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05-17-2010, 09:51 PM
From becoming another Darkfall? I can't help but have high hopes for this very impressive and ballsy feature list as I have been seeking for a realistic(relatively) sandbox MMO for quite some time.

Any knowledgeable posters here(vets or admins) that could give me a rundown on the devs and if they have the ability to pull through on this game? So many MMO's die way before they come close to their potential (AoC, DnL, DF, etc.).

Can Xsyon avoid the usual fate? I just hope they don't rush the release.

05-17-2010, 10:09 PM
If by "usual fate" you mean crash and burn... I don't believe it will crash and burn, but I think if you subscribe to PvP vs Carebears threads that one side will be let down big time.

PvP is a very much guarded secret here, we don't know much about it, more in terms of PKing.

In terms of my view of the game, the Devs are very open about the game and suggestions the players have. I think this openness is what will allow the game to flourish.

05-17-2010, 10:35 PM
I am hopeful the devs are learning from other games mistakes and taking their time getting stability down (Mortal Online) before moving on. They have a rare chance and are in a good position to see what not to do.

I am sure they are watching other sandbox games such as Wurm, MO and Darkfall and taking away the pros and cons. If I have any advice for them, not that they need it I would go off my two principles when I was a producer.

1. K.I.S.S. Method-Keep it simple stupid
2. Good writers copy, great writers steal (must understand meaning)

The reason I believe they are on the right path is the features list. We all say that the list is everything we ever wanted in an MMO. It's all about building a better mouse trap. As an indie company they don't have investors such as Cryptics' Atari breathing down their neck wanting the game (STO)to be released before it's done, or SV with Mortal Online biting off more than they could possible chew. This is a good thing. Being small has its advantages, the fall to the ground is shorter so you can pick yourself back up and keep moving where as compared to a giant (not so much anymore) like Cryptic who has to watch their step because the slightest tumble can ruin everything.

They will avoid the usual fate of MMO's and over time grow their subscription base just as Eve has done. Before you can run you have to learn to crawl. They are taking very small baby steps and so far from what I have seen and heard, it is paying off.

05-17-2010, 10:44 PM
Chile wrote:

I am hopeful the devs are learning from other games mistakes and taking their time getting stability down (Mortal Online) before moving on. They have a rare chance and are in a good position to see what not to do.

I am sure they are watching other sandbox games such as Wurm, MO and Darkfall and taking away the pros and cons. If I have any advice for them, not that they need it I would go off my two principles when I was a producer.

1. K.I.S.S. Method-Keep it simple stupid
2. Good writers copy, great writers steal (must understand meaning)

The reason I believe they are on the right path is the features list. We all say that the list is everything we ever wanted in an MMO. It's all about building a better mouse trap. As an indie company they don't have investors such as Cryptics' Atari breathing down their neck wanting the game (STO)to be released before it's done, or SV with Mortal Online biting off more than they could possible chew. This is a good thing. Being small has its advantages, the fall to the ground is shorter so you can pick yourself back up and keep moving where as compared to a giant (not so much anymore) like Cryptic who has to watch their step because the slightest tumble can ruin everything.

They will avoid the usual fate of MMO's and over time grow their subscription base just as Eve has done. Before you can run you have to learn to crawl. They are taking very small baby steps and so far from what I have seen and heard, it is paying off.

I agree,i think as long as they keep there ears and eyes open to the community and keep up the good work they are doing all will be well.No doubts here. :)

05-17-2010, 11:08 PM
They will avoid the usual fate of MMO's and over time grow their subscription base just as Eve has done. Before you can run you have to learn to crawl. They are taking very small baby steps and so far from what I have seen and heard, it is paying off.The thought of Xsyon possibly becoming as successful of a niche game as EVE is very exciting. What they have done with that game is very impressive. I gave it a trial run but space MMO's just aren't my bag, but there is no denying what a massive success it is. I read almost the whole history of player-driven events in that game and it is CRAZY. The faction-warring and the rise and fall of corporations through brute force, diplomacy, and conspiracy is just wonderful. I can only hope that Xsyon reaches EVE's level.

