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View Full Version : Got my refund today.

05-17-2010, 03:36 PM
So after witnessing the..."glory" that is early play, I decided to email Notorious Games and request a refund.

Now before I get troll spammed by "Its Beta stop QQing" This isnt the reason why I got a refund.

Now Im not one to judge a game on graphics but DAMN! This game looks and felt like I was playing a predecessor to EverQuest. Its clunky delayed and when you run you look like an orangatang having a fit over a bannana. And no its not becuase I have a crappy PC. I can post my DXdiag file if you would like, but here is a run down. GTX 280 MAXXCORE, i5 quad lynnfield 2.6 OCed to 3.4, 10000rpm Gaming HDD (getting a SDD soon) and the typical 4gb ram.

I've tried to help with fixing combat with the post that I started (Which later was basically stickied by a dev, but wasn't written by me mind you.) But when I went into the "combat mode" is was terrible. You walk around like you have a broken leg. Its slow and not captivating at all.

However with all that said my main reason for getting a refund is this:

There is no way this game will be out by June 15. And if it does come out then, it will surely fail.

I would of owned you in this game anyways.
Stop QQing
Its beta! (Guess what its not)

In 3...

05-17-2010, 03:38 PM
see sig

05-17-2010, 03:41 PM
Korvos666 wrote:

see sig

Yeah I pretty much thought my post was a mind fuck too.

Thanks for the feedback :laugh:

P.S. why does the old man have Dog shit on his ear?

05-17-2010, 03:42 PM
Yinn wrote:

Korvos666 wrote:

see sig

Yeah I pretty much thought my post was a mind fuck too.

Thanks for the feedback :laugh:

haha no problem I agree with the combat part :)

I'm waiting to see the revamp to combat for xsyon :P

Ps. it's from a tv series called Purepwnage and well the guy getting shot (Doug) threw the shit at him

05-17-2010, 03:43 PM
They added most of the so called revamp (sprinting taking more stamina when in combat mode, my idea btw.) Still sucks :(

Oh yeah I edited my second post with a P.S. could you answer that, lol.

P.S. Again I see you already answered that, thanks ill give it a look at. Looks pretty funny.

05-17-2010, 03:46 PM
Yinn wrote:

They added most of the so called revamp (sprinting taking more stamina when in combat mode, my idea btw.) Still sucks :(

Oh yeah I edited my second post with a P.S. could you answer that, lol.

P.S. Again I see you already answered that, thanks ill give it a look at. Looks pretty funny.

haha it's a pretty funny show about gamers but you can only watch the tv series in canada (unless u use a proxy ofc ;)

there is also a web series that started in 04 and the last episode was in 08 that they're continuing now that season 1 of the tv series is over. The web series is better imo plus thats how they got famous :P

But if you want to check it out http://www.purepwnage.com/home_outside

05-17-2010, 04:03 PM
If you realized that this game is not for you and you ask for a refund thats ok, but I don't understand why did you feel the urge to share this with us...most of us are adults who can make their decisions on their own, and your post didn't add any new information to help us to decide. June 15 is only a planned release date, if the game won't be ready by then the launch will be pushed back again, everyone knows that. Other players opinion about graphic is very different from yours.

05-17-2010, 04:08 PM
Oh my, this game won't be around for June 15th?! I BETTER DO MUH REFUND RIGHT NOW!

You're not very patient, are you?

05-17-2010, 04:22 PM

I understand your opinion on my opinion. Also take note on what I just said :)

And stop the maturity act, I'm and Adult too but I don't go flaunting it over the internet. Grow up and learn to accept others opinions and reviews. Its not called freedom of speech for nothing.


I'm a very patient person, but I'm also an aspiring game developer that's currently in college. And what this game company has done is what many failed games have learned in the past (Warhammer Online for example)And that is, don't allow players into your game until it is around 90%(over exaggerated) complete.

The reason being is that they've allowed players in to see a game that is flawed and filled with bugs WAY before it is out or even complete, leading to bad reviews such as mine (even though mine isnt really based on gameplay.) My review is more so ... well I know a dud when I see one.

Plus I could use the extra 40$ on something that ... I dunno could be used sooner then when this game WILL come out when ever that's gonna be. And the reason for this is because when I pre-oredered the game was advertised for April 15th, then may and now june. Sorry but business is business and I know the value of a dollar.

