07-07-2021, 02:09 PM
1) Expand the bounds for these buildings so that you would get the Workshop buff while standing outside of the building's entrance. The only awkward side effect of this is that you would also receive the Indoors buff while still outside the building.

This is a good option as this would sort of make roofs feel a little more like shelters too since you could stand just outside of the building part where walls go down and it would shelter you like if you were standing under the eaves.

3) Require the player to select the Workshop to use its tools and materials while crafting.
option 1 works but I think this is the optimal option because for the small tents you can split up the materials/tools you want to craft with between tents.

Im guessing there will be issues if multiple people try to use the same workshop at a time? Oo i need to test that.

For players that were saying the panel is too big, is this transparency good enough and does it resolve your issues? If not, what is the main problem with having the large Crafting Panel? Do you want to be able to see if a creature or another player is nearby or is there another reason?

Can we be allowed to drag the crafting window so parts of it are off screen?

like if i grab the top right part of the crafting window, i expect to be able to drag it over to the left side of the client so the recipe list on the left is no longer visible in the frame which frees up the center of my screen.

I would then be able to see and select objects which i suspect is the issue other people are having..

It's the center part of the screen that is basically blocked all the time when the crafting window is up the moment i move it from its default location. But if we could just move the panel so we can have part of it off screen that should solve most of the issues with it being too big.

If you are worried players will drag the crafting window off screen and cause a increase in support issues (such as the issue opened earlier) then maybe just put a anchor point at the center of the crafting window so you can only drag up to half of the window off screen (ie 50% or more always shows)

Or if we were able to hide the recipe list so the menu interface was smaller we would still have access to the center screen.

here is a mock up of what i mean:

You currently can only use a Workshop if you are the owner of the building.

Can we get the ability to transfer ownership of the building to another person in the tribe?

Maybe it could be like a function in the social panel so if I target a building then go in there i have a option to transfer the ownership of the building i have targeted to some one else i have selected in a list like on my tribe window.

then a pop up that says "are you sure you want to transfer ownership of the selected building?"

This is also a issue with a stable people in my tribe start wanting to tame more than one pet and they don't realize then need 20 architecture to build a stable.

On tribe buildings i normally just set the permissions to tribe and have the members set the permission on baskets, but some players really want to be the one that "owns" the building. I imagine the tribe leader/some one with a high enough rank can always remove the inventory and dismantle the building if they need to repossess it so that's never really an issue.

I try to get people to help out but i have to use a alt and i have to set their rank to something under the other person so that i can put down projects and have people build so they can level up while helping on a tribe project. I would love to just be able to transfer a building with out having to force a person to go though architect when they just want to do something like hunting.

Oo maybe like the tribe leader can do it for any building so when some one puts a totem down they can take over the buildings and actually own everything..

eh...though i imagine i can just get everyone that wants a workshop to grind to 20 and then have them build the Gadu Thatch Roof 4x4 and stable and just be done with it...

Oh that reminds me is there a limit on the number of workshops per tribe?

07-07-2021, 08:14 PM
You currently can only use a Workshop if you are the owner of the building.
Can we get the ability to transfer ownership of the building to another person in the tribe?
This is a good idea
Most buildings in our city are from member who are in moment not active playing.
Allow the Tribe leader to change the ownership of a building to the leader or other player. And give Player to set the ownershi of her created building to other people.
Same then for tamed animals with a menue where you can select "Aliance,Friend,family,tribe,rank"

07-09-2021, 01:15 AM
On the current Test Server, anyone with the Lock permissions for the Workshop should be able to use the work shop.

I will be adding a function to transfer ownership of buildings. That's on my current todo list.

For xyberviri: I see your screenshots show the Craft Panel without transparency. Have you checked out the current Craft Panel that is semi-transparent?


07-09-2021, 09:32 AM
yes, sorry thats from the last build i snapped a screen shot and wanted to suggest a fold -able crafting menu where you could just collapse the recipe list and had not bothered posting it because i was able to work around the issue.

The main issue i have with the ui is it blocks the center part of the screen where my mouse normally is so i cant click on stuff behind the crafting panel.

I found the solution was to rearrange my ui so that the selection bar was at the bottom of the screen and then moving the crafting ui all the way up to the top when im going to go for a long crafting session.

but then when im done i move the action bar back up to the top of the screen and then select things and pick them up before opening the crafting panel.

07-13-2021, 03:53 PM
Ok, I can have something to close the left hand of the panel but I first want to be clear on what the root problem is that this is addressing.

What is the reason for wanting to select other objects in the world while crafting? Is it to access other materials? Do you move materials and tools to your inventory from external containers while crafting? Or are there other reasons?

The Workshop feature should eliminate the need for sorting out tools and materials as all materials in one building should show up in the Crafting Panel.

I've been checking out other similar games and the standard is to have a Crafting Panel that takes up the entire screen with no movement or interaction with other stuff necessary while you are crafting. I'm trying to achieve the same so that players can open Crafting and everything they need is accessible within the panel. What additional functionality would help to fulfill this goal?