05-18-2010, 01:27 AM
I thought the same thing, but Horizons in place of Darkfall.
In the end I placed my pre-order kind of like a craps shot...
The plus...This is a small company, CCCP was dinky when it made EVE, and now Eve's the most played game on earth...(yes even beats WOW)
I hope the same for this game, but we'll see..It's initial was worth the risk of 40+bucks but I think they got the idea...the key is if they can make that idea work...

05-18-2010, 03:41 AM
The only thing thats stopping it from becoming a DF. Is the people who keep comparing, Thats like comparing Eve online with Star trek online

Same setting's

Completely diffrent game play.

Getting a bit tedious hearing about Darkfall and Mortal online. Two games i never heard of until i joined Xsyon.

05-18-2010, 05:46 AM
r0ss0 wrote:

The only thing thats stopping it from becoming a DF. Is the people who keep comparing, Thats like comparing Eve online with Star trek online

Same setting's

Completely diffrent game play.

Getting a bit tedious hearing about Darkfall and Mortal online. Two games i never heard of until i joined Xsyon.

You'd never heard of DF or MO, yet feel qualified to tell us there is no comparison between either of them and Xsyon, and that the game play is completely different. On what do you base this assertion?

05-18-2010, 05:53 AM
I can tell you this, this game is not going to be PVP centered. From what I have played, PVP is one of the lowest points in it. Not sure how you can compare it to Darkfall or Mortal Online, but this is not even close to that much PVP.

05-18-2010, 07:05 AM
I didn't mean in terms of gameplay. Darkfall was doomed to be a gankfest from the beginning but still had a ton of potential redeeming qualities. Notorious seems determined to prevent that.

What I was asking was in terms of execution. Can Notorious execute? I am not asking if Notorious will be another CCP. Asking them to match the most successful indie MMO of all time is a bit much.

Things seem on the positive side. Beta can go two completely dichotomous ways; slow and progressive improvements, or down the craphole(like DF and MO). This seems like the former which is a great sign. A passionate and RESPONSIVE developer is a must(see CCP). Notorious seems to be just that.

I don't the details of any NDA's that might be in effect, but can any beta testers comment on how ready you think the game will be by June 15th? They seem to be doing well in terms of stability which is by far the most important thing.

05-18-2010, 09:06 AM
EgoSumPondera wrote:

I didn't mean in terms of gameplay. Darkfall was doomed to be a gankfest from the beginning but still had a ton of potential redeeming qualities. Notorious seems determined to prevent that.

What I was asking was in terms of execution. Can Notorious execute? I am not asking if Notorious will be another CCP. Asking them to match the most successful indie MMO of all time is a bit much.

Things seem on the positive side. Beta can go two completely dichotomous ways; slow and progressive improvements, or down the craphole(like DF and MO). This seems like the former which is a great sign. A passionate and RESPONSIVE developer is a must(see CCP). Notorious seems to be just that.

I don't the details of any NDA's that might be in effect, but can any beta testers comment on how ready you think the game will be by June 15th? They seem to be doing well in terms of stability which is by far the most important thing.

It is hard to tell, to be honest with you because so much is turned off, but if they do release on June 15th, at the current pace I would say the game will be extremely rough around the edges, next to no polish, be cumbersome to play, but stable. I have an immense amount of respect for the devs for a number of reasons, one of which is their dedication to stability.

As far as quality of the game:

the crafting is done well, especially with the ability to experiment with different materials (haven't done a whole lot of this yet for the record). It is intriguing on a crafting level. The interface right now is horrible (very cumbersome) but they plan on fixing it up somewhat.

