View Full Version : Ok so how many tribe leaders feels like raging?

02-19-2011, 05:12 AM
So after 2 hour of pure lag fest managed to get totem placed and stayed up for another 2 to make sure it stays there when server rollesback again..

Log in the morning to find out our totem has become ghost totem and some fucker has placed homestead on our buffer zone not only that it seems that none of us are in tribe anymore too! And chery on top our tribe name is taken since it is on ghost totem and no way of abandoning totem since its ghost!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad:

This is really fraked I know lot people in same position... If server dont get wipe get ready for petition spam from our tribe...


P.S there has been aditional confirmation that there is possibility of wipe but it really dont help if its not certain! should we play or should we wait? Are we actualy gona get headstart this week before main launch?


Everyone post here how you feel about this situation if you been affected:mad::mad::mad::mad:

02-19-2011, 05:14 AM
You've never played a mmorpg on launch day?

02-19-2011, 05:14 AM
Only you, cause didn't stick it out like we did and got our spots. While the guides were around helping out. I mean really whos here to be blaimed but yourself?

02-19-2011, 05:18 AM
Hey Star_God. I am not so bothered because I have not joined a tribe yet. If I was a tribe leader and that happened I would be pretty upset. . especially the name thing.

I had to re-roll and was able to place a new totem by my old one. The new one worked and has stuck so far. It is pretty messed up. The newest update says that they will look at restoring original positions of placed totems once they figure out what is going on. If they can do that it will help. It might not help me though since I re-rolled. Likely I will lose my good one and they will restore my old one which now has no character attached :)

From the sound of the post someone was exploiting and making fake totems on purpose. It could be this person that took your spot as well. One way or the other they are going to have to fix it so you might be in luck yet.

02-19-2011, 05:20 AM
This is really fraked I know lot people in same position...

Who ?

02-19-2011, 05:20 AM
Everyone post here how you feel about this situation if you been affected:mad::mad::mad::mad:

Pretty much everyone is affected, my feelings are that shit happens, they'll get it sorted eventually and we'll be back to this great game. Until then, I'm rolling with the punches, because it's worth it to me.

02-19-2011, 05:22 AM
star we have the same problem...after 3hour lagfest we placed our totem. loged in today, another guild placed their totem on "our" ground. epicfail

02-19-2011, 05:24 AM
star we have the same problem...after 3hour lagfest we placed our totem. loged in today, another guild placed their totem on "our" ground. epicfail

Wow, that's just plain evil. :(

02-19-2011, 05:28 AM
Similar thing happened where we couldn't place a totem and someone came in and swooped in a homestead so we are unable to take the spot we had planned on for months. But I guess that is part of the game, only thing we could really do is camp the area and pk him if he tries to leave.

02-19-2011, 05:30 AM
star we have the same problem...after 3hour lagfest we placed our totem. loged in today, another guild placed their totem on "our" ground. epicfail
same thing happend to us! yesterday night we lagged to a not taken place and placed our totem, todays moring shock. our totem was ghost, tribe was broken and our land taken by someone else :(

02-19-2011, 05:30 AM
Similar thing happened where we couldn't place a totem and someone came in and swooped in a homestead so we are unable to take the spot we had planned on for months. But I guess that is part of the game, only thing we could really do is camp the area and pk him if he tries to leave.

lol sounds like a plan

02-19-2011, 06:25 AM
"Ok so how many tribe leaders feels like raging?"

Not me nor the rest of our Tribe leaders. The Devs will figure this out, and we will be there supporting them when they do. It's not our first 'rodeo' mate.

I've been there on launch for several other games, and they were no picnic either. In Xsyon's case, this is definitely a game worth waiting for.

We'll take our "rage" out ingame inflicting damage on enemies.

Cya ingame,


Looking for a fun mature tribe? Check out our advertisement: http://www.xsyon.com/forum/forumdisplay.php/44-Tribe-Advertisement

02-19-2011, 07:09 AM
It happened to everyone who was able to place. I would say it was about 4-4.5 hours after the launch. Server crashed, came back up and all the tribes and totems were fubar...

Database corruption or someone accidently ran the wrong SQL update....lol

There was a Guide (GM) online that helped everyone out. Luckily, we still had 5 guys in TS3, had to reform the tribe twice and we were able to place 10 yards or so close to where we originally placed. Our old totem is "NULL" and is still sitting there...

It was a mess man.....hell it still is.

But it's a launch, they hardly ever go well for sandbox games.

02-19-2011, 08:06 AM
same problem for us, but i am not raging about it :)

would be nice if they could wipe the world but safe the characters and tribe data from database, so that we can logg in sometime and everything is like it should. If not i wont repeat what i did last night and i will not login until i get a stable connection. If our spot will be taken by another tribe i try to find an alternative, although there aren't many that fit into things we want to. Nevertheless after all this i strongly believe in EU Server and that i dont really will have a real pre launch, because the game will start for me in march 1st.
oh no wait - shit i forget i have to remove to a new apartement on march 2nd, so i wont be able to play for this week or two, depending of when my internet connection will go live again. Its annoying, but why getting upset about it?

02-19-2011, 10:09 AM
lol sounds like a plan

I'd try asking the homesteader if he will move instead if I were you. Last night I got incredibly lucky on the recipes I started with, then got incredibly lucky again to drop a totem before everything went haywire and froze up. When I kept coming back, it was still there. But it wasn't my first pick, it wasn't an ideal location. But why not? Water, junkpile, oh, and trees, too.

It wasn't ideal because I could tell by looking at it that a tribe of 5 or so could fill the space much better. So when the lag finally eased off and after a rollback or three, I picked up and moved. And then I got hit by the mighty totem creation delay. So I rerolled. And then I got lost and ended up somewhere there were no junkpiles. Then I rerolled. Then I got eaten by a bear. Then I rerolled. Then my totem bugged in a spot that was in the middle of nowhere but probably still better for a tribe than a homestead.

Then I gave up and went to sleep. Now I have a totem parked out at the edge of some ugly green fog. I'm staring at ugly, green-tinted scenery, probably glowing in the dark, so I wouldn't take up space that would suit a tribe better, and no one even asked me to move, or came by and hinted, or stood in front of me and made sad faces. (All of the above would also have worked). Threatening me would not have worked. It would have made me stubborn and mean, and I would have stayed right where I was. So please, tribes, ask the homesteaders nicely, offer to help them move, to escort them to a great little spot for a homestead with all the amenities, but don't threaten them. Threatening people tends to piss them off and make them want to do whatever they think you don't want them to do.

02-19-2011, 10:49 AM
This is a non issue to be honest.

Having a Tribe of one and having utilised an obvious loophole to secure a Tribal totem instead of a Homestead one is pretty sad and part of the propblems of the last 2 days.

I'm going to PK him every chance I get, because he has contributed - in some way - to messing up launch.

Then the devs will fix it and his totem will become a homestead one.

Then I will continue to PK him.


02-19-2011, 11:00 AM
I'd try asking the homesteader if he will move instead if I were you. Last night I got incredibly lucky on the recipes I started with, then got incredibly lucky again to drop a totem before everything went haywire and froze up. When I kept coming back, it was still there. But it wasn't my first pick, it wasn't an ideal location. But why not? Water, junkpile, oh, and trees, too.

It wasn't ideal because I could tell by looking at it that a tribe of 5 or so could fill the space much better. So when the lag finally eased off and after a rollback or three, I picked up and moved. And then I got hit by the mighty totem creation delay. So I rerolled. And then I got lost and ended up somewhere there were no junkpiles. Then I rerolled. Then I got eaten by a bear. Then I rerolled. Then my totem bugged in a spot that was in the middle of nowhere but probably still better for a tribe than a homestead.

Then I gave up and went to sleep. Now I have a totem parked out at the edge of some ugly green fog. I'm staring at ugly, green-tinted scenery, probably glowing in the dark, so I wouldn't take up space that would suit a tribe better, and no one even asked me to move, or came by and hinted, or stood in front of me and made sad faces. (All of the above would also have worked). Threatening me would not have worked. It would have made me stubborn and mean, and I would have stayed right where I was. So please, tribes, ask the homesteaders nicely, offer to help them move, to escort them to a great little spot for a homestead with all the amenities, but don't threaten them. Threatening people tends to piss them off and make them want to do whatever they think you don't want them to do.

exactly right, i managed to struggle thru the lag to drop my homestead in the place i found a few weeks ago. Over the past few days tho a new tribe had been scouting out the area and obviously liked it. I only claimed a cave but its next to a scrap pile and some flat land with water. The larger tribe also managed to drop a totem very close to me, probably around the sAME TIME difficult to tell with the lag.

Today tho it was obvious we were very close and they started by just telling me to pack up my stuff. This just made me thing no ill make things difficult for you then for the next few weeks, but eventually when they were more rreasonable we came to a deal. I moved for just a few items/tools i wouldnt have got without trading later on
( i dont keep re rolling im a bit of a rp'er in a small way!

anyway the poiint is just be nice and negotiate and im sure lots of people will co operate!

02-19-2011, 11:40 AM
exactly right, i managed to struggle thru the lag to drop my homestead in the place i found a few weeks ago. Over the past few days tho a new tribe had been scouting out the area and obviously liked it. I only claimed a cave but its next to a scrap pile and some flat land with water. The larger tribe also managed to drop a totem very close to me, probably around the sAME TIME difficult to tell with the lag.

Today tho it was obvious we were very close and they started by just telling me to pack up my stuff. This just made me thing no ill make things difficult for you then for the next few weeks, but eventually when they were more rreasonable we came to a deal. I moved for just a few items/tools i wouldnt have got without trading later on
( i dont keep re rolling im a bit of a rp'er in a small way!

anyway the poiint is just be nice and negotiate and im sure lots of people will co operate!

I hope a lot of these issues get settled exactly the same way. But yeah, I misunderstood about Cejay's situation, if someone dropped a tribe totem knowingly rather than the homestead totem they were supposed to drop, that's a bit different from a homesteader and a tribe just wanting the same spot. Grief the pants off him, Cejay.