05-17-2010, 04:57 PM
you should let me play your copy so i can see if i like it before wasting my precious money :P

05-17-2010, 05:01 PM
Yinn wrote:

They added most of the so called revamp (sprinting taking more stamina when in combat mode, my idea btw.) Still sucks :(

:laugh: Because no one else ever suggested this. /sarcasm

I don't mind you posting you got your refund, that makes me feel better knowing they gave it to ya.

05-17-2010, 05:02 PM
Yinn wrote:


I understand your opinion on my opinion. Also take note on what I just said :)

And stop the maturity act, I'm and Adult too but I don't go flaunting it over the internet. Grow up and learn to accept others opinions and reviews. Its not called freedom of speech for nothing.


I'm a very patient person, but I'm also an aspiring game developer that's currently in college. And what this game company has done is what many failed games have learned in the past (Warhammer Online for example)And that is, don't allow players into your game until it is around 90%(over exaggerated) complete.

The reason being is that they've allowed players in to see a game that is flawed and filled with bugs WAY before it is out or even complete, leading to bad reviews such as mine (even though mine isnt really based on gameplay.) My review is more so ... well I know a dud when I see one.

Plus I could use the extra 40$ on something that ... I dunno could be used sooner then when this game WILL come out when ever that's gonna be. And the reason for this is because when I pre-oredered the game was advertised for April 15th, then may and now june. Sorry but business is business and I know the value of a dollar.

You are allowed your opinion on a 'beta' non-retail MMO which I will comment on now. An aspiring game developer who's still in school? Did I get that right? Did they teach you words such as alpha, beta, open, closed, gold, etc.? So following your, " And that is, don't allow players into your game until it is around 90%(over exaggerated) complete." strategy, how would any MMORPG developer ever test the MMO part without early testers/players?

The Devs for Xsyon also said they would push back the game if they needed more time to get things right. They have always been up front about that to the community. You didn't seem to like that. The people who have pre-ordered early have been given, early access (over time as devs see fit for testing and 1 week before launch. 60 days free play and a weapon/item of your choice. So the game costs $10 if you don't like it 60 days after launch. (insert value of a dollar here)

So you got your $40 back. I am glad you had no issues with an unknown developer such as Notorious Games. I have been waiting three weeks for $30 from Cryptic since they hit my account for two months after I canceled STO in Feb. They said they would do a refund, after four emails later, they said it's in the works but takes time... So far 3 weeks time! Seems Notorious is a bit more professional than a company who has put out several MMO's. I would trust Notorious more than I would Cryptic and maybe they are not rushing the game and learning from companies who do so.

05-17-2010, 06:02 PM
Crunch wrote:

you should let me play your copy so i can see if i like it before wasting my precious money :P

I could if I would but its closed now, hence the refund lol. But you could listen to my advice and not spend your money here :P

As for the other replies, too busy at the moment playing APB beta (way worth the money and only 9.99$ a month when it comes out) to comment with general flaming forum troll nonsense.

And now that I've advertise another game it gives the mods a reason to close this, so you guys can gets your fingers off the report button now :P

05-17-2010, 06:05 PM
I got a refund on Mortal Online that I purchased for $75, that was hella expensive for a MMO that has had an unplayable beta for months at a time...

But when you get 2 months of gameplay for Xsyon, meaning you only paid $10 for the game, I don't see the point in a refund... :dry:

05-17-2010, 06:15 PM
Yinn wrote:

Crunch wrote:

you should let me play your copy so i can see if i like it before wasting my precious money :P

I could if I would but its closed now, hence the refund lol. But you could listen to my advice and not spend your money here :P

As for the other replies, too busy at the moment playing APB beta (way worth the money and only 9.99$ a month when it comes out) to comment with general flaming forum troll nonsense.

And now that I've advertise another game it gives the mods a reason to close this, so you guys can gets your fingers off the report button now :P

Only one finger up here! :laugh:

05-17-2010, 08:55 PM
It's good they gave you one, interesting too since no other game would have.

05-17-2010, 08:56 PM
Yinn wrote:

Crunch wrote:

you should let me play your copy so i can see if i like it before wasting my precious money :P

I could if I would but its closed now, hence the refund lol. But you could listen to my advice and not spend your money here :P

As for the other replies, too busy at the moment playing APB beta (way worth the money and only 9.99$ a month when it comes out) to comment with general flaming forum troll nonsense.