Crafting will turn out to be a clickfest grind to raise skills. I typically find a recipe that I can easily get the mats then make that one thing over and over again to raise skills. It is a boring grindfest. But the number of things you can make is interesting and inspirations (which are turned off right now) will definitely spice things up. If you don't mind a grind, the crafting is pretty good.

the combat is horrible and I see no reason to hope it will be engaging on any level without totally scrapping it and trying again. They will make some improvements for sure, but with the current direction I don't see many opportunities to add in any tactical choices. It pretty much is a spamfest right now. Mortal online looks like chess compared to this, and last time I played MO was a couple months ago but the combat then was far more entertaining than Xsyon right now. That's ok with me, though, combat is clearly not the focus of the game. With some tweaks it should be functional enough to gather mats in hunting. PVP will be just a yawnfest.

Terraforming is very interesting and lots can be done, but restrictions are turned off right now, so it is hard to tell what it will be like, but once the restrictions are turned on, it has potential to be an extremely cool feature.

A lot of things can and will change, so this could be completely off by the time release comes, but if that is the case I highly doubt the release will be June 15th. They also have a lot not turned on yet, which will be interesting to see. But this is my honest take from what I have played.

05-18-2010, 10:12 AM
Primavera wrote:

r0ss0 wrote:

The only thing thats stopping it from becoming a DF. Is the people who keep comparing, Thats like comparing Eve online with Star trek online

Same setting's

Completely diffrent game play.

Getting a bit tedious hearing about Darkfall and Mortal online. Two games i never heard of until i joined Xsyon.

You'd never heard of DF or MO, yet feel qualified to tell us there is no comparison between either of them and Xsyon, and that the game play is completely different. On what do you base this assertion?

Well after hearing all this talk about DF at least , I decided to pay the $1 to play the trial, And it does have its good points , But the bad points get in the way, Doesn't feel immersive , And 80% of the people i came across . Were either kids or very lonely people.

Mortal online, I watched a few trailiers (you can actually see bugged toons in them :laugh: ) And heard a lot of negativity about it . That was enough for me

How the hell you can compare this game to those games is completely stupid, Appreciate the game for its own values, Comparing games leads to disappointment.

05-18-2010, 10:53 AM
EgoSumPondera wrote:

From becoming another Darkfall? I can't help but have high hopes for this very impressive and ballsy feature list as I have been seeking for a realistic(relatively) sandbox MMO for quite some time.

Any knowledgeable posters here(vets or admins) that could give me a rundown on the devs and if they have the ability to pull through on this game? So many MMO's die way before they come close to their potential (AoC, DnL, DF, etc.).

Can Xsyon avoid the usual fate? I just hope they don't rush the release.

Age of conan is dead that is news to me.... I dunno what world you live in, the game is far from dead, and it's the 4th most played MMO to date...

05-18-2010, 01:31 PM
I just hope these Devs take a hard line with cheaters, which the Devs of MO failed to do and why I ultimately left.

I can wait for these Devs to work through technical difficulties, they seem to have a vastly superior handle on things than the Devs over at Star Vault.

05-19-2010, 01:10 AM
r0ss0 wrote:

How the hell you can compare this game to those games is completely stupid, Appreciate the game for its own values, Comparing games leads to disappointment.

I dont agree with this at all, but then my motive for comparing games is probably quite different to yours. As an engineer, one of the first things I do when taking on a new project is look at similar projects and the feedback on what worked and what didnt. Its as simple as that. MO & DF are the closest thing to pvp sandboxes on the market so are bound to become obvious reference points (Your analogy about STO & EVE was disingenuous imo as they the only thing they have in common is space, they are not games of a similar genre playwise)

I see many other posters trying to make similar points and being misunderstood - this has nothing to do with promoting pvp or wanting a DF clone, its about genuinely wanting the devs to hear what has worked for folk in other games in this genre, and more importantly - what doesnt work. What doesnt work is more important to be honest - most of us want to see originality and new ideas so the "what worked" part is less important than the "what really sucked". Theres nothing worse than seeing history repeat itself as its a)Annoying when its repeated mistakes & b)Boring when its just a copy (The many WoW clones are testimony to this). I dont really understand why you see making this comparison of technical merits as "completely stupid" or why it "leads to disappointment", these are very emotive statements and sound more like you feel you're heading into a marriage than about to try out a new game, maybe your own expectations are the issue here rather than the willingness of others to indulge in open discussions regarding what kills/makes a game?