07-13-2021, 06:17 PM
Ok, I can have something to close the left hand of the panel but I first want to be clear on what the root problem is that this is addressing.

What is the reason for wanting to select other objects in the world while crafting? Is it to access other materials? Do you move materials and tools to your inventory from external containers while crafting? Or are there other reasons?

The Workshop feature should eliminate the need for sorting out tools and materials as all materials in one building should show up in the Crafting Panel.

I've been checking out other similar games and the standard is to have a Crafting Panel that takes up the entire screen with no movement or interaction with other stuff necessary while you are crafting. I'm trying to achieve the same so that players can open Crafting and everything they need is accessible within the panel. What additional functionality would help to fulfill this goal?


Yes, we need to select things in the world, like small logs on the ground

07-14-2021, 03:31 PM
Sorry for the late reply it has been crazy week at work (back to office after a year of work from home)

The workshops should resolve like 98% of the issues with the large UI. Its the edge cases where you need to deal with resource bundles, logs, sticks or grab things out of baskets that aren't going to be in a workshop or in a cart.

(im literally building most of my tribe area out of gadu blueprints... so its really noticeable.)

Like if im clearing a field inside of the totem area to save as much grass as i can before i terraform it. It wouldnt practical to load it in a cart 20 at a time just to craft out of the cart. For grass its actually easier to just gather the grass and then craft it directly to thread leaving the crafting window up the entire time.

for lumber i cut down all the trees im going to turn into studs/sheets/posts first until i get about 100-200 logs.. then we just process all of that while moving it into carts, then haul all of that back to the tribe area.

sticks are when you need to craft something like arrows, i use to like to leave the crafting window open so i could just craft arrows as i needed them.

I keep a stack of feathers and a craft knife on me so i could hunt with just a couple of arrows on me at a time.

In other games you are able to carry significantly more resources on you so the workshop should bring xsyon more inline with that freedom while making the player still work for it.

If you are crafting one or two things for the most part you wont notice. If you are crafting 100 wood posts to make habi posts or if you need to make say 800+ thatch you start noticing the menu is in the way.

07-15-2021, 02:32 PM
That clarifies things. Thanks!

So, it sounds like bundle objects (grass and logs) are an issue. Allowing players to carry more of these resources and carry them in packs / bins would make things easier and more in line with other current games. (Even though I kind of like the realism of not being able to put a large log into your pack).

I'll think about how I can improve this.

07-16-2021, 11:31 AM
What if you could also use a camp fire as a primitive workshop, then people could use camp fires as mobile project sites.

Like maybe while inside the hearth radius you can use resource bundles show up in addition to crafting while crafting but not containers that arent on your person or in a attached cart

like the idea goes camp fire helps illuminate the area so im able to grab it and use my tools, still doesn't really solve the issue with bundles around the game world with out having to build a ton of camp fires.. and that would just encourage players to build a bunch of camp fires so maybe not such a good idea...

just throwing ideas out there, but in any case thank you for all the hard work totally love this game.

07-27-2021, 08:03 AM
on the crafting for instance making bricks. The crafting only lets me do 20 at a time but I can hold over 50 limestone or granite. Is there a way that you can make the crafting number match what you can carry or let the player go above 20 if the are unencombered?

07-30-2021, 03:56 PM
I will be adjusting the stack and craft counts for everything (as needed) over the next few weeks. That will include bricks.

08-02-2021, 03:44 PM
About new craft panel:
1) it is so big, especially for notebook. Is there a way to change/minimize its size?
2) is it possible to add scroll arrows as in skill panel?
3) can a broken tool disappear in the same way as an exhausted stack?
4) erroneous display of the quantity in the selected stack when the tool breaks
5) error. Сontinuing crafting after the panel is suddenly closed. I crafted and ejected tools. I used key "Y" to confirm the ejection. And craft panel was suddenly closed. And crafting continued. The entire inventory was filled with an illusory tool. This all does not happen if you find only one item through the search...Taking advantage of the moment, I want to ask for a button to switch between modes normal and delete item (one click delete item)...please
6) error. It is very good that learning a new recipe now does not reset the current one. But after that, something strange begins to happen to the amount. Only the first and last item of the required quantity is produced

08-03-2021, 03:14 PM
About new craft panel:
1) it is so big, especially for notebook. Is there a way to change/minimize its size?

I will be adding a function to close part of the panel although might take me a bit of time to do that (it's low priority right now with lots of other work in progress).

2) is it possible to add scroll arrows as in skill panel?

Where in the craft panels would you like to see scroll arrows? (Maybe a screenshot would help)

I will look into the other issues this week.


08-10-2021, 12:16 AM
Where in the craft panels would you like to see scroll arrows? (Maybe a screenshot would help)
By analogy with the skill window.

08-10-2021, 02:55 AM
Ok, that's clear now. I'll add those. Thanks!