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View Full Version : For the Roleplayers of the Community

08-02-2010, 09:28 PM

The 191st "Wolverines" would like to extend an invitation to all Roleplay clans to a meeting on how to further the RP community as a whole.

It will be more of a series of meetings to generate an RP Summit of sorts.

I'd like to propose we meet this Thursday at 9 PM GMT. That translates to 2 PM MST which is where I am. 4 PM EST for the east coast US ppl and 1 PM for the Pacific folks.

The timeframe favors an east coast/EU time, but I'll be doing more meetings at different times to allow more folks to participate. We will all meet as one large group to discuss RP initially, then we'll break out into game specific groups.

The overall goal is to come up with ideas to center around a philosophy of RP that creates a congruity between communities. There are a lot of folks out there who ignorantly yell "RP fags" every time you even mention the acronym. Our goal is to make RP: 1.) Accesible 2.) Prevelant 3.) Relevant in MMOs today.

By making RP accesible we will ensure that folks can jump into the mix and won't feel left out by an elitist RP crowd. By making RP prevelant we will ensure RP can be found and that participation is there. By ensuring RP is relevant we can avoid what I like to call the RP "crazies" or "nazis" who give the majority of RPers a bad name.

The meeting will take place on our clan's TS3 server. If you cannot attend, I hope to at least generate discussion on RP. Feel free to PM me ideas or respond to this thread. Also PM me for TS3 details if you're interested in attending.

08-03-2010, 01:47 AM
For those who are not in the above listed time zones or do not know their time zone, follow this link to the World Clock website (http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?day=6&month=8&year=2010&hour=14&min=0&sec=0&p1=197) It lists quite a lot of set times for 2pm MST in major city world wide.

Brando if you want this post (mine) deleted let me know. Feel free to work it into your post to keep the link and I can remove this post to keep the flow of the RP going. Didn't think of that when I thought 'to edit or not to edit' your post :D

08-03-2010, 02:02 AM
The SHINRA would be pleased to support such an event, however, currently we are absorbed in our own society development and strategy planning. We are actively seeking alliances with active, intelligent and well organised good tribes.

Not wishing to hi-jack your efforts here but a return invitation is extented to the Wolverines to meet with the SHINRA leadership (The Lexine) at a time of your choosing on the SHINRA channel should such an alliance be of interest. We would invite your leaders to Nitesh (The SHINRA City) for a fish supper :laugh: This may be of some use to the Wolverines to consider a suitable neighboring locations to accellerate trade and relations between our 2 tribes.

Good luck with this very credible and forward-thinking initiative.

08-04-2010, 02:00 AM

08-04-2010, 04:50 PM
REVKhA wrote:


O rly? Please elaborate.

08-04-2010, 08:33 PM
I'm extending the invite to anyone who wants to attend, not just RPers. I'd like to get some outside opinions on RP and get some serious discussion on the disconnect between people who either don't understand or why ppl seem to dislike it. I think its mostly an ignorance thing.

So far I've confirmed participation from several different games so we'll have a good, solid discussion on RP as a whole before moving on to specific communities.

We'll also be discussing ways to work with non-RP clans to better the communities we are a part of so we can improve the games we play as a whole.

In short, show up even if you're not an RPer.

Teamspeak 3

Host: ts32.gameservers.com
Port: 9147

Go to http://teamspeak.com/?page=downloads and download the client. The client and server are right next to each other so make sure you're getting the right one.

08-05-2010, 02:53 AM
For someone so anti-tribe organisation...

Hi my name is REVKhA from the Dream Ghosts tribe. I would like to merge with bac without compromising the integrity of our tribes. Looking forward to cooperate with you guys to be able to sustain better success. I have faith in BAC as they show no fear towards risk. Looking forward to settle my tribe and set up logistics between bac and the dream ghosts.

Some neat words in there... 'co-operate', 'sustain', 'success', 'logistics'... not sure where the word 'integrity' fits but welcome to the world of Tribes B)

08-05-2010, 12:00 PM
Meeting is starting shortly. Sorry if I jacked up the EU times.

08-06-2010, 11:14 PM
Thanks for all who showed up. Had a rousing conversation with Rev a bit after the meeting :laugh:

08-07-2010, 12:43 AM
rousing... please tell me that wasn't erotic!

08-07-2010, 12:34 PM
Slow down, chief. I didn't say arrousing :P