One of the key mistakes that DF suffered from was being released too soon and thats one of the big failures that many people will continue to labour the point over. I have paid my money but if Xsyon isnt released this year I dont have a problem with it - I'd rather see a decent game than yet another "could have been" that gets shredded by the online press.

05-19-2010, 04:51 AM
Primavera wrote:

r0ss0 wrote:

How the hell you can compare this game to those games is completely stupid, Appreciate the game for its own values, Comparing games leads to disappointment.

I dont agree with this at all, but then my motive for comparing games is probably quite different to yours. As an engineer, one of the first things I do when taking on a new project is look at similar projects and the feedback on what worked and what didnt. Its as simple as that. MO & DF are the closest thing to pvp sandboxes on the market so are bound to become obvious reference points (Your analogy about STO & EVE was disingenuous imo as they the only thing they have in common is space, they are not games of a similar genre playwise)

I see many other posters trying to make similar points and being misunderstood - this has nothing to do with promoting pvp or wanting a DF clone, its about genuinely wanting the devs to hear what has worked for folk in other games in this genre, and more importantly - what doesnt work. What doesnt work is more important to be honest - most of us want to see originality and new ideas so the "what worked" part is less important than the "what really sucked". Theres nothing worse than seeing history repeat itself as its a)Annoying when its repeated mistakes & b)Boring when its just a copy (The many WoW clones are testimony to this). I dont really understand why you see making this comparison of technical merits as "completely stupid" or why it "leads to disappointment", these are very emotive statements and sound more like you feel you're heading into a marriage than about to try out a new game, maybe your own expectations are the issue here rather than the willingness of others to indulge in open discussions regarding what kills/makes a game?

One of the key mistakes that DF suffered from was being released too soon and thats one of the big failures that many people will continue to labour the point over. I have paid my money but if Xsyon isnt released this year I dont have a problem with it - I'd rather see a decent game than yet another "could have been" that gets shredded by the online press.

Xsyon is way more similar, playwise, to wurm than MO or DF. That would be a much better reference point. Or Roma Victor.

It plays much the same way as Roma Victor, but less boring crafting so far. (Hard to tell about construction since it isn't turned on yet). About the same combat. With Terraforming mixed in.

05-19-2010, 05:14 AM
Yup it is a much better version of RV set in a different era

05-19-2010, 05:24 AM
jessebfox wrote:

Xsyon is way more similar, playwise, to wurm than MO or DF. That would be a much better reference point. Or Roma Victor.

It plays much the same way as Roma Victor, but less boring crafting so far. (Hard to tell about construction since it isn't turned on yet). About the same combat. With Terraforming mixed in.

Thats as may be, like r0ss0 with DF/MO I hadnt heard of either of those games before I came here so it doesnt mean a lot to me in terms of gameplay. I dont mind which games people draw comparisons to though, its not the actual comparison that matters, its the lessons that you feel can be learnt from those games.

Am I correct in saying that a lot of the Xsyon team worked on Roma Victor? You would hope then that if the crafting were boring in RV they would have learned from it, as you have hinted. MMO dynamics & mechanics are in a state of evolution. They shouldnt always be created from scratch as the past is something to learn from and build on is my point. I am just struggling to see the logic of r0ss0's negativity towards the general idea that the failings & highpoints of other games are of real worth as items for discussion.

05-19-2010, 06:20 AM
I felt the crafting in Roma Victor was boring. I felt it was too much of a grind. Others feel differently. Xsyon doesn't seem as boring but looks to be a big grind if you are trying to skill up. Anyway that isn't the point.

