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View Full Version : La Guardia Sin Nombre - Spanish RP Tribe-

02-15-2011, 10:34 AM

Brief description

"La Guardia Sin Nombre" is a RP guild, we are neutral, we follow our own rules."LGSN" is interested in stablish contacts with any RP guild, because we think Xsyon offers a huge range of possibilities for roleplaying and that increases fun.Also we are open to stablish contact with no-rp guilds, contact us for anything!

Our attitude is friendly if we are not bothered or threatened, and we are hostile with the people who try to destroy us, so we are friendly if you dont want troubles.

We will build a village on a mountain and basically survive, we will train our skills and protect the nature from the ones who threat the land.

Working on it.

(website in spanish oriented to MO)

02-20-2011, 10:39 AM
Glad to see LGSN around these parts :)

03-02-2011, 04:27 AM
Hello LGSN ^^

03-02-2011, 05:11 AM

"La Guardia Sin Nombre" is a RP guild, we are neutral, we follow our own rules."LGSN" is interested in stablish contacts with any RP guild, because we think Xsyon offers a huge range of possibilities for roleplaying and that increases fun. ...I'm glad to see another RP-tribe coming into Xsyon.

May I ask whether you have already decided on a spot for your camp? Just the general region will do for now, no details required. :) I'm currently in the process to setup a small RP-tribe too and from your post it seems to me that there's a good chance we could work together some time, be it for RP, for trade and collaboration, for mutual safety, for an event.

Here is the link to my original post: http://www.xsyon.com/forum/showthread.php/3393-Thinking-about-a-new-lore-RP-based-tribe. We're currently operating out of a small homestead in the mountains about 10 minutes running from Sugarpine.

Hope to meet you guys in-game some time.

03-04-2011, 08:14 AM
Sup lad... ejem...


Q bien ver una tribu en esp para variar un poco. Soy un chileno residiendo actualmente en Australia. La verdad es q siempre me ha encantado el crafting, aunque Xsyon no me tiene 100% convencido creo q la experiencia puede ser mucho mejor en compania de gente y mas aun gente q habla tu lengua natal.

Es cierto que todo el mundo quiere crear su propia tribu y ser duenos del mundo pero ya estoy sobre esa idea y es por eso q he decidido buscar un lugar acogedor del cual formar parte. Busco un grupo ameno, amigable e inteligente.

En la union esta la fuerza, eso no es ningun secreto y creo q en este mundo virtual los de habla hispana podemos dominar si somos inteligentes y cautos. Q te parece?

Puedo formar parte de la guardia sin nombre y ayudar en lo q pueda?

saludos y le dare una revisada a tu url en cuanto tenga tiempo (estoy desde el trabajo :S)

saludos... ejem...

cheers. XD

03-08-2011, 10:51 AM

Aqui otro espaņol buscando tribu en el juego, acabo de hacer el preorder y mi char principal :D
Espero encontraros :D

03-08-2011, 11:03 AM
I'm glad to see another RP-tribe coming into Xsyon.

May I ask whether you have already decided on a spot for your camp? Just the general region will do for now, no details required. :) I'm currently in the process to setup a small RP-tribe too and from your post it seems to me that there's a good chance we could work together some time, be it for RP, for trade and collaboration, for mutual safety, for an event.

Here is the link to my original post: http://www.xsyon.com/forum/showthread.php/3393-Thinking-about-a-new-lore-RP-based-tribe. We're currently operating out of a small homestead in the mountains about 10 minutes running from Sugarpine.

Hope to meet you guys in-game some time.

Greetings Larsa!
We have a couple of spots and we are thinking about it, probably we will settle in the north region of the lake, near Crystal.We look foward to make events with you and other RP guilds.
Good luck on release!

A los espaņoles si os interesa formar parte de La Guardia Sin Nombre visitar nuestro foro ;)

03-08-2011, 11:27 AM
;D un saludo desde la rosa, nos vemos en los campos del xsyon

03-16-2011, 01:42 AM
Hola, me interesa contactar con vosotros, por que zona pensais empezar la tribu?

03-19-2011, 12:53 PM
Hola afrodita, hemos coincidido ya en el juego como te comente en el te animo a que te pases por nuestros foros http://www.clanlgsn.com/index.php?board=35.0 y que solicites el reclutamiento asi te conocemos un pocom mas :-)

Un saludo.