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03-03-2010, 09:24 AM
Got this from the home page:

With the disruption of the planet, ancient gods awake to once again exert their powers over the earth. The lords of nature have revived the wastelands, eradicating and subverting the remnants of modern technology. Creatures of mutation and mythology now populate the land. The ways of swords and sorcery have replaced the path of science and progress.

Looks like axes and knives won't be the only thing we will be using in fights. Can I get confirmation on this?

And if there is going to be magic, please make sure it doesn't turn into an unskilled AOE nukefest like Darkfall.

03-03-2010, 09:55 AM
Derek wrote:

And if there is going to be magic, please make sure it doesn't turn into an unskilled AOE nukefest like Darkfall.

I think thats kind of my fear with all sandboxes now. Darkfall has no skill caps and on top of that, to even be viable in any kind of way, you have to do all three (melee, archery & magic) and I really hope that Xsyon does not follow that path. Its one of my main reasons for not playing Darkfall.

Didn't much care for magic in Darkfall.

03-03-2010, 09:56 AM
There is no magic in the Prelude. This is a planned evolution as the world expands.

03-03-2010, 10:05 AM
yeah in the artwork gallery you can see staves and wands :)

03-03-2010, 10:12 AM
Will we perhaps have cross overs between the technology? like guns that are operated by magic perhaps?

03-03-2010, 11:12 AM
It makes sense that magic wouldn't be in the prelude. However, I could definitely see magic entering the game as villages start to form old religions etc..

It will be interesting to see how magic fares against firearms once both are discovered in the game.

03-03-2010, 11:14 AM
Leiros wrote:

It makes sense that magic wouldn't be in the prelude. However, I could definitely see magic entering the game as villages start to form old religions etc..

It will be interesting to see how magic fares against firearms once both are discovered in the game.

Just gave me the thought that magic is gained through devotion to a god and gods look down on fire arms and so you can't have both, you have to choose between one or the other.

03-03-2010, 11:33 AM
bows and ranged combat is a must but magic i hope we wont have

03-03-2010, 11:42 AM
warzenkai wrote:

bows and ranged combat is a must but magic i hope we wont have

Same here. I hope magic will be something really rare and mysterious. I don't want to see players spamming spells all over the place in a setting like this...

03-03-2010, 11:43 AM
Cradlejoe wrote:

Leiros wrote:

It makes sense that magic wouldn't be in the prelude. However, I could definitely see magic entering the game as villages start to form old religions etc..

It will be interesting to see how magic fares against firearms once both are discovered in the game.

Just gave me the thought that magic is gained through devotion to a god and gods look down on fire arms and so you can't have both, you have to choose between one or the other.

Yeah, it's like the classic "science vs faith" issue. I could see this going either way with either a sort of Dark Age where religion and magic flourish, or a technological age where guns and machinery thrive. Perhaps followers of both sides will be at war? Only time will tell.

03-03-2010, 11:59 AM
Magic is in almost every MMO now and I think that it always ends up lop-sided. If you have a game with little or no magic it will be almost an oddity and could be a conceivable draw for new players. I hear a whole lot more players complain about magic than those that say "All I want out of life is to be a level 153 wizard with a Wand of Infinite Mana." The days of D&D are dead (I hope). Please don't ressurect it.


03-03-2010, 12:05 PM
I don't see a problem with magic as long as it requires skill to hit like bolt spells in Darkfall where you have to lead the target and has little to no splash damage. This would be very similar to firearms so it wouldn't ruin the combat mechanics.

It will be interesting to see how the cultures evolve. This will add alot of diversity to the game.

03-03-2010, 03:05 PM
Abit of insight on Magic Vs Tech, It was planned to work abit like Arcanum- Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura. Which is a favourie game of Jooky/Xsyon/Jordi/whatever name you want do give him

A few lines i found from an eary dev chat.

[22:44] Virtus: will skills be needed to reverse engineer?
[22:44] Jooky: that would be based more on stats such as intelligence
[22:44] Jooky: and your technological ability
[22:44] Virtus: so a "barbaric group" would have less of a chance
[22:44] Jooky: yes
[22:45] Virtus: isn't that a huge balance issue?
[22:45] Jooky: not at all
[22:45] Jooky: why would it be?
[22:45] Jooky: barbaric groups have access to religious magic
[22:45] Virtus: oh right
[22:45] Jooky: and other advantages
[22:45] Kev | Ripper: just like in arcanum
[22:45] Jooky: yes
[22:45] Jooky: very much so
[22:46] Jooky: I really liked arcanum. Lots of good ideas in that game.
[22:46] Kev | Ripper: guessed that as soon as i heard about tech vs religion
[22:47] Jooky: :)
[22:48] Virtus: so...when you pick up a spear and just use it do you instantly get 1 point?
[22:48] Virtus: or start at 0 and hit things and get up to 1?
[22:48] Jooky: start at 0
[22:48] Jooky: hit things

Palo god
03-03-2010, 03:27 PM
Cradlejoe wrote:

Will we perhaps have cross overs between the technology? like guns that are operated by magic perhaps?

I asked on some other thread if we will be able to combine technoligies in this fashion. Hopefully they do something like this. I'm still hoping to fufill my mad max fantasies with this game(mad max with magic).

03-03-2010, 05:46 PM
Xsyon wrote:

There is no magic in the Prelude. This is a planned evolution as the world expands.
That quote gets me very excited, though i do have one fear. I just hope it doesn't take too long to get the content released as this is how memberships are lost.

edit: Also, i would love to be able to see a combination of magic and technology, just as long as it doesn't become something everyone is doing. What i want to see is variety and creativity.
It might be neat to be able to customize your magic, or even be required to first invent or create the magic.

03-03-2010, 05:59 PM
Hey if were going to have magic I CALL BEING THE FIRST NECROMANCER! I'd just worship some god of death or something, and maybe he will let me summon the dead.

03-13-2011, 07:49 AM
This concerns me. It's the tone of reality that attracts me to this game, and depending on how magic is implemented, this could be quite a derailment off that tone.
Since it's indicated that it is religious magic, hopefully it is done in the form of chants/rituals/sacrifices to increase crop yield, fishing etc. If it does find it's way into combat, I really hope it's not some glowy blue balls of divinity blasting from some rednecks fingertips. That would really ruin it for me.
Example of ways magic would not ruin it for me if used for combat;
A war dance that ask your god to give your tribe increased agility for a set duration.
Ritualistic curses.
Wards against other tribes curses.
A sweat lodge to remove those curses.

Basically, buffs,debuffs and counters.

As evolution goes on, I hope that tribes that don't depend on religious magic are more immune to that which they don't believe in. You know, kind of like reality :)

03-13-2011, 08:09 AM
I'd like to see no magic at all. Normal humans trying to survive and rebuild in a post-apoc world is very compelling game setting in my opinion. Maybe something like Native American rituals to provide minor buffs I'd be ok with, but if we start throwing around fireballs and magic missiles, may as well add in Orcs and Elves too.

03-13-2011, 08:10 AM
There is no magic in the Prelude. This is a planned evolution as the world expands.

I would not at all be disappointed if magic never made it into the game. It is great to play something different. The game is hyper-realistic right now, and it would seem silly to incoporate fantasy elements of this nature. I could see the zombie/mutant thing if there was some sort of a nuclear holocaust, but magic? That doesn't appeal to me personally.

03-13-2011, 09:22 AM
Derek wrote:

I think thats kind of my fear with all sandboxes now. Darkfall has no skill caps and on top of that, to even be viable in any kind of way, you have to do all three (melee, archery & magic) and I really hope that Xsyon does not follow that path. Its one of my main reasons for not playing Darkfall.

Didn't much care for magic in Darkfall.

The difference between this game and darkfall is that you can't be good at everything in Xsyon with skill decay and we set our base stats MAXIMUM when we create our characters.

you can't do all 3 and be good at all 3 types in Xsyon the more you use something else the more something else will start to decay.

03-13-2011, 09:54 AM
Can't remember where I saw it at but I believe they were saying magic would be things like healing spells. I hope once it's implemented it'll be restricted to ritual type buffs/de-buffs.
Also, I saw some posts here mentioning guns...I am petty sure I saw a q/a thread where Jordi said he had no plans on putting guns in.

03-13-2011, 10:19 AM
Wow this is a hell of a necro. Considering all the current stuff that's to be worked on I can't see any type of magic in the foreseeable future. From previous updates I'm pretty sure there won't be fireballs whizzing around.

03-13-2011, 04:42 PM
Derek wrote:

I think thats kind of my fear with all sandboxes now. Darkfall has no skill caps and on top of that, to even be viable in any kind of way, you have to do all three (melee, archery & magic) and I really hope that Xsyon does not follow that path. Its one of my main reasons for not playing Darkfall.

I know right!? THat's my main problem with boxing irl! IT's like all these people use BOTH hands, when I just want to use my left!

i mean there's no reason I don't use my right, I guess I'm just a super serious roleplayer and right hands are for n000000000000bs.

Please balance boxing so that people who only want to use one arm can do as well as people who use both.

03-13-2011, 05:21 PM
I know right!? THat's my main problem with boxing irl! IT's like all these people use BOTH hands, when I just want to use my left!

i mean there's no reason I don't use my right, I guess I'm just a super serious roleplayer and right hands are for n000000000000bs.

Please balance boxing so that people who only want to use one arm can do as well as people who use both.

That's a really terrible comparison. Nice job.

03-14-2011, 06:30 PM
Hey if were going to have magic I CALL BEING THE FIRST NECROMANCER! I'd just worship some god of death or something, and maybe he will let me summon the dead.

Impossible. Considering I will be the first!