The point is that Xsyon has about as much in common with MO as it does with Everquest. In fact I would argue that Xsyon has more in common with pirates of the burning sea than MO. DF I can't speak for as I haven't played it yet, but I do plan on checking out the trial. It sounds intriguing but prolly too much of a grind for me. Can't say for sure till I play it.

It can learn from the mistakes of DF, yes. It can also learn from the mistakes of pretty much any other game. That doesn't mean a comparison should be made. Having played MO and Xsyon I can see his analogy of STO to Eve. It's not dead on but it gets the point across

05-19-2010, 08:37 AM
jessebfox wrote:
It can learn from the mistakes of DF, yes. It can also learn from the mistakes of pretty much any other game. That doesn't mean a comparison should be made. Having played MO and Xsyon I can see his analogy of STO to Eve. It's not dead on but it gets the point across[/quote]

Yes, and yes, comparisons are a means to accentuate a point of reference, as with anything.

No, I dont want a Wurm, RM, or Fallen Earth where the emphasis is on PvE, crafting and sim city building, while completely ignoring the player-centric ecosystem of player-driven conflict, and suspenseful, non-scripted, surprising player-influenced interaction.

05-19-2010, 08:51 AM
Ciik wrote:

jessebfox wrote:
It can learn from the mistakes of DF, yes. It can also learn from the mistakes of pretty much any other game. That doesn't mean a comparison should be made. Having played MO and Xsyon I can see his analogy of STO to Eve. It's not dead on but it gets the point across

Yes, and yes, comparisons are a means to accentuate a point of reference, as with anything.

No, I dont want a Wurm, RM, or Fallen Earth where the emphasis is on PvE, crafting and sim city building, while completely ignoring the player-centric ecosystem of player-driven conflict, and suspenseful, non-scripted, surprising player-influenced interaction.[/quote]

I think you will be disappointed then. Of course things can change, but the way everything works, the emphasis and engaging part of the game is the crafting and sim city building. Conflict, based on the few fights i participated in, will be dry and uninteresting, meaning it won't engage most people who will spend their in game time doing other things.

That aspect is far below what I personally hoped for, personally. Other things were different though. It is simply not going to be a combat centric game, there is far more thought and complexity put into other aspects of the game, and combat is almost an afterthought.

05-19-2010, 08:54 AM
btw i certainly would not say roma victor had its focus on pve. but it was such a long arse run to the barbarian areas, and the combat so uninteresting, that pvp lost it's attraction very quickly. sparring matches in the gladiator arena were enough to get you bored of the combat fast.

remember, this is all me stating my opinion. Someone else could see things entirely differently.

05-19-2010, 10:50 AM
jessebfox wrote:

Ciik wrote:

jessebfox wrote:
It can learn from the mistakes of DF, yes. It can also learn from the mistakes of pretty much any other game. That doesn't mean a comparison should be made. Having played MO and Xsyon I can see his analogy of STO to Eve. It's not dead on but it gets the point across

Yes, and yes, comparisons are a means to accentuate a point of reference, as with anything.

No, I dont want a Wurm, RM, or Fallen Earth where the emphasis is on PvE, crafting and sim city building, while completely ignoring the player-centric ecosystem of player-driven conflict, and suspenseful, non-scripted, surprising player-influenced interaction.

I think you will be disappointed then. Of course things can change, but the way everything works, the emphasis and engaging part of the game is the crafting and sim city building. Conflict, based on the few fights i participated in, will be dry and uninteresting, meaning it won't engage most people who will spend their in game time doing other things.

That aspect is far below what I personally hoped for, personally. Other things were different though. It is simply not going to be a combat centric game, there is far more thought and complexity put into other aspects of the game, and combat is almost an afterthought.

Well,I hope not, as open-world pvp, as opposed to free-for-all pvp is a feature of this game. If it turns out to be a bait and switch, I'll move and leave the small minority of players to their crafting, and make sure that any mention of this game as a sandbox is corrected.

