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View Full Version : Calling all Scavengers, PvP

02-25-2023, 06:34 PM
Want to be a part of something great! Then now is the time to take part!

I normally wanted this to be a bit personal, but seeing the amount of effort necessary, I can no longer help but to request backup from the others of this untamed wasteland!

I need a couple of materials, all of which can be found in our local scrap yard, but you're more than welcome to bring some of your own, to help get rid of some unwanted space. I shall list this in order from least needed to most.

Medium Metal Poles
Long Metal Studs
Large Metal Sheets
Long Metal Poles

I cannot stress enough how much I absolutely NEED the Long Metal Poles. It is quintessential to my project.

To turn it in, you can try to catch me when I'm online in the server, or head along to the quest totem I have up, accepting the poles for various rewards, both are located at Zone 1062, 400 200. Any of the rewards don't entice you? No problem! We can work something out in person if I'm online.

I can offer:

Leather Armor
Scavenged Materials
Clothes/Tailored Armor

Anyone who participates/helps will also be credited in the making of the project for contributing. I ask any and all, come over and offer anything you can! I'll take all and any quality materials, ESPECIALLY Long Metal Poles!