And now that I've advertise another game it gives the mods a reason to close this, so you guys can gets your fingers off the report button now :P


05-17-2010, 09:08 PM
You are being ungrateful, the devs have given you an exception and you abused it. I do not care if you found it "choppy", next time you get something handed to you, don't whine and wipe your ass on it and throw it back, even if it does suck (in your opinion).

05-17-2010, 10:38 PM
Yinn wrote:

Crunch wrote:

you should let me play your copy so i can see if i like it before wasting my precious money :P

I could if I would but its closed now, hence the refund lol. But you could listen to my advice and not spend your money here :P

As for the other replies, too busy at the moment playing APB beta (way worth the money and only 9.99$ a month when it comes out) to comment with general flaming forum troll nonsense.

And now that I've advertise another game it gives the mods a reason to close this, so you guys can gets your fingers off the report button now :P

,ah talk about a crap game,what Xsyon isnt good enough because its not as pretty as apb?That game is worthless..I wonder if you have been to the forums and seen what is going on there?Regardless if you have or not all i will say is this,since i am still under nda....i suppose... 5000 or 6000 beta keys were given away on alienware not to mention all the people let into beta from applying.Ever took a look at how many are playing at any given time out of all those beta keys...150 if your lucky.Most of the time not even that....The numurous problems ppl try to tell the devs and nothing is done,when u post something for a dev you NEVER get a response...ive dealt with far to many company's like that,act like there shit don't stink when it smells just like yours and mine...SHIT!

Id take a dedicated team over a large snobby ass company any day.

Sure this game doesn't have much inside it,that's besides the point,They are working there way up the ladder,hell im not even in the game yet and i see that,from all the posts and what not, from admins/devs on here keeping the community updated,try to get that over at RTW.I though u were an aspiring game developer?I can't tell.....

Btw,no disrespect,just calling it how i see it,like yours,i have an opinion as well. :) have a good one

05-18-2010, 01:48 AM
In the words of a famous Ron Burgundy movie...


...anyone got a biscuit..? :blink:

05-18-2010, 03:03 AM
just pointing out ...... some of us have patience! some of us keep our mouths shut ..... damn ... there i go opening my mouth. lol.

05-18-2010, 06:41 AM
Yinn wrote:

Crunch wrote:

you should let me play your copy so i can see if i like it before wasting my precious money :P

I could if I would but its closed now, hence the refund lol. But you could listen to my advice and not spend your money here :P

As for the other replies, too busy at the moment playing APB beta (way worth the money and only 9.99$ a month when it comes out) to comment with general flaming forum troll nonsense.

And now that I've advertise another game it gives the mods a reason to close this, so you guys can gets your fingers off the report button now :P

Wait a min you said your beta testing APB wow , that game won't be rdy for its release but your comparing to this game not being ready, Realtime is yet to fix alot about APB like the LAG! Also said the game is based on skill which is not true, and I proven it to Realtime , I can't go there because of the NDA , but if you play it the servers are dead. for a beta....

Not trying to bash ya for canceling this game but using APB for an example for a good game over this is not good.. as far as a lanuch, in time APB could be great if they do it right.

I'm thinking xbox is more your thing .

I for one plan to get APB in like 4 months if the server are more stable.. and fix the match making.

Oh and the commnity in APB are and is like 5yrs old.. so good luck there. worst commnity ever in an MMO , sadly..

05-18-2010, 08:29 AM
Good for you, wish you luck finding something you enjoy but,

Is this your first prerelease… what did you expect? I think I have already got my $35 worth of entertainment from the game, hell that’s only 2 hours at the movies. Why go through the bother of requesting a refund and posting a “ Mr. obvious “ negative review?

You complain about trolls in the OP but it appears the only troll here is you. We are well aware of the state of the game so we don’t need to see your dramatic exit.

Oh, and free speech does not apply to posting in privately owned forums, just in case you didn’t know.

But anyway, it’s best that your type be gone.
Again, Good Luck

05-18-2010, 09:25 AM
Yinn wrote:


I understand your opinion on my opinion. Also take note on what I just said :)

And stop the maturity act, I'm and Adult too but I don't go flaunting it over the internet. Grow up and learn to accept others opinions and reviews. Its not called freedom of speech for nothing.

I didn't label your opinion in any way, did I ? All I was curious about that why did you feel like sharing it with us...apart of the obvious reason, as in bashing this game.