05-19-2010, 10:51 AM
ok just to toss in my two pence

i worked with Jordi in RV, there was a test group near the end to try and fix some of the many issues that we were having with the Client. over time we started to actually get it smoothed out, enough so that it was clear that the server code was FUBAR. once that happened we started to see the leadership dissolve in the end Jordi moved on.

while all of this was happening, the testers were getting closer and closer to the team, at least, the client team. it turned into a war with the lead to get fixes published and make the game playable. this is why Jordi left, once he left, most of the test team jumped ship as well.

when i learned that Jordi had a team together to build a new game, and do it right. well i knew i had to be in on it. of course my joining the military at the time prevented me from being too much a part. but now i can be, and i come in to see things just the way i imagined them to be.

i said all of this so that i can say this, Jordi and the rest of his team will spare no expense to make this game, they will make it right, they will make it happen. they will listen to the community, and they will work hard to fix issues as they come up. the content will be updated on schedule, and the bugs fixed before it is updated. the gameplay will be that of experienced players, not egghead historians, it will be balanced and fair.

the game will be well built, the game will thrive.

i say this on the authority of experience working with Jordi, and i trust him to do right by his players, because he understands what we are asking for.

05-19-2010, 12:06 PM
Ciik: Why would it be bait and switch? How many times is pvp, open pvp, and sandbox listed in the features page of the game?

It is open pvp as they said. They never said that was the focus of the game though, and it is clear in the product.

What sandbox means to you and others apparently is different. To many people sandbox does not have to include pvp at all. Just non linear gameplay. To each their own, but it doesn't mean you are right or they are.

JetJon: I have been impressed with a lot of what Jordi has done so far, and especially the way he has handled things. Your story makes sense in that this seems very much, from a programming/developing view, his baby and he is going to do things a certain way while, for the most part, ignoring outside influence to do it as the gaming corporate world would want it done. A lot of respect has been earned in my book which is why I paid for a pre-order where i normally wouldn't. It may turn out to not be a game for me (or I may love it, it's still hard to say from this stage) but the kind of outside the box thinking he has done thus far I wanted to reward.

I am curious to see how he handles the vocal minority and their opinions vs the silent majority. It's very hard to read what the silent majority wants, while the vocal minority always think they represent everyone. I am sure he has a lot of statistics on people's actions being recorded but it's hard to tell why people are doing what they are doing and what would make them happy. One worrying thing for me is that the dev crew seems to use the forums as a method of communicating with all their users. Updating the website is slow, and sending out emails extremely rare for conveying information. I am sure he knows that the vast minority of people use forums for the games they play, it really shouldn't (imho) be used as a method for conveying information. For example, the delays that have happened. Everyone who pre ordered should have received emails with updates. A forum shouldn't have to be checked.

ciik: combat is boring, no bait and switch, look up "sandbox" term
jetjon: jordi rocks, but isn't perfect. He deserves my money but the jury is out on how the game turns out to be.

05-19-2010, 12:28 PM
jessebfox wrote:

.. look up "sandbox" term.

Im not getting in a pissing match for post count. So dont try to educate me on sandbox when I should have sand, a pale and shovel, but cant swing my shovel at you and take your pale; thats not a sandbox.

05-19-2010, 04:50 PM
Lest I be duped, I dont think that I'm the one that's going to be disappointed, I hope. Player-driven, town & housing construction, environment deformation and building, deep player-driven crafting and everything, including open world interaction. I thoroughly enjoy the concept of this game.

11.) Will there be PvP?

Yes, the game is open PVP with consequences and a sparring / training combat mode. In the early Prelude towns will be safe zones.

16.) Can I build anywhere or are is it restricted to certain locations?

You can build anywhere, but only tribal areas are currently safe zones.

Prelude has more safety nets, and certainly tribal areas, which is to be expected. I should expect to have to be cautious when I venture further for more valuable resources, or at least I hope I'm not coddled with extraordinary oversight from harm at the hands of another player.

And with the consequence system in-place as the prelude progresses, here's to hoping that the consequences aren't so harsh as to really alienate and drive away players that are pvpve enthusiasts that dont define pvp with switches, arenas, sparring, duals or some invitation system.

