View Full Version : My Xsyon Review Part 4 - In the Face of Chrisis

02-20-2011, 11:18 AM
I copied this over from the forums of mmorpg.com. I originally posted it there, but I thought I would also re-post it here, to share with the actual Xsyon community.

Howdy All,

Some folks have been following me here on mmorpg.com, and many others have decided to give the game a chance, and pre-ordered, due to some of my posts. Now, since the pre-launch went as unsuccessful as it did, I think I, as a fellow gamer, owe them an apology. Sure, the whole pre-launch thing did not have anything to do with me, what I did, as I am not an employee of Notorious (though some still believe me to be one). For those that understand the gaming industry, many of us actually involved with it understand what an NDA is, but I honestly have no NDA contract and receive no payment from Notorious or any company involved with them. I am however, a true FanBoi, and have no issue claiming myself as one.

So what's the point of this whole post? Well, first to say that I'm sorry this game of Xsyon did not have a successful "Pre-Launch." I wish I myself could have done more to ensure it's success, but as a customer, well, we don't get much say in the matter.

However, I myself am not giving up on Jordi Grau Davis, Notorious, or Xsyon. I believe the choices he's had to make, due to the poor launch of a game he's quite literally put his life into, neither came easy nor do they sit well with his conscious.

With that in mind, I give him my support, if that means anything. I personally was dissatisfied with the lag, constant rollbacks, and the fiasco that I will now call "Xsyon's Lake Taho Land Grab." Things got too big too fast, and well, I am partially to blame for that. I as a fan of Xsyon, without anyone's consent or authorization, took it upon myself to share my experieces with this great game, and attempt to get it more attention with the "Gaming Community."

In that, both myself, and SaintBob, succeeded. Many pre-orders rushed in at the last minute, and when the moment came, it was too much too soon, and the servers were not set up to handle it. Now, whether it was Notorious' fault, or their server suppliers, that's not our business as gamers.

Gamers are a demanding lot, myself included. When we buy a game, we want it to "work as intended." We want no lag, a low ping, and all the Features promissed to us. Now, I personally can understand things do not always go the way you want them to, with the coding of Features, relying on programmers to get it done the way it needs to be (in the eyes of the owners at least), and well, shit happens. Having excuses or something to blame the problems on, well, is all well and good, but well, many of us in the gaming world are getting tired of those excuses.

I'm not writing this post to Condemn them though, Notorious or Jordi, but more to commend. The customers who pre-ordered were promissed only that with purchase, we would receive 2 months of game time after the "Official Launch." Though, we were also "told" we would receive a "Two Week" headstart. With the initial push back of the sceduled Pre-Launch, and then it's total failure, we all figured we were once again being screwed by a gaming company. It was even announced, that another wipe would need to occur, after their announced "Pre-Launch." Many players took time out of our real lives, sacrficed personal time at work, and truly wanted to be there "first" to play. We were let down.

But, a little light does show up at the end of the tunnel. With this epic fail, finally a person who gets us gamers. He's decided to basically "if at first you don't succeed, try again." Jordi is planning a new "Final Wipe" once things get better situated with the Server supplier, and also trying to make it so those tribes that weren't trying to "exploit" the lag and bugs, to be able to get their "place" in the game they had claimed. He's also giving us our "2week head start" by pushing back the "Official Launch" 2 more weeks. For those that don't understand, this is a major blow to him. To both his Ego as a programmer, and a businesman (not to mention the company is now out some money). It's why normally, when a game has a similar "Failed Launch," they don't make concessions to their customers. Jordi though seems to understand us a lot better, and is at least trying to give us what we want. In that attempt, you have my respect, and support.

So, to Jordi Grau Davis, you have my apologies for spreading the word, as well as my gratitude, for the hard decisions you have made.

02-20-2011, 11:30 AM
Well Said. :)


02-20-2011, 11:44 AM
There really wasn't a better way to handle the pre launch being a disaster then to give us our 2 weeks pre-launch still by extending the date of official launch. For myself a pre-launch period is always a big seller for pre ordering to give myself that little bit of footing into the world as to not have to deal with the rest of the people who buy it on the day of the launch.

02-20-2011, 11:55 AM
That was a review? Sounded more like stroking yourself off taking credit for last minute pre-orders?

I agree there were tough decisions made, and I think things were handled as well as they could have been.

02-20-2011, 11:58 AM
The devs are my favorite part about this game. Not to take away from the game itself but the communication, and social skills of these devs are worth it, I don't get the I'm a f&*^in dev and a bad ass more then though vibe.

of course I also enjoy watching the weather roll in. If this game had bigger production values it would be the hottest game ever. but its like 3 dudes, I will pay 3 dudes before a company like blizzard, they put everything in, they want this game as bad as we do.

02-20-2011, 12:08 PM
That was a review? Sounded more like stroking yourself off taking credit for last minute pre-orders?

Thats what i was thinking all the way through reading that. Serious "nose-up-bum" action. I personally wouldnt think your responsible for all the last minute pre-orders. Maybe you are, but surely it should be a selfless act for the love of the game, not to try and boost your standing within the comunity and its developers?

02-20-2011, 12:09 PM
That was a review? Sounded more like stroking yourself off taking credit for last minute pre-orders?

I agree there were tough decisions made, and I think things were handled as well as they could have been.

Nice visual there... As for the title, has been my "title" for a lot of the posts I made on Xsyon, a theme. So, thanks for being a flamer, you're allowed your opinions. I'm allowed mine as well, and well, yes, this is a "Review of my Experience of Xsyon." So, yes, it's a review.

Troll on Jounce, you don't bother me one bit bud.

02-20-2011, 12:22 PM
No word of mouth advertising could have made this game hit the raider at the last minute like it did if the game itself wasn't so different from everything else out there and with such a compelling concept and solid design. Technical issues are going to happen, especially at first, and they're going to be worked out. Yeah, it was a bit severe in this case with the lag, the glitches, and the incoming Second Coming of Wipe, but none of that touches the foundation, which is the game itself, and from everything I've seen, these devs are bending over backwards, leaning sideways, and tying themselves in knots trying to give us something we will enjoy for a long time to come while keeping to the vision behind it, and not only that, they're communicating with us about it.

In the end, it's the game itself that will keep people coming back and bring more people in, and from what I've seen so far, it's just going to keep growing, and only the community turning really ugly or some unforseeable (possibly sleep-deprivation inspired) future dev insanity will do real damage.

02-20-2011, 12:23 PM
Chrisis? Crisis.

02-20-2011, 12:26 PM
Chrisis? Crisis.

eh, never claimed to be an English Major. I'm a hick, with redneck family members. Be lucky I don't always type the way I talk.

02-20-2011, 12:28 PM
Your reviews and publicity for the game have definitely gathered interest among those who would have not bothered originally. Yes, it's disappointing to see the game have a rough pre-launch, however, under the circumstances I think he did about as well as he could have.

I remember months ago when this game seemed like it had an extremely small following...Fast forward to a few days ago when so many users were online that I'm sure no one expected (besides those who know the official #'s). Xsyon got punched in the mouth, but he got back up and he's dealing with the issues. Let's give him some slack and get this going for round 2. We're still in it.

02-20-2011, 12:46 PM
That was a review? Sounded more like stroking yourself off taking credit for last minute pre-orders?

I agree there were tough decisions made, and I think things were handled as well as they could have been.

Yeah, its a flame, but true.

No offence, Willbonney, but your "reviews" are quite one sided and posting it here is like preaching to the choir, since people are here because they like the game.

02-20-2011, 12:51 PM
eh, was asked by a few people, in game and in responses on these forums, to repost some of my mmorpg stuff onto here as well, because some people don't like going over to that site. So, am only doing as requested bud. Sorry you didn't like it, but no one forced you to read it, or even click on the link.

02-20-2011, 04:00 PM
Well said, all except for the part where you believe you and Saintbob drove up all the pre-orders last minute. More likely the community as a whole, and the fact that the game was so close to "launch," is what sparked some new interest.

02-20-2011, 04:18 PM
Well said, all except for the part where you believe you and Saintbob drove up all the pre-orders last minute. More likely the community as a whole, and the fact that the game was so close to "launch," is what sparked some new interest.

Yeah I mean I appreciated the tutorials and stuff but seriously, there are VERY few sandbox RPGs out there, expecially ones with open world pvp and looting (even if its only sort of right now). Personally I found the game just searching for "sandbox mmorpg" which turned up some forum posts on mmorpg.com.

Again, I appreciate the tutorials but the credit for the game's interest goes to the developers and the community as a whole, not to any one or two people.

02-20-2011, 04:26 PM
Sigh, as stated first in the re-post, this message's original intent was for the followers of MMORPG.com and those that have been following me there. It is a re-post of that message, at the request of other players who have asked me to repeat the messages I put there, onto this forum as well.

I am not trying to take "credit" from the community, that's not the intent of my post. I do take the credit I received from other players however, who specifically has told me "I joined the game after reading your posts." Have also heard many say they bought the game due to SaintBob's videos. The timing of my original "My Xsyon Review" posts, as well as SaintBob's video tutorials, did spark much interest for the game, specifically on mmorpg.com.

So in that aspect, I do take that credit, as well should SaintBob. Though, I do give credit where credit is due, and know that many others out there have been spreading the word of this great game, through their own means of communication.

My posting is not to take credit however, but to apologize to Jooky in causing any problems I did cause, by making an effort to bring more attention to this game. Would this game still be popular without my posts? I would sure hope so, the game sells itself. Would there be as much hype to get in game right now without my posts, or SaintBob's videos? I don't know. We did what we did, we sparked a flame, the flame became self-sustaining, and the Buzz really picked up into a forest fire.

Bah, really hope I'm not coming off as the douchebag I think I might be responding like this. I hate editing posts that have replies on them, so out of habbit, refuse to. My "phrasing" could have probably been better, and I don't think I'm expressing well what I'm trying to say. Guess there's always going to be those the nit-pck though, eh, I should just stop...

02-20-2011, 11:12 PM
Why would he be upset with more customers for one? For two sounds like you are stroking yourself at the idea of some recognition from the dev team. If anything the Darkfall forums and players should be the ones getting most of the credit, since big portion of the playerbase are.

02-20-2011, 11:32 PM
Sorry will it does read like u are stroking ur own ego a little, to be honest some of ur previous posts did too like u seek some kind of gratitude from the community and the devs. Talking about the game in a positive manner on other sites is great but leave it at that mate. anyway someone should post a good a honest review over their it would still sell the game if it was balanced, and, you wouldn't have half the community at mmorpg.com accusing u of working for the devs!

02-21-2011, 01:44 AM
SERIOUSLY! I dont get half you guys here really. Will and Bob may not be responsible for all the pre-orders but I didnt see any of you taking the time or making the effort to try and go out and promote this game did I?? They did, and without anyone asking them to do it. So why not give them seom cred for that they did huh. I know many people who have said in game the reason they tried Xsyon in the first place was from watching a Bob vid on youtube or because they read a post from Will. So yeah, maybe they didnt bring everyone here, they DID bring a lot of us. So back off a bit on the guy will ya. I for one am happy to see all the new faces thier efforts have brought us, even the evil bastards who steal my crafting knife. Here, here, Will and Bob, thanks for being the few that actually gave a shit to try in the first place!

02-21-2011, 02:00 AM
I do agree with willbonneys post but i do have to say something about mmorpg.com.
When i played age of conan i made some posts at mmorpg that were not positive about that game, but written in a civil manner.

They all got deleted, the same with many others who wrote something negative about that game and i never went back to that site again.

So, willbonney, you don't have to worry that you made me pre-order this game, i've read about it on another site.

02-21-2011, 02:32 AM
That was a review? Sounded more like stroking yourself off taking credit for last minute pre-orders?

I agree there were tough decisions made, and I think things were handled as well as they could have been.

I second this...

02-21-2011, 04:51 AM
Well, to be honest, i got alot of fun even with this game recent start, running like crazy first 5 minutes, killing coyote biting my back, gathering to create totem and struggling with lag, discussing each server crush and slow-motion playin after that...
Actually, i dont feel very dissapointed, developers still made same proposal with gift (2 weeks before release), the only problem i have atm - no game to play :)

02-21-2011, 10:38 AM
SERIOUSLY! I dont get half you guys here really. Will and Bob may not be responsible for all the pre-orders but I didnt see any of you taking the time or making the effort to try and go out and promote this game did I?? They did, and without anyone asking them to do it. So why not give them seom cred for that they did huh. I know many people who have said in game the reason they tried Xsyon in the first place was from watching a Bob vid on youtube or because they read a post from Will. So yeah, maybe they didnt bring everyone here, they DID bring a lot of us. So back off a bit on the guy will ya. I for one am happy to see all the new faces thier efforts have brought us, even the evil bastards who steal my crafting knife. Here, here, Will and Bob, thanks for being the few that actually gave a shit to try in the first place!

No one is saying that they didn't help promote the game. And I will be the first to give them kodos (actually, Saintbob was the reason I joined, but I already gave him a props in another thread). I know there are a few threads going on in other games as well, probably all the major ones or other sandbox games. There have been many reviews and posts on MMORPG in the Xsyon forums, which have helped with the growth of this game.

Sure Bush talked about democracy in the Middle East/Islamic Regions years ago, but they weren't the reason for the revolution in Egypt.

Anyways, I am not just some guy talking out of my ass, here is my contribution that I made a few weeks ago and it has over 2k views. Am I responsible for people coming to this game? I have no idea, but I liked this game and I hoped it would create interest.