05-18-2010, 11:26 AM
jefferysauto wrote:

Oh and the commnity in APB are and is like 5yrs old.. so good luck there. worst commnity ever in an MMO , sadly..
Very true.

05-18-2010, 11:45 AM
You guys REALLY think that explaining anything to this child-in-a-man's-body will do anything?!?!?!?!?! I could debate the point/counterpoint but it would feed his attention-starved ego. Good luck with your career Vinn.

05-18-2010, 11:53 AM
Greawulfe wrote:

You guys REALLY think that explaining anything to this child-in-a-man's-body will do anything?!?!?!?!?! I could debate the point/counterpoint but it would feed his attention-starved ego. Good luck with your career Vinn.
That is a mighty nice bass your boys holding B)

05-18-2010, 12:05 PM
Thx it's a 6 pounder, damn near bigger than he was. Are those channels or blues you got there? Bet that was some good eatin, just the right size.

05-18-2010, 12:09 PM
Blues,and i only keep a few for eating,very active spot i take my kids to and fish,they love seeing them all on the stringer swimming so i usually hang on to them until its time to go.

05-18-2010, 12:46 PM
Woah woah woah here, lets get not get offtopic talking about fishing and get back to the main topic... flaming the OP.

05-18-2010, 01:02 PM
Hammon wrote:

Woah woah woah here, lets get not get offtopic talking about fishing and get back to the main topic... flaming the OP.Is that Avi from Dragon Age?

05-19-2010, 04:53 AM
now Dragon age .... that was an awesome game. they should make that into an MMO.

05-19-2010, 04:55 PM
Yinn wrote:

Crunch wrote:

you should let me play your copy so i can see if i like it before wasting my precious money :P

I could if I would but its closed now, hence the refund lol. But you could listen to my advice and not spend your money here :P

As for the other replies, too busy at the moment playing APB beta (way worth the money and only 9.99$ a month when it comes out) to comment with general flaming forum troll nonsense.

And now that I've advertise another game it gives the mods a reason to close this, so you guys can gets your fingers off the report button now :P

I really wanna try APB been waiting like a year for beta now lol. IS it fun?

05-19-2010, 05:42 PM
Crunch wrote:

Yinn wrote:

Crunch wrote:

you should let me play your copy so i can see if i like it before wasting my precious money :P

I could if I would but its closed now, hence the refund lol. But you could listen to my advice and not spend your money here :P

As for the other replies, too busy at the moment playing APB beta (way worth the money and only 9.99$ a month when it comes out) to comment with general flaming forum troll nonsense.

And now that I've advertise another game it gives the mods a reason to close this, so you guys can gets your fingers off the report button now :P

I really wanna try APB been waiting like a year for beta now lol. IS it fun?

it's really fun if you have a group of friends to play with, I haven't played in a few weeks but when I did it was pretty laggy (server lag not fps my computer is fine :P) and enforcers were kinda OP with their non-lethal ammo.

05-19-2010, 07:31 PM
EgoSumPondera wrote:

Hammon wrote:

Woah woah woah here, lets get not get offtopic talking about fishing and get back to the main topic... flaming the OP.Is that Avi from Dragon Age?

While it is from Dragon Age, it isn't any of the NPCs. It was my Dwarf main character.

05-19-2010, 08:14 PM
Marsai wrote:

now Dragon age .... that was an awesome game. they should make that into an MMO.You would be hard-pressed to find a better RPG developer than BioWare.

05-19-2010, 10:14 PM
Seen a lot of misconceptions in posts so allow me to correct.

Worst MMO community ever... WoW not APB

APB will be way mroe complete when it comes out then this game.

APB is an amazing game, the servers are very stable for it being a beta test and yes its very fun when you have a group to play with.

My only beef with the game is that the group size is only at max 4. But as far as I know they are adding more clan fundamentals to the game which can mean bigger groups. The only lag from the game is the fact that the current Beta is in EU and im a NA player.

05-22-2010, 12:47 AM
I logged in today for the first time. Ive been waiting 2 months almost to get in .....

Was excited.

I logged out in less than 120 seconds.....

It was awful.

05-22-2010, 02:36 AM
Akasha wrote:

I logged in today for the first time. Ive been waiting 2 months almost to get in .....

Was excited.

I logged out in less than 120 seconds.....

It was awful.

What did you do in the 120 sec that was so awful?

05-22-2010, 09:04 AM
Largion wrote:

Akasha wrote:

I logged in today for the first time. Ive been waiting 2 months almost to get in .....

Was excited.

I logged out in less than 120 seconds.....

It was awful.

What did you do in the 120 sec that was so awful?

Yeah?! What did you do in the 120 sec? You can't make a toasted peanut butter and jelly sandwich in 120 seconds. WTF?

05-22-2010, 09:39 AM
Chile wrote:

Largion wrote:

Akasha wrote:

I logged in today for the first time. Ive been waiting 2 months almost to get in .....

Was excited.

I logged out in less than 120 seconds.....

It was awful.

What did you do in the 120 sec that was so awful?

Yeah?! What did you do in the 120 sec? You can't make a toasted peanut butter and jelly sandwich in 120 seconds. WTF?

I can make 2 toasted PBJ sandwich's in 120 seconds. GET WITH THE PROGRAM!!!!!! RAWR!

05-22-2010, 10:17 AM
Crunch wrote:

Chile wrote:

Largion wrote:

Akasha wrote:

I logged in today for the first time. Ive been waiting 2 months almost to get in .....

Was excited.

I logged out in less than 120 seconds.....

It was awful.

What did you do in the 120 sec that was so awful?

Yeah?! What did you do in the 120 sec? You can't make a toasted peanut butter and jelly sandwich in 120 seconds. WTF?

I can make 2 toasted PBJ sandwich's in 120 seconds. GET WITH THE PROGRAM!!!!!! RAWR!

I like mine a little more toasty! ;)

05-22-2010, 10:32 AM
Oh, my bad then :)

05-22-2010, 10:46 AM
some guys can "do" a lot in 120 seconds... but sometimes it's better to spent 10 mins+ "doing" those things...

05-22-2010, 12:33 PM
pid73 wrote:

some guys can "do" a lot in 120 seconds... but sometimes it's better to spent 10 mins+ "doing" those things...

I can do it in under 120 :D

05-22-2010, 12:45 PM
Largion wrote:

Akasha wrote:

I logged in today for the first time. Ive been waiting 2 months almost to get in .....

Was excited.

I logged out in less than 120 seconds.....

It was awful.

What did you do in the 120 sec that was so awful?

what could you do in 120 secs :laugh:

I mean what do you expect this is early stage of the game. Whole point of getting in now is to have the opportunity to tell the developers how you think the game should move forward. In early stage of game like this your ideas have way better chance of being implemented.

05-22-2010, 01:01 PM
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ......well, this is my opinion :);) :) :

05-22-2010, 01:01 PM
Slower is better......

Trust me, I'm a doctor

Iron Maiden
05-22-2010, 01:02 PM
Vengeance leaving the game before it even releases??


05-22-2010, 01:43 PM
Iron Maiden wrote:

Vengeance leaving the game before it even releases??


I told you my trolling would pay off.

05-22-2010, 03:01 PM
I like this thread.
Makes me think about how important education is.

05-22-2010, 10:06 PM
Largion wrote:

I like this thread.
Makes me think about how important education is.

No, education is not as important as common intelligence is!

05-22-2010, 10:24 PM
honestly doubt he got his money back i tried to opt for a refund because of the false advertisement at the listed features and the tenative release date which is basically 2 months from whatever time it is now cause we're gona keep pushing it back cause its more in alpha stage but we already got your money suckas. but yea i am just going to turn it over to my credit card company get the money back from them and let them deal with it.

05-22-2010, 10:46 PM
Valen wrote:

honestly doubt he got his money back i tried to opt for a refund because of the false advertisement at the listed features and the tenative release date which is basically 2 months from whatever time it is now cause we're gona keep pushing it back cause its more in alpha stage but we already got your money suckas. but yea i am just going to turn it over to my credit card company get the money back from them and let them deal with it.

How do they have false advertising with the features listed? The game is not even out yet. They are slowly enabling features as they get each feature stable and tested. Anyways, once you do get your refund go spend it on a, 'How to write a complete sentence' book.

05-22-2010, 11:53 PM
Does anyone actually read the ToS for this game. It says in there that once you accept the ToS you are no longer eligible for a refund. So good luck with getting it back from your CC.

05-23-2010, 12:00 AM
Sabina wrote:

Does anyone actually read the ToS for this game. It says in there that once you accept the ToS you are no longer eligible for a refund. So good luck with getting it back from your CC.

While I'm not advocating refunds, there's little Notorious Games can do to stop it if someone complains to their CC company.