05-19-2010, 05:11 PM
Khors wrote:

Lest I be duped, I dont think that I'm the one that's going to be disappointed, I hope. Player-driven, town & housing construction, environment deformation and building, deep player-driven crafting and everything, including open world interaction. I thoroughly enjoy the concept of this game.

11.) Will there be PvP?

Yes, the game is open PVP with consequences and a sparring / training combat mode. In the early Prelude towns will be safe zones.

16.) Can I build anywhere or are is it restricted to certain locations?

You can build anywhere, but only tribal areas are currently safe zones.

Prelude has more safety nets, and certainly tribal areas, which is to be expected. I should expect to have to be cautious when I venture further for more valuable resources, or at least I hope I'm not coddled with extraordinary oversight from harm at the hands of another player.

And with the consequence system in-place as the prelude progresses, here's to hoping that the consequences aren't so harsh as to really alienate and drive away players that are pvpve enthusiasts that dont define pvp with switches, arenas, sparring, duals or some invitation system.
There are no consequences for killing evil players, so people who like PvP can enjoy it without any problem, the tribe zones of evil tribes won't be safe zones during Prelude.

The description is not totally clear when it talks about tribes in war, but as far as I understand there won't be negative consequences for killing enemy tribe members.

05-19-2010, 06:46 PM
There-in lies the misleading then. And a flaw with this game, perhaps. Do people who dont like to craft, are they going have some purple dino hand them a house or town?

That's so silly, not you, but the notion that someone is impervious to conflict from another player, anywhere and anytime, just because that player doesn't like it.

So I go back to my original thought, that if this development team is trying to use such a sandboxy draw statement as open-world interaction and doesn't deliver, but protects one class of player everywhere and all the time, then they'll get the minuscule & insignificant subscription base their looking for.

05-19-2010, 07:04 PM
Khors wrote:

There-in lies the misleading then. And a flaw with this game, perhaps. Do people who dont like to craft, are they going have some purple dino hand them a house or town?

That's so silly, not you, but the notion that someone is impervious to conflict from another player, anywhere and anytime, just because that player doesn't like it.

So I go back to my original thought, that if this development team is trying to use such a sandboxy draw statement as open-world interaction and doesn't deliver, but protects one class of player everywhere and all the time, then they'll get the minuscule & insignificant subscription base their looking for.
I'm sorry I think I don't understand your post totally...that purple dino hand thing is confusing :)

Tribe zones are safe zones during early Prelude, but outside of them anyone can be attacked anytime. There are consequences for attacking neutral or good players, but the attack is always possible.

05-19-2010, 07:14 PM
Jadzia wrote:

Khors wrote:

There-in lies the misleading then. And a flaw with this game, perhaps. Do people who dont like to craft, are they going have some purple dino hand them a house or town?

That's so silly, not you, but the notion that someone is impervious to conflict from another player, anywhere and anytime, just because that player doesn't like it.

So I go back to my original thought, that if this development team is trying to use such a sandboxy draw statement as open-world interaction and doesn't deliver, but protects one class of player everywhere and all the time, then they'll get the minuscule & insignificant subscription base their looking for.
I'm sorry I think I don't understand your post totally...that purple dino hand thing is confusing :)

Tribe zones are safe zones during early Prelude, but outside of them anyone can be attacked anytime. There are consequences for attacking neutral or good players, but the attack is always possible.

Ohh...then I'm not concerned. I understand tribal zones, and thats cool, but I misunderstood what you said then about 'good' characters. Everyone should be able to be attacked, and I agree with some form of consequence for evil conflict, as long as it isn't so harsh as to force evil play-style out.

05-19-2010, 07:18 PM
prokop15 wrote:

I believe his is comparing not wanting to pvp, and being granted near-immunity, and not wanting to craft, and being granted crafted rewards.
Oh lol, that makes sense this way, thanks !