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View Full Version : The Blood Eagles

03-06-2010, 06:06 AM
The Blood Eagles


- Info -

The Blood Eagles is planned to be a very exclusive tribe. Restricted to the dedicated players who will be with the tribe in the long run. This goes both ways. If you respect the tribe, the tribe respects you. Don't expect to be working alone. In the coming months I plan to make this one of the most successful, progressive, and respectful tribes. We are not an aggressive tribe, but can and will hold our own in wars.

Being exclusive, only some of the best tribesmen and women will be allowed to join. No actual tribe size number has been decided. I plan to not let it exceed a dozen members.

- Members -

Chieftain StickyChaps

WarChief Hatesong

Greatmother (undecided)

Mentor (undecided)

Scout (Empty)

Tribesman (Empty)

Tribesman (Empty)

Tribesman (Empty)

Initiate (Empty)

Initiate (Empty)

- Other info -

Questions? Concerns? Send me a private message

Logo/Inspiration from "Starsiege: Tribes"

Each member will receive their own custom-made forum avatar

Recruitment Status: CLOSED
- Application Form -
Private message filled-out form to apply

*Character Name:
*Time Zone:
Main Role:

Past MMOs:
Time Played:
Time Spent in a Guild:
Role in that Guild:

*What will you bring to this Tribe?

*Why do you want to join?

Where did you hear about this Tribe?

Other Information?

Entries marked with * are required

This Tribe is looking for dedicated and hard working members.

03-06-2010, 06:10 AM
on another interesting note about your name, in the norse culture to "blood eagle" someone was to offer them as a special sacrifice to odin. cutting 2 slits in their back and leting their lungs flap on the outside.

03-06-2010, 06:32 AM
Valen wrote:

on another interesting note about your name, in the norse culture to "blood eagle" someone was to offer them as a special sacrifice to odin. cutting 2 slits in their back and leting their lungs flap on the outside.

Interesting, I'll keep that in mind.

03-06-2010, 07:08 PM
Im Sticky's bro, looking forward to take this new shit head on.

03-06-2010, 08:13 PM
I am pretty sure they have stated that the amount of influence/land you can attain relates to how many members you have in your tribe. So I don't think you can attain the status you are going for by limiting the amount to a dozen members.

03-06-2010, 10:14 PM
Man...eff this whole interview sh*t. How about we fight and if I win you let me in.