05-23-2010, 02:34 AM
I also might add that refunds were already given to some.
I think this is a good thing, because it gives a kind of serenity, knowing that we are dealing with reliable people. The problem with Xsyon now is that not all features are switched on, so things seem much less finished as they actually are.
I remember reading a post by Jordi stating that the "ordinary" stuff is all implemented in a single-player client/server. It is now going multiplayer, but this is a small step, problems being server stability, security and lag - all being addressed as we post here. What was added in the last months is terraforming, and this is what is giving so much trouble. This is the new feature that is buggy and needs to be ironed out.

in other words, we are seeing the other end of the rope. Once those things are golden the many things will be switched on one by one, so I'm confident the features are there and they will be as advertised. The fact that it got postponed does not mean this is Duke Nukem, but just that: a postponed release date... very ordinary these days.

Failcom and Cryptrick should take example from that dedication.

Just my 2 cents.

05-23-2010, 07:28 AM
Valen wrote:

honestly doubt he got his money back i tried to opt for a refund because of the false advertisement at the listed features and the tenative release date which is basically 2 months from whatever time it is now cause we're gona keep pushing it back cause its more in alpha stage but we already got your money suckas. but yea i am just going to turn it over to my credit card company get the money back from them and let them deal with it.

Should let me play before you get that refund :D

05-23-2010, 08:51 AM
pid73 wrote:

I also might add that refunds were already given to some.
I think this is a good thing, because it gives a kind of serenity, knowing that we are dealing with reliable people. The problem with Xsyon now is that not all features are switched on, so things seem much less finished as they actually are.
I remember reading a post by Jordi stating that the "ordinary" stuff is all implemented in a single-player client/server. It is now going multiplayer, but this is a small step, problems being server stability, security and lag - all being addressed as we post here. What was added in the last months is terraforming, and this is what is giving so much trouble. This is the new feature that is buggy and needs to be ironed out.

in other words, we are seeing the other end of the rope. Once those things are golden the many things will be switched on one by one, so I'm confident the features are there and they will be as advertised. The fact that it got postponed does not mean this is Duke Nukem, but just that: a postponed release date... very ordinary these days.

Failcom and Cryptrick should take example from that dedication.

Just my 2 cents.


I will add the game has not lied at all. xsyon stated many times all features will not be their untill release. Point of the beta is to be able to give your feedback and help find bugs. If you dont enjoy that sort of thing the beta really not for you.

05-25-2010, 01:12 AM
Got a refund also, due to the complete sham that is the feature list, the continual postponing of the release and the horrendous quality of the features already in the game. And you must forgive me, I forgot, all those other features not in yet just aren't turned on yet. Sorry, forgot about that. Funny how that conveniently makes a perfect excuse for features being absent and can be used indefinitely. 2 years from now: oh yeah, ___________ feature from the feature list just isn't turned on yet, give it time............... Head out of the sand people.

05-25-2010, 01:39 AM
Valen wrote:

honestly doubt he got his money back i tried to opt for a refund because of the false advertisement at the listed features and the tenative release date which is basically 2 months from whatever time it is now cause we're gona keep pushing it back cause its more in alpha stage but we already got your money suckas. but yea i am just going to turn it over to my credit card company get the money back from them and let them deal with it.

No false advertisement yet, as game has not been released. And if I'm not mistaken the ToS allows them to change the game client at any time or something to that effect basically voiding false advertisement. Still along time off to release so calm down.

11-14-2010, 03:44 PM
Yinn wrote:

Seen a lot of misconceptions in posts so allow me to correct.

Worst MMO community ever... WoW not APB

APB will be way mroe complete when it comes out then this game.

APB is an amazing game, the servers are very stable for it being a beta test and yes its very fun when you have a group to play with.

My only beef with the game is that the group size is only at max 4. But as far as I know they are adding more clan fundamentals to the game which can mean bigger groups. The only lag from the game is the fact that the current Beta is in EU and im a NA player.

He's so funny. :laugh:

Too bad that APB has failed. You guys also need to also know what "Beta" means. I've been waiting for some negative feedback about the game so I could determine if it's worth the pre-order, but I can't find any. Instead I get these nonconstructive posts.

11-14-2010, 04:18 PM
I haven't read any seriously negative feedback in the pre-order forums. I pre-ordered it recently and I can say its quite enjoyable. Xsyon shows enormous potential, but there's still a few key features that I'd like to see implemented and fleshed out.

11-14-2010, 05:07 PM
Venciera wrote:

I haven't read any seriously negative feedback in the pre-order forums. I pre-ordered it recently and I can say its quite enjoyable. Xsyon shows enormous potential, but there's still a few key features that I'd like to see implemented and fleshed out.

Me either, which is why I'm actually thinking about buying it. I wanna support this game because of the awesome ideas and features, however how do I know if it's really worth it? Is it actually what you asked for? Also, is the crafting in the game time consuming? Wurm Online seems to waste many hours of my life without any real progression.

11-14-2010, 05:25 PM
So far crafting has been a lot of fun. Xsyon's crafting and res gathering is more akin to minecraft. Where by you rarely spend a lot of time in one place pushing one button endlessly to collect mats.

When you gather scrap for example you collect 4 piles of unsorted metal, and then you have to 'sort' those metal piles into individual objects. If you don't find what you're looking for you have to move around the junk pile to find more clusters of metal. It keeps things interesting. Sometimes while searching you can find rare resources. There's also a scavenge ability which can uncover hidden treasures.

Overall I've found the grind to be acceptable. Things could get more difficult when its released, but so far its been pretty rewarding.

01-30-2011, 04:18 AM
I am so tempting to pre order myself after just finding out about this hidden gem yesterday but the pre order to play beta just sends my spider sense tingling and all I can see is DARK & LIGHT /shudder. I avoided that train wreak but it just scares me when an small game wants me to trust them before they give me any reason to. So it seems its up to the community to convince me, we shall see.

01-30-2011, 05:24 AM
The thing I would tell you to do is be honest with yourself and know what type of game play you enjoy. Then look up everything you can find on that playing style here on the forums. Watch out for the few troll's we have here, As most everything they say is bad. But if you find that this games does have things you would like then go on and pre-order. I have yet to hear any one ask for ther money back and not get it back fast. So there should be no fear with the pre-order.

Also here are a few places to check:

Announcements (http://www.xsyon.com/forum/showthread.php/1440-Xsyon-Updates?p=37706&viewfull=1#post37706)
Official FAQ List (http://www.xsyon.com/forum/showthread.php/2522-Official-FAQ-List?p=34736&viewfull=1#post34736)
Go to YouTube and plug in Xsyon, Or check out Tutorials! (http://www.xsyon.com/forum/showthread.php/2917-Tutorials!)

Othere than that READ READ READ as much as you can, But you will never really know till you get into game and try it yourself.

Good Luck to you.


01-30-2011, 05:27 AM
I am so tempting to pre order myself after just finding out about this hidden gem yesterday but the pre order to play beta just sends my spider sense tingling and all I can see is DARK & LIGHT /shudder. I avoided that train wreak but it just scares me when an small game wants me to trust them before they give me any reason to. So it seems its up to the community to convince me, we shall see.

Since there is no NDA and the game launches on 1st of March there is no much difference between preordering the game now or buying it after launch. You need trust to buy a game anyway if it has no free trial, you have to rely on others' opinion. If you preorder now you can start to play with your final character after 14th of February, the headstart for preorders starts then, only 2 more weeks :) With preorder you get 2 months of free play so its really worth it.

If you have questions about the game don't hesitate to ask, lot of people are active and helpful on the forum.

01-30-2011, 05:31 AM

01-31-2011, 02:09 PM
Will also has 2 very good reviews (previews) on mmorpg.com pop over there and take a look

02-02-2011, 06:50 PM
all they have to do is say NO refunds.. says so in TOS

BAMM ur cc is now OWNED

02-02-2011, 06:59 PM
no offence but mmorpg is a POS

any review there should be treated as false (not saying it is all the time but just mostly)

mmorpg is BIASED and will slander/slam any mmo they dont like

not trying to break rules here but... take Mortal online for example... they claim its a total POS and tbh it was fun... really buggy but FUN

u post that on mmorpg and guess what... nxt day u log in... sorry u have been BANNED... wtf (i have had it happen so i speak from experiance... all i posted was this game is fun really buggy but its just beta.....)

02-02-2011, 08:43 PM
the review was by a current player that posted his review there :)

02-04-2011, 09:46 PM
I just bought the game two days ago after watching this site for quite sometime and holding back. in it's current stage this game isn't for everyone. I don not regret spending my $40 bucks on it. I'm having a great time, and the dev team seems to be working hard on it. I expect good things.