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07-09-2010, 02:37 AM
I know we all had fun when Virt was expelling Raccoons and Deer left and right, but for every kill we couldn't debone or degut a single animal...the bones are a major..the guts in 6months...
When can the "Hunting" skill be implemented...cant scav dead bears...

07-09-2010, 04:56 AM
I would guess that it will come with time. Remember a lot of things are being tested, coded and recoded at this point. It is likely to have been coded but changes are needing to be made.

Animals are rather recent to the game, so give it a few week(s) to make sure they are working as they are meant to be (code wise - ie aggression range) and I'm sure you will see a small link into hunting/bonecrafting soon.

(Please note this reply is speculation on my part and has no 'inside knowledge)

07-09-2010, 06:00 AM
It will be a few days, maybe this weekend.

It's not a big deal to turn on, but a couple of things are in the way right now:

1) We switched to the right click menu and hunting commands will be added to this instead of how they were orginally set up. That's the last thing that needs to be done for hunting to be in the game.

2) We're streamlining the NPC database and code. I don't want to touch the NPC / creature code while it's being worked on another programmer. The changes are almost done. Once they are, we'll run the test server for a day, then I can wrap up the hunting functions.

So... coming soon.

07-09-2010, 01:30 PM
Risk wrote:

I know we all had fun when Virt was expelling Raccoons and Deer left and right, but for every kill we couldn't debone or degut a single animal...the bones are a major..the guts in 6months...
When can the "Hunting" skill be implemented...cant scav dead bears...

we? you were 30 min away and unwilling to join so i don't want to hear any excuses! :angry:


07-13-2010, 08:31 PM
Here is one of my kills... sure is fun to hunt deer, but deer are not aggressive, I should have to chase them down, not wait for them to run to me.

07-14-2010, 05:06 AM
this will likely be fixed.... at least for some ;) I would guess if you killed Bambi's mother Bambi's father would be pissed. ;p