View Full Version : Dissapointment

02-19-2011, 01:53 AM
I have tried to download this game since yesterday afternnoon. If im lucky i get 100 kb/s when i can download with 1 mb/s. Oh and then it disconnects at random, and cannot resume ??? This is the first time EVER i have had any problems downloading any game, and I have played em all. Everything is ok on my side, checked everything even my isp.

Anyone know of an alternative downloadlocation?

Also, im getting kinda worried, and wondering if I should just forget about the download, since now im reading that the servers isnt even working. People chars arent being saved, Server not responding for long periods of time, items dissapearing.

Comeon im all in for Indie companies, and dont mind issues, but this just start to sound like a waste of money.

I have been sitting on the fence about this game for so long, and yesterday i decided to buy and just go with it, but now this... im beginning to regret wasting money.

02-19-2011, 01:58 AM
Yep, Patcher is still disconnecting at random times now!

i have been downloading the game since yesterday! and took 1 day and not even 2gb yet, usually we will continue where we left off, but in Xsyon, apparently if you lost the connection, you have to start over

02-19-2011, 02:00 AM
The opened an alternative download method through torrent. If you go to the announcement page, under server update (i believe), there is a link.

I wouldn't be too discouraged, I've been through alot of releases, and they all have problems, one way or another. It will probably take a couple more days to sort out the bulk of the problems and things should be relatively smooth. Also, I played in beta, and the game is very addictive. You have spent your money well. Just give it a bit of time.

02-19-2011, 02:02 AM
There is a torrent up. Everyone who did not have the full download has the same problem as you, and the download is directly effecting server bandwidth. A lot of people bought it yesterday and the day before but decided to download now. We've never had any trouble with this before, but with this massively quick influx, the staff has to scramble to get a new server.

It sucks, its like every release, but the devs have been remarkably honest, straightforward, and compliant with the communities opinions, so I expect that the new server will be up very soon. How soon? Soon(TM) soon, honestly.

02-19-2011, 02:02 AM
Yeah the inability to resume is killing me. Even more so now as im only sitting at 65 kb/s... Seriously, i wanna play this game, but if I cant even download, im not sure im not just gonna dispute the paypal charge and go play DF for another 2 months. The server still seems to not be working. Bugs are fine, unstable server is fine, but server not saving, commands take several minutes so execute ?? Im not sure about all that.

I read something, somewhere about a torrent, have not been able to find a link tho ? Anyone ? It would be much appreciated.

EDIT: Ah ok, thanks for the info on the torrent. yeah i know that new mmo´s, expecially indie-mmo´s can have problems, most im willing to deal with :).

02-19-2011, 02:03 AM
Xsyon is working hard through the night to ensure the game gets running properly again.

02-19-2011, 02:08 AM
Yeah the inability to resume is killing me. Even more so now as im only sitting at 65 kb/s... Seriously, i wanna play this game, but if I cant even download, im not sure im not just gonna dispute the paypal charge and go play DF for another 2 months. The server still seems to not be working. Bugs are fine, unstable server is fine, but server not saving, commands take several minutes so execute ?? Im not sure about all that.

I read something, somewhere about a torrent, have not been able to find a link tho ? Anyone ? It would be much appreciated.


I'd honestly advise sticking with it. This is a major issue that's on the server company's hands, even if the staff is partially responsable for not foreseeing this. We can't save correctly because the bandwidth is just gone, giving us 1.2k ms lag regurally. I can't stress this enough- the game is awesome, especially when you play with a group (though you're able to be self-sufficient). I've had so much fun, and I've played more MMO's then I can list. It's a breath of fresh air that's also deliciously tasty ^_^

EDIT: Xsyon is the CEO, creative director, lead designer, and programmer for the game. He's also incredibly communicative and caring about his community, a welcome change.

02-19-2011, 02:11 AM
dude, it;'s aint that bad, maybe after few days it will be ok.
but the game itself is kinda cool. it's actually quite deep, and u feel damn awesome after u find out how to build what and what link to what~ felt u actually achieved something!

02-19-2011, 02:16 AM
Yeah Its all good, just got soo frustrated after waking up seeing it had not downloaded yet lol. Now im on the torrent, getting the larger files at full speed, will be seeding as much as needed. One question tho, how am i gonna amend the rest of the files, as the downloader doesnt seem to want to resume ? If i resume downloading on top of the data files, wont it just reset em and start over as it has been doing these past 24 hours ?

Cant wait to get into this game, it really looks great.

EDIT: Thanks for all the nice replies guys. I was kinda expecting a shitstorm after my initial post. This community really has something going for it. First time for everything i guess :P

02-19-2011, 02:42 AM
Yeah Its all good, just got soo frustrated after waking up seeing it had not downloaded yet lol. Now im on the torrent, getting the larger files at full speed, will be seeding as much as needed. One question tho, how am i gonna amend the rest of the files, as the downloader doesnt seem to want to resume ? If i resume downloading on top of the data files, wont it just reset em and start over as it has been doing these past 24 hours ?

Cant wait to get into this game, it really looks great.

EDIT: Thanks for all the nice replies guys. I was kinda expecting a shitstorm after my initial post. This community really has something going for it. First time for everything i guess :P

Yep, we have a very interesting community here. Best part- we've got tons of PvP tribes here and nearly all of them are against greifing. We're trying to actually be physically hostile to greifers to get the message across-you don't do that here. One of my guys already has a 'prison b*tch' he smacks around because the guy tried to gank him with a friend. Dude ended up with no pants ^_^

02-19-2011, 02:59 AM
One of my guys already has a 'prison b*tch' he smacks around because the guy tried to gank him with a friend. Dude ended up with no pants ^_^

Yikes. You sure you wanna brag about that!?:p

02-19-2011, 03:56 AM
Now i downloaded all the data files, save for 2 smaller ones, but the data is not in the swarm yet, so i just copied the files to the xsyon data directory. The launcher now analyses files, but then just crashes. Is the server down, or is this due to incomplete data files ? or just completely random hehe.

EDIT: Fixed. I deleted the data files, and then copied only the fully downloaded ones. Then launcher analysed files, and are now downloading the last two. 519 mb remaining. It seems it can not resume on partially downloaded files.