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09-01-2010, 07:56 AM
SOLO - NO Alignment
Tribe MOTTO: No Team Speak 3, No Ventrillo, No Drama, No BS

NO WebSite

Player Base: Anywhere, Anytime


At this point it seems that the only housing in the game will be for tribes. I thought I would start a "Tribe" that anyone can join. If you are looking to play the game as a solo player this is the tribe for you. Good or Evil it does not matter. The only rule is "No KILLING TRIBEMATES (or non-hostiles) ON TRIBE LAND" other than that outside of Tribe Lands there are NO rules. Offering a sanctuary in the midst of the "Sea of MORONica".

I will be at Incline Zone 980(on the border with 981).

If you want to be in charge and give orders, this is NOT the clan for you.

If you want to be left to your own devices and enjoy the game your way send me WillBingham an IM and I will put you on the list.

PLAY FREE :woohoo:

09-01-2010, 09:08 AM
Hi Will :)

You may not be aware of it, but with the exception of having a website, you have described the Nomads of Xsyon to a "T." (Hmm ... Would that make us a "Non-Tribe" too? :P

Oh and also the fact that we are an RP tribe. But keep in mind that although we are a 24/7 RP tribe, we do not require you to RP in the fancy sense of the word, if you chose not to. All we ask is that you behave in Xsyon as if you were really living there. It's all for sense of fun and emersion.

We would love to have you join our tribe. But if you chose not to and prefer instead to start your own tribe we do wish you good luck and look forward to many fun adventures with you and your tribe once Xsyon launches :cheer:

09-01-2010, 10:56 AM
hey there Will,

our lovely Ashanti words I can not extend with sense in any way, but just to admit: We, the Nomads, are in many ways what you describe. There might be also group-active people but mostly we are formed of more casual-oriented-players like I am too.
So joining us would let you absolutely enjoy the game in your way, no 'in charge', no orders, but though we would be glad you do B)
Btw this 'let each member play individual' does not mean we do not love to help and play together if it's making fun.

Cheers and hope to see you in game, :laugh:

09-01-2010, 06:10 PM
Thank you Ashanti and Snake. :cheer:

A little bird (not Kiwi) gave me a piece of advice about alignment issues. Good and Evil cannot be in the same tribe so I may have to rethink the idea.

If I have to 86 the idea so be it.

My main point is and always will be "Solo players pay subscription fees too. Don't forget about us."

Over the years I have been a member of two of the largest multi-gaming clans in the US and Canada. I know the Drama better than most. Granted it is not always bad (I had some great times) but, there are no ego's when playing Solo.

Besides, I change my Signature more than some people change their underwear what would I do if I joined a tribe and had to do it their way. :silly:

09-02-2010, 05:40 AM
WillBingham wrote:

SOLO - NO Alignment
Tribe MOTTO: No Team Speak 3, No Ventrillo, No Drama, No BS

NO WebSite

Player Base: Anywhere, Anytime


At this point it seems that the only housing in the game will be for tribes. I thought I would start a "Tribe" that anyone can join. If you are looking to play the game as a solo player this is the tribe for you. Good or Evil it does not matter. The only rule is "No KILLING TRIBEMATES (or non-hostiles) ON TRIBE LAND" other than that outside of Tribe Lands there are NO rules. Offering a sanctuary in the midst of the "Sea of MORONica".

I will be at Incline Zone 980(on the border with 981).

If you want to be in charge and give orders, this is NOT the clan for you.

If you want to be left to your own devices and enjoy the game your way send me WillBingham an IM and I will put you on the list.

PLAY FREE :woohoo:

I see some things wrong if your post :) First of you just said the only rule is no kiiling other tribemates, but then you say no rules sooooo what i get from it is that i disregard the last rule :)

And then who is gona protect your tribe from umn lets say... ME and my other mischievious brethren when we come knockin on your doors!!!

09-02-2010, 06:20 AM
@Nick2279 - posting in other tribe recruitment threads again :blink:

And then who is gona protect your tribe from umn lets say... ME

Judging by your posts to date, the only person that needs protecting from you - is you :P

09-02-2010, 07:17 AM
Nick2279 wrote:

WillBingham wrote:

SOLO - NO Alignment
Tribe MOTTO: No Team Speak 3, No Ventrillo, No Drama, No BS

NO WebSite

Player Base: Anywhere, Anytime


At this point it seems that the only housing in the game will be for tribes. I thought I would start a "Tribe" that anyone can join. If you are looking to play the game as a solo player this is the tribe for you. Good or Evil it does not matter. The only rule is "No KILLING TRIBEMATES (or non-hostiles) ON TRIBE LAND" other than that outside of Tribe Lands there are NO rules. Offering a sanctuary in the midst of the "Sea of MORONica".
I will be at Incline Zone 980(on the border with 981).

If you want to be in charge and give orders, this is NOT the clan for you.

If you want to be left to your own devices and enjoy the game your way send me WillBingham an IM and I will put you on the list.

PLAY FREE :woohoo:

I see some things wrong if your post :) First of you just said the only rule is no kiiling other tribemates, but then you say no rules sooooo what i get from it is that i disregard the last rule :)

And then who is gona protect your tribe from umn lets say... ME and my other mischievious brethren when we come knockin on your doors!!!

I hope the Bold part in my post answers the Bold part in your post. As far as "Protection" from YOU I like my chances 1 on 1. If you need help against little old me then maybe you should check out LOTRO or LEGO Universe :woohoo:

Your Post is the reason I said (see RED above).

On a positive note I like the Templars SIG. Very nice design. :)

09-02-2010, 08:11 AM
Bossman wrote:

@Nick2279 - posting in other tribe recruitment threads again :blink:

And then who is gona protect your tribe from umn lets say... ME

Judging by your posts to date, the only person that needs protecting from you - is you :P

Now if player skill was measure in posts on the forums you may be a worthy adversary, but as you joined a guild full of Halucinogenic Smoking hippies with some weird ass beliefs about dreams and dolphins, and you qq to the mods about a post in their recruitment tab. I most def like my chances. Lokin forward to meeting you in game.

Will i am kidding :) but you must understand that statically 2 or more griefers will meet up in game and they may happen upon your little settlement at which time you wont be able to stage a proper defence. I used Me as an example only. I prob wouldn't come after you.

09-02-2010, 08:25 AM
Nick2279 wrote:

Will i am kidding :) but you must understand that statically 2 or more griefers will meet up in game and they may happen upon your little settlement at which time you wont be able to stage a proper defence. I used Me as an example only. I prob wouldn't come after you.

No problem Nick :woohoo:

I have been doing this a long time and I feel like I can always hold my own against all but the uber players.

As I said in the second post the whole idea may have to be scrapped and all I was trying to do is:

My main point is and always will be "Solo players pay subscription fees too. Don't forget about us."

Over the years I have been a member of two of the largest multi-gaming clans in the US and Canada. I know the Drama better than most. Granted it is not always bad (I had some great times) but, there are no ego's when playing Solo.

Tribes/Clans are great and very useful in gaming as are Good and Bad players. I just want to give this one a try without being penalized.

BTW - Verbal combat in a friendly manner is good for the soul. Always good to have a worthy opponent. :